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Just for clarification I wasn't recommending Coco and definitely wasn't recommending using biotabs with Coco either :hippy:


Not that I have anything against growing with Coco, but pretty sure biotabs are only meant for use with soil, as are blumats. 

Edited by MindSoup
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Ha, we have both ended up back here after a similar break too. Have a few blues cuts rooting at the moment. Good to see a familiar face 👍

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18 minutes ago, withnail said:

Never am I carrying water up lofts ever again, I've already told the would-be growers I'm involved in an advisory capacity only, no manual labour. If I ever grow for myself again it'll be strictly ground floor/1st floor only.

Bathroom tap->hose->2nd valve->flexitank.




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i wouldnt be using bluemats in a loft. i tried them out and they kept flooding the trays so i sacked them into the "good idea at the time, but fuck this for a laugh " box in the loft..

others seem to get on better than me with them.

yonks ago i just used to use biobizz fish mix, bloom and silicone (in veg only), would also hit them with molasses in water at the start of veg and start of bloom, to get the microherd going..worked a treat.

also added a good bit of perlite to my soil, about 15-20 percent ish.

but good soil is the key and theres a lot of shyte out there



heres 2/3rds of an auto i did in a 15 litre pot, was probably blue cheese or something, cant remember but it was a dinafem something


Edited by badbillybob
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Yeah that's a good point, you'd definitely want a tray big enough to catch your whole reservoir because even with soil runaways can happen here and there. Autopots are a lots less prone to flooding but a lot of people don't seem to get on with those either. 

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I certainly wouldn't fancy anything that could flood in the loft, as a result I've always hand watered. For an able bodied person carrying a watering can up the ladder isn't too difficult. There was a time I used to use a hose attached to the shower attachment bit on the bath tap but it was more hassle than it was worth for a small grow like we're talking here. 


Not much has changed really when you think about it, lights are better yes and there is more choice with terms of equipment. Compost is shit now if you don't buy from the grow shop, but whilst I can still get the likes of Canna or Playgron then it's no problem. 

Ask your friend if he thinks he'll still be growing weed in 20 years, if so then spend some money on quality fans like the K series from systemair. Buy cheap buy twice essentially. 

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Same argument for LEDs as fans above. If thry dont plan on running more than a couple of harvests it's really not worth splashing on LEDs to save on leccy you'll never use. 

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23 hours ago, Slippy One said:

I’d say keep coco just coco no perlite. And you can now feed coco once with pellets designed for cannabis so just plain water works with no runoff. 

controller 69pro and ac infinity for lights, extraction & oscillator fans 

Why? Have you tried with and without perlite..? I have and the addition of perlite is worth it,imo,for the extra aeration it gives coco. And it can be sourced at a similar price to coco. The number 1 problem I've seen is down to over watering which is virtually impossible to do in a 60/40 coco/ perlite mix .  Just my 2p. Have a great day.

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@Mr mcgregoryes, tried it, it’s a faff to mix and adds nothing to the party. Coco alone is the perfect mix of air & water when saturated so save your money and speed things up a bit. That perlite dust is harmful to lungs too 🫁 


fuck perlite 🥳🤘🏼

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I guess gravity feeds are out for the loft so it’s either hand watering or a pump but as others have said, runoff is the biggest issue. Good luck @withnail🥳

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17 hours ago, Hot_Rock said:

Ha, we have both ended up back here after a similar break too. Have a few blues cuts rooting at the moment. Good to see a familiar face 👍

Bloody hell !! Hello stranger. Hope life is good :punk:

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Yeah I think we're gonna go with a soil set up, less to go wrong and something I know a little bit about at least !



Regarding lights and fans, if he doesn't carry on growing I'll take the set up for when I finally can so will probably invest in the better end of the market, learnt the hard way over the years on so many things buying cheap!


Thanks everyone, really really helpful :clapping:


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