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Autos don't seem to be worth it, is it just me?


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Autos schmautos. You can’t keep a mum with autos so fuck’em, it’s a crap shoot with phenos and timings., 

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very hit and miss, glad i haven't wasted leccy on the buggers!


i'd much rather run a decent feminised photo strain if space/numbers is an issue

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As far as when pistils start showing, I've got an S.A.D. auto that's at about 4 weeks and it's showing pistils. I use 10 litre pots cos I've only got a 2.5 foot x 2.5 foot tent, I grow 6 autos at a time in a kinda rolling grow, planted a couple of weeks apart so when I crop one I move all the plants over and pop a new seed in the newly emptied pot.

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Autos have their place.... 


.... it's on a the windowsill! 




This girl took longer than a whole run in the tent mind, and she never finished (chopped early because of rot). Autos are much more prone to rot IME. 


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This image may help:

Won't mention the seed stockist on here as they may well be members but purchased 10 seeds (same variety and feminised photo's) BUT one plant is clearly NOT what it's supposed to be...How does a professional seed stockist get seeds mixed up.....you've literally got one job !!

Everything germinated at the same time (approx 5 weeks ago). The odd one out plant is clearly an Auto and looks like a sativa strain?

While the photo's are still well into their veg cycle, the auto started flowering a week ago (4 weeks from germination). It's about half the size of the photo's and at this rate, could be ready for harvest at week 10 - 11.

Tent is on an 18 on, 6 off light cycle. 




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@mrrichiet  I've done a fair few, Fastbuds make some really good auto IMO. They change the strains a lot, but with autos IMO that a god thing as you can keep auto parents so to speak, so they are always making fresh strains. Had some really good results with them.


In general I'd have them down at week 10, but then I steer clear of anything really heavily Sativa based as they tend to just go and go with autos, you could have a 2 foot plant before you have full on pistils, and at that rate you may as well use fems.



These were FastBuds Strawberry Gorilla at just over 9 weeks:















18 hours ago, Herbal Kint said:

Quality was not consistent


This is very true though. Plant 8 Autos and you could think there were 8 different strains lol One sweet, one sour, one earthy, one fruity, one zesty, one big one small..... Only planted 1 pack lol 


But I suppose that's the price to pay for crossing a hybrid female with an untested male, homogeneity  goes out the window.

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1 hour ago, disco survivor said:

Won't mention the seed stockist on here as they may well be members

The only auto I've ever grown was mis-packed by Dutch Passion who are definitely on here and I have no qualms mentioning them by name.

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I've seen quite a few people mention having the same issue with sweet seeds packs as well. I suppose it's not that surprising when you have an auto and photo version of the same strains, it must be a bit annoying though. 

Edited by MindSoup
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Came back quick to mention if you're taking a while to root try a heat matt under the pots. Get the roots above 26 for a few days and the roots will go crazy. Used seaweed extract this grow and withing 3 days of going from 5 to 10 L the roots where popping out the sides of the fabric pots.


Lovely looking plants being posted on here after I pooped all over autos lol!

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Thanks again guys, good to see you posting again @GreenVision. That's some nice looking bud there, maybe I'll give them a go depending on how my last effort goes.


It's funny you should all talk about inconsistency as boy is that something I've noticed. I've got 2 short buggers and 2 that have stretched like you won't believe (I think I'll the roots of these have gone through into the res @EarLobe should I put my root mat under my res?) plus they all look (but in particular the 2 tall ones) skinny as fook, some of the grimmest plants I've grown. I don't think it helped that germination was about 5 days apart for a couple of seeds so some got closer to the LED and the others got less @Boojum surprised you can get away with cycling for that reason as I couldn't so good for you. 


I'm fairly sure my issue is sativa leaning strains grown in too big a pot. I won't pot up as I don't think that helps so I'll just reduce the volume of clay pebbles I use and try and ensure the tap root doesn't find its way into the reservoir.


Have a nice evening guys :)




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4 hours ago, GreenVision said:

I suppose that's the price to pay for crossing a hybrid female with an untested male, homogeneity  goes out the window.

You forgot to mention the dwarf gimp in this 3 way. :yep:

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I must admit some of this breeding talk has me realising that I know sweet FA about how autos were created and are bred. Some of these comments have enlightened me and left me baffled in equal parts lol


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