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Old School Genetics (OSG)


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Started this thread mainly thanks to @MindSoup and his love of the Petrol Skunk.


Plus it will help to consolidate any info/finding we have and stop me hijacking threads.


I'm about to make an order with OSG but I'm still undecided on exactly which cultivars.


Petrol Skunk is on the list as is Widow Road and Oldman's Silver Haze.


Does anyone know anything about "Old Red Sour" ?

Genetics: Sour Diesel IBL x Jamaican Blueberry x Red Khyber Landrace


Looks and sounds delicious. I'm tempted with that one too as a 'chancer' cultivar as it sounds different and reading around a bit folks rate it highly. Except for the Haze they are all marked as 65 days too so would probably go together quite well. Not so fussed about the cheese but that Josh D OG x BlueBerry has my eye too.


Please post any growing pics, harvest pics, smoke reports or any info you can muster about any of the OSG lines.

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the old gas station one lit my fire but unfortunately my wallet extinguished it lol

also liking the sound of the kosher crosses, the GMO kosher sounds very nice, and the old school skunk, depending on whether its a sweet skunk or a sour  type.

also the strawberry mist, if its got ythe old kali mist in it, could be something special

so many choices

Edited by badbillybob
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This is now the third thread named "old school genetics" although TBF one of them isn't about the breeder. 


Pretty sure @Gaijin did some old red sour in his diary. 


This should shed some light . 



Edited by MindSoup
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1 hour ago, DeltaMelter said:

Except for the Haze they are all marked as 65 days

I think he says 80 days for the haze but mine were 90 days at least so don't get them if you don't have the time to do them justice. The OW90's was spot on though, 65 days was about right.

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1 hour ago, DeltaMelter said:

Josh D OG x BlueBerry

 The one I did got swamped by the Old Mans Haze the First time I ran it and hermied the second time from a cut. The smoke from the first run was good though, very blueberry flavour wise with the OG coming through as well in the effects.

Edited by MindSoup
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43 minutes ago, badbillybob said:

the old gas station one lit my fire but unfortunately my wallet extinguished it lol

also liking the sound of the kosher crosses, the GMO kosher sounds very nice, and the old school skunk, depending on whether its a sweet skunk or a sour  type.

also the strawberry mist, if its got ythe old kali mist in it, could be something special

so many choices

The old school skunk is proper actual old school skunk, dirty filthy nasty, made from really old beans/cuts. @catweazle1 is growing some at the moment, they seem a bit slow to get going, but early days yet, they're expensive as fuck but you get a huge pack to hunt through. I have a pack of the strawberry mist as well, that one really intrigued me, but I'm yet to pop any. Like you say so many choices, especially with all these kosher crosses, kosher is one of my top 5 for sure, but I've got too any seeds and too thin a wallet at the moment . 

Edited by MindSoup
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@MindSoup Doh, I didn't know about the other threads - I ran a search and came up with nothing. I searched Old School Genetics but I should have put it in "quote marks" so it was a more accurate search.


I'll have a dig through those thank you! Good to know about the Josh D BlueBerry, I have a hankering after my Josh D all failed to germ.



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5 hours ago, MindSoup said:

Pretty sure @Gaijin did some old red sour in his diary. 

Now that I couldn't find, he hasn't logged-in this year either from what I can tell.

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5 hours ago, latigid aikon said:

I think he says 80 days for the haze but mine were 90 days at least so don't get them if you don't have the time to do them justice. The OW90's was spot on though, 65 days was about right.

I thought that might be the case. I'm tempted with combining them with a Panama Haze that's a 13 weeker, it's just which tent! The 3x3 has less headroom but I could just do tall Hazes in there and keep the 4x4 with the shorter vars and an attempt at an even canopy with 9 plants from seed.....

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9 hours ago, MindSoup said:

The old school skunk is proper actual old school skunk, dirty filthy nasty, made from really old beans/cuts. @catweazle1 is growing some at the moment, they seem a bit slow to get going, but early days yet, they're expensive as fuck but you get a huge pack to hunt through. I have a pack of the strawberry mist as well, that one really intrigued me, but I'm yet to pop any. Like you say so many choices, especially with all these kosher crosses, kosher is one of my top 5 for sure, but I've got too any seeds and too thin a wallet at the moment . 

The Old School Skunk appear to be  well worn out in terms of vigour and weedy and in structure and a bit yellowy of the ones I've planted so far. The OSG Cheese is the total opposite... indestructible. I have 3 Reg Skunks (sex unknown as yet) and 4 Cheese fems. I've just treated one cheese for reversing and hoping one of the skunks is male. I've had a go at reversing a cheese as insurance that I have no normal skunk males when they show in a couple of weeks or so. Just started 12/12. The smell's there but no stinkers. @badbillybobThe Skunk is supposed to be the non-sweet type... that's why I bought them. Mixing the Skunk with the Cheese, and later the Cheese Blues and No Names seeds that I have will hopefully give me a good gene pool to look through next year. I'm having a rest after these seeds are collected for two or 3 months to chill and consolidate what I've learned so far. 

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5 hours ago, DeltaMelter said:

Now that I couldn't find, he hasn't logged-in this year either from what I can tell.


He did a diary called diary #1 or something and maybe a #2 before he disappeared. I know he had some ORS seeds but not sure if he actually popped them. 

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@catweazle1 That's a shame they're not very vigurous, not like the others I've seen people growing out. Maybe it's the case of needing to hunt them a bit, possibly why they sell them in such huge packs. Either way I think the end results should hopefully be worth nursing them along. 

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7 hours ago, DeltaMelter said:

The 3x3 has less headroom but I could just do tall Hazes in there

They weren't as tall as I expected so you'd probably get away with that.

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