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Tiny white insects in run off


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I've just noticed whilst watering the girls tiny little white things in the run-off.  I thought it was just debris from the soil at first but looking through the loupe they are definitely insects.  Quite a few of them.  Really tiny, smaller than a grain of rice and very white.


First time I've had anything like this and I never grabbed a pic as they'd be too small to see.   A quick google says they could be springtails.  Both plants are thriving with no signs of leaf damage.  I've just flipped to 12/12 and now worried this might develop into something bad.


Any idea what it could be?

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Springtails come free with most bags of commercial compost, fortunately they don't seem to do much harm and only eat dead material.

I think there are  products that can deal with them if you need to.

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If they look like little white maggots with black heads then they're fungus gnat larvae which can do quite a lot of damage, if they have legs and antenna then as others have said they're springtails and nothing to really worry about. 


Both are a sign of over watering though, maybe let them have a few hard dry backs to see if it gets rid of them. 

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