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Recommendations for a back up dry herb vapouriser

Hole in the clouds

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If you can give a ball vape a go they are a bit of a game changer being able to destroy 0.5g in a few hits - i do occasionally bring out my screwball but only when jars are very full and have a sofa day planned - its useful for working through avb and finishing it off at 250-260C as well


If i was feeling very flush i would look at the Super Surfer 2.0 Baller Series Forced Air Herb Extractor as if you dont like the bag you can still use like a normal silver surfer

Edited by highgrower
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@highgrower Feeding me terms to work on there! Nice one. I can explore on from that, and will do....Basically, intention is to try all the things I can (I've been basic as fuck since the bong/bucket/hotknife days), and see what sticks/suits. I'm not going to smoke baccy again, and, I suppose, a non combustion should be my aim given the history.


I thought this age was something that happens to other people, but turns out it's not. Just fancy hanging round long as I can and chainsmoking little spliffs not the way, is it? :D

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@MindSoup you get these ceramic heater plate things on Amazon for about 7 quid, that do the temps we seem interested in.... I think that's what a vape is, I think, with voltage control etc....quite the technical challenge, admittedly. Specially to this text wrangler.


Still, we can learn, can't we!



Y'know I get accused of being an anti capitalist at times. Can't think why.....been mulling ideas. Not practical stuff yet.


PTC Thermostat Heater Plate, 220V Electric Constant Temperature PTC Heating Element Air Heater Kit(110W 220℃)



Edited by j.o.i.n.t
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An older version:




The vape bit is just a test tube with some nichrome ribbon wire wrapped around it - im using a glass stem which is meant to be a glass straw for drinks for a couple of quid


The electronics are basically a raspberry pico, screen, thermocouple and rotary dial - all for maybe a bit over a tenner.


Tastes better than any other vape i have used and no pissing with battery changing etc all the time - i reckon you could do it with an off the shelf pid as well just the rotary dial and other bits i have added to the code like session timing, graphs and stuff are quite cool

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Oh right so it's a plug in job is it? I would definitely need a battery powered one, maybe I could stick a li-po pack in my pocket lol. Love the look of it though, it's got proper meth wizard vibes (I mean that as a compliment). 

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It uses a 12v supply and needs about 50-100w depending on how you setup the coil - so can do with some lipos - you can do with less voltage like 6-7v and you could use a smaller tube so need less power.


I dont have access to a nice wood workshop and want to make a better housing for it so i can also make a more portable version but dont have time either at the mo

Edited by highgrower
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I can imagine a battery that would be up to the job might be a bit massive? Not too clued up on batteries. TBF pretty sure my phone can charge at 60 watts or something mad, so I imagine it can do a similar output? 


There are places who will CNC stuff for you if you send them designs (or 3d print stuff :naughty:), probably well aware already. Doesn't save the time thing though. 


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A couple of the high power 18650 lipos like the tinymighty use would be fine


You could do an unregulated version with just the tube part and a battery + switch - get an oven meat spike thermometer and stick it in the tube to get a rough temp


a battery management system of some kind would be sensible though

Edited by highgrower
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For some more DiY inspiration, take a quick look at the Highlighter kit you can buy ....  


It's just a halogen and some balls in a tube 

Buy your own bits (or theirs :)) put them in a cup and call it a log vape 

And yes - you can power a 12v halogen via a battery power pack, or a cheap 12v dimmer 


I've built them with heater cartridges, soldering iron elements, halogens (Inc IR bulbs), resitors, resistance wire, temp controlled heater rods ..... with loads of male and female jointed glass tubes n things 

The only tricky bits are cutting a hole in the side of the glass for the air to come in, which you can side step buy buying a pre done one or a heater cover from Ddave or elev8 (7th floor) glass, and securing it all in the cup lol

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Wow there’s a lot for me to research here! Cheers guys!

They’ve sent me a new venty as exchange so I'm back vaping now at least. Doesn’t seem as good as the old one but maybe I’m imagining it. The plastic looks different but again maybe I’m imagining it. 😂 

Off out for the day and will be well pissed off if it packs up when I’m out. Don’t trust it now! 

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