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Earth To Earth, Ashes To Ashes – What went down at Product Earth 2024?


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After a bold move to London, Product Earth's 2024 expo promoting cannabis and other natural wellness was forced to cancel day 2 of the event, due to people smoking inside the venue. Dave Barton takes a look at the broader picture..


So Product Earth day 2 was a bust. As in cancelled. As in ‘cancelled-in-the-middle-of-the-night-and-I’m-learning-this-in-a-taxi-en-route-to-the-venue’ cancelled (should really start checking my messages before leaving…).


And the reason for the nocturnal cessation a mere ten hours before doors were set to open on day 2? People were smoking cannabis. At a cannabis-dominated event. 

To be fair to the organisers – and to give some insight for you, dear reader – let’s unpack this a little.

Consumption conundrum

Without trying to humblebrag (much), I’ve been to a lot of cannabis industry events – in the USA, Canada, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. While each of these nations take varying legal positions on cannabis, at each event consumption is never an issue. It’s simply part of the background. It’s a conduit to our shared experience as attendees. It’s what we’re all fucking there for. 


So the assumption – nay, the practice – is that we can openly consume: among our chosen tribe. And we do.


The UK, however, leans differently on consumption. Sure, medical is legal here – and is accommodated at British events like Product Earth and Cannabis Europa – but openly vaping weed on the high street (somewhat ironically) draws a lot of attention. 


As a patient, I do it mostly at home, or during my afternoon constitutional. But I’m just not comfortable being the source of ‘the smell’ in public here. Unless I’m in canna-company, that is: because then we’re all equally culpable. But when it comes to events, it’s the organisers that have to take it on the chin.

Venue, vidi, vici

Historically, PE has been held out in the sticks. Somewhere off the beaten path near Coventry, somewhere completely self-contained, with lots of outside space, but essentially hidden in plain sight. Based on my experience last year, it was clear that anything went. The legacy market was in full view, and seemingly, everyone had a great time. 


Honestly, what was Drumsheds expecting? They must have known full well the nature of Product Earth


But holding it at the Drumsheds in London this year brought with it bigger audiences and a lot more scrutiny; apparently from the venue management who took exception to indoor consumption – allegedly by exhibitors – despite there being a sizable outdoor space.


Honestly, what was Drumsheds expecting? They must have known full well the nature of Product Earth. But were they given assurances that consumption would be restricted to outdoor spaces only – and used exclusively by prescription-wielding patients? I struggle to believe they’d be that naive. Having been there on the ground, there was scant security inside the venue (it all seemed to be deployed at the entrance gate) and from what I saw, there was little attempt to curb consumption by anyone. 


Frankly, what would have been the point? That said, given the nature of the event there could have been more effort to express the house rules to all and sundry. Should indoor smokers have been immediately removed? Smoking anything in an enclosed public space has been illegal in the UK since 2007. People know they’re not supposed to. But you only had to glance around the Product Earth show floor to clock wisps of smoke emanating from all four corners. And no one seemed (and I may be wrong) to be doing anything about it. 


We were with our tribe, after all – and it’s only weed… right??


Little Britain

In my view, these issues highlight the unspoken prejudice we have around cannabis in Britain. Most non-canna people, when asked, would probably concur that they were ok with it – even if it ‘wasn’t for them’ per se. But when stoners relax into consumption, under the impression that ‘it’s all illegal, so what’s one more rule break?’ and openly do so, non-cannabists then start to take exception (especially if they’re risking their licence to operate as a venue).


It’s a massive double standard, but it does highlight the need for regulation, information, and education more broadly. Recreational cannabis isn’t legal here in the UK. Are shows like Product Earth giving a false impression that it is by permitting consumption? I actually think this is the case.


By operating in this way, we’re also doing zero for the medical cannabis cause. If access to legal cannabis involves getting a prescription, then why weren’t those consuming asked to produce one on arrival? Because there is no legal requirement here for patients to produce a prescription in order to consume cannabis. In the same way that someone can use an asthma inhaler or pop a couple of codeine pills without prejudice, medical cannabis users shouldn’t have to show a piece of paper to legitimise their consumption. 


However, given the level of smoking (which sure ain’t a medical practice) that went on – inside and outside – the vast majority of attendees were almost certainly non-medical consumers; there to peruse paraphernalia and enjoy the added bonuses of booze, food, and music in a cannabis culture safe space. In this regard, for the organisers and the venue, turning a blind eye made economic sense. 


But given the turn of events, it’s clear there was a disconnect somewhere. Did Drumsheds really not know what to expect? Did the Product Earth team downplay the level of consumption that would take place? These questions need to be asked.

Walking the line

The official line from Product Earth is that people were smoking inside, which set off pre-fire alarms (whatever they are…) prompting Drumsheds to cancel day 2 for fear of losing their license. Refunds are set to be made to those who bought Sunday and weekend tickets – but what about exhibitors? 


I’ve never organised an event, so I can’t speak with any great authority about doing so. But from what I’ve observed, they take a fuck-tonne of work and a lot of people to get things right. And still, everything can go wrong; even if attendees are completely oblivious. 


Cannabis events always walk a fine line between business and pleasure. They’re all working towards a Goldilocks balance of conference, trade show, and cultural experience; something which Spannabis in Barcelona does really well. But it’s the culture part that’s seemingly the most problematic for event organisers. 


We simply can’t assume that what goes in Berlin and Barcelona is OK here in Britain. We shouldn’t foolishly take that position. People will flaunt the rules, but they need to be held accountable when they fuck up. Them’s the breaks. 

Oh I get it; if we don’t give adults the opportunity to consume of their own volition (with them being wholly individually responsible) how can we normalise consumption? 


But that, my friends, is where we’re at right now with cannabis in the UK. Everything’s cool… until it isn’t. And the winds of change can blow at the drop of a hat.






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Product Earth ‘Heartbroken’ as It Is Forced to Cancel 2nd Day at 11th Hour Amid Threat to Venue’s Licence

UK cannabis trade show Product Earth was forced to cancel its second day this weekend, following concerns around attendees consuming cannabis inside the venue.


The event, which has been running since 2015, was held in London’s Drumsheds venue for the first time this year, which, according to its organisers, ultimately shut down the conference due to fears their licence would be threatened.


While Product Earth has stated that they are working with Eventbrite to ensure refunds are issued to attendees, it remains unclear whether exhibitors, which include major brands like Curaleaf and Cookies, alongside a swathe of independent businesses, will be compensated.


Attendees were reportedly asked to refrain from smoking inside, and a medical cannabis prescription was required to be able to bring medical cannabis onto the premises.

However, numerous attendees reported the open sale of cannabis on site, alongside the open consumption of cannabis indoors by both attendees and exhibitors, despite requests from the organisers and Drumsheds staff.

What happened?

Product Earth 2024 was due to take place at Drumsheds in North London, a venue able to house 15,000 attendees, on Saturday, September 07, and Sunday, September 08.


It was the first time the event had been held in the capital, having been held in Stoneleigh a year earlier and similar more remote destinations in years prior.


Business of Cannabis understands that the venue, which is run and operated by Nine Point Eight and owned by Broadwick Group, the same company behind iconic venues like Printworks London and Depot Mayfield in Manchester, requested that Product Earth use their security contractors for the event.


Drumsheds recently signed a deal with crowd management and event security specialist Showsec, but also has contracts with other firms like FGH Security. This is standard practice for Drumsheds, an employee told us.

The first day of the event, was largely well received by exhibitors and attendees alike, with many reporting a vibrant and friendly atmosphere throughout the day.


Furthermore, reports have also suggested large crowd sizes, with some attendees suggesting it took up to two hours to make it through the queue on Saturday morning.


However, throughout the day, there was widespread cannabis consumption inside on the exhibition floor, both by attendees and those exhibiting.


Numerous reports also suggest that the onsite security did little to deter this behavior throughout the day, seeing it continue unabated. The open sale of cannabis was also understood to be taking place, though these reports are unconfirmed.

At around 2am on Saturday evening, following ‘hours of discussions’ with Drumsheds staff, Product Earth informed exhibitors that the event would not be taking place the following day.

‘Not a show about personal use’

In a later statement on social media, Product Earth said: “Unfortunately on Saturday a minority of people decided that they would smoke inside the building. UK law dictates that smoking is not permitted in any enclosed workplace or public building.


“This triggered pre-fire alarms, which would have set off sprinklers, putting the safety of people at risk. We worked into the early hours of the morning with the venue to come to a resolution, offering multiple solutions, however the venue made the decision that the show could not continue on Sunday due to the risk on their license. This decision was entirely out of our hands.


“We are heartbroken that this has been the outcome and continue to work tirelessly to resolve this unfortunate situation that has affected so many of you.”


Business of Cannabis has reached out to both Product Earth and Drumsheds for comment, but has recieved no response at the time of writing.


The Cannabis Trades Association (CTA), who attended the event on Saturday, told Business of Cannabis: “This was not a show about personal use of cannabis; it was a show for the natural products industry.


“The organisers and venue acted correctly and swiftly to ensure public safety. This response demonstrates the growing maturity of the industry and its commitment to being recognised as a legitimate and regulated sector.


“While Product Earth has been held successfully for many years, this was the first time at this venue. Both the venue and organisers will need to reflect and learn lessons from this weekend’s events.

“Smoking and vaping indoors is illegal, and any illegal matter should be investigated by the police and dealt with appropriately.


“Patients who had been legitimately prescribed medicinal cannabis were facilitated appropriately at the event.”


With thousands of attendees having purchased tickets for Sunday’s event or for the entire weekend, Product Earth has confirmed that the price of their tickets will be reimbursed.


“Our first line of action is to ensure those that did not get to attend on Sunday are refunded their tickets. We will also be addressing those with weekend tickets and VIP tickets that were not able to get the full value of their tickets as well. We are speaking with Eventbrite on how best to get this done as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience as we work through this unfortunate process.”


Exhibitors, many of whom have now taken to social media to call for compensation, were not mentioned in Product Earth’s statement.


In its terms and conditions for the event, Product Earth states that in the event of the cancellation of the show, ‘all invoices paid in full by their respective exhibitors or advertisers, prior to the inception of the confirmation of the cancellation of the show, shall be entitled to an apportioned refund.’


Crucially, however, it states in clear terms that ‘Product Earth Expo UK Ltd. shall not be held liable for any cancellations of any part of the show from the venue, other parties or resultant from force majeure, including but not limited to disaster, fire, flood, earthquake, war, insurrection strikes, COVID, labour disputes or other related acts.”





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In fairness all smoking indoors in a public area has been a no no in the UK for quite some time, about to get a whole lot worse if two tier has way by all accounts.


Not saying I agree with this, but I've said it before they're not keen on us Cannabis folks in the UK, tis a cunt but true.


I think toking indoors at the event was a step too far in this shit hole for the higher ups, and personally I would've made sure it didn't happen had I have been running the event because it would have been obvious what the outcome would be.


We still get pinched for smoking a joint in the garden, what made folks think they could blaze in a venue? I know we "Kinda" get away with it at 420 in the park, but that doesn't mean it would wash there.



I do hope the folks that spent money to be there do get some sort of compensation though, not their fault either way you slice it.


End of the day IMO it was a bit silly of the folks that lit up in there and they've caused a serious blow to others for not thinking first.

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1 hour ago, j.o.i.n.t said:

Good on those tokers.


What do you mean by that? That these tokers who ruined the event, were doing the right thing? Plank.

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I bet that some of the exhibitors will have lost a chunk of money, and probably won't bother participating again in the future (even if it's actually allowed to go ahead). Ouch.

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@Larry Badgeley :)


You want cannabis to be like carehomes you can suck commercial dick all you like. I recognise my broad brush, though - but that stuff, the money chasers, aren't people I give a fuck about.

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smoking indoors is a piss take i reckon, vaping at least might have not attracted so much bad attention. pretty dumb if you ask me.

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Mentioned is mayfield depot, in the 2nd C&P.....That promoter fucked those vendors over as well. There was a crying space for them.


7-9 quid a drink. Vendors, if reading this, if you enable these orgs, suck it up.... don't moan if your business dies by it, they have form from what I've heard (and remember correctly).


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5 hours ago, Joolz said:

crowd management and event security specialist Showsec


It should have been obvious to the organisers the moment they knew Showsec were involved


they've been ruining live events since their inception


Had to chuckle at some of the comments on social media along the lines of "London isn't ready for this yet" 🤣

20 odd years ago we turned Wembley Arena into a mini Amsterdam two years running and again at the Telford Expo🤣

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20 odd years ago we turned Wembley Arena into a mini Amsterdam

: bing bong : We would like to remind visitors that wembley indoor arena is a no smoking venue.Smoking inside the venue is not permitted.

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Second article was better but both seem to be a load of wank.

First time in a location like London and always remote before? Guess they forgot about the brum event.

Also no mention of them confiscating cannabis and rigs at the door after implying to people that wouldn't be done.

They also seemed to leave out the part that most people didn't want to go outside and smoke cause the music system was deafening there.

Oh did they mention all the open cannabis selling either?! They definitely didn't mention that one of those vendors got outed as a pedo apparently as well..


There seem to be two stories going round. The influences who keep saying it was fine and it was the smokers who ruined it and then the actual smokers who are saying all of the above and PE have sold out.


Being how much PE has been supported by vendors peddling seeds over the years, you'd think they might care a bit more about us lot, but nope, you want to smoke weed now be a good boy and go register and buy your irridated government shite.

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11 hours ago, Joolz said:

Telford Expo


Yes was just thinking about the tales from this. Was this the one where big buddha stepped out of his limo acting like a list celeb and you were running around the hotel with massive buds getting chased by security? Or was that the one before lol


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