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Mexican Genetics


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Hello everyone I am looking to expand my horizons and this time I am in search of Mexican lines. There’s just something so special about the effects I used to get from Mexican cannabis. Laughing hysterically. Red eyes for days. Uplifting optimistic. But sometimes overwhelming. Who and where is the best source for Mexican genetics these days? I see Kagyu is living in Mexico and doing a lot of work, but haven’t seen anything about releases. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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If you are looking for as near as true Mexican Sativas then check out Hyp3rids IBL | Heirloom collection which includes







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If you go for the Green Mountain Seeds i would avoid the mountain gold - i had a proper hermie on me from them which i havent had in years - and dont think im the only one who had issues with some of their stuff if you look around on other forums - i also ran the zacetica which was nice but nothing amazing.

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On 09/09/2024 at 22:19, preparedfarmer said:

 Laughing hysterically. Red eyes for days. Uplifting optimistic. But sometimes overwhelming.


Is this an actual thing?  I remember smoking stuff like this but that was so many moons ago I've lost count.  I'd always assumed that the giggles was just something you got when you were new to weed... I want this!

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4 minutes ago, JamieThePainter said:


Is this an actual thing?  I remember smoking stuff like this but that was so many moons ago I've lost count.  I'd always assumed that the giggles was just something you got when you were new to weed... I want this!

Is it new to weed or just young, with good friends and without a care in the world? I miss this feeling and plan to do a uppy sativa  grow to see but do feel it's a time and place + weed thing rather than the weed alone thing

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@Eldo I used to love sativas but these days they just trip me the fuck out.  Jings, got some "John Sinclair" once in Amsterdam and I swear I'd stepped into an an alternate world for the rest of the day, one of my buddies (he was 35, and a veteran smoker like the rest of us) ended up hiding in the shower back at the hotel... fucking brilliant day though lol The last time I had sativa was accidentally rolling a bubblegum sativa heavy one night instead of my couchlock and then lay in bed for hours convinced that it was all over and I'd actually gone quite startling, proper mad... ended up giving the last of that grow away  lol


Aye, maybe there's a thought to that "or just young."  Maybe I'm tripping out so much because I've got too many cares in the world now.  Ah bleh... I'd always suspected as much as what you're saying but there's always a hope to return to that innocence I suppose.  I just read the OP and saw the replies and thought "hey, maybe it's not that I'm just a miserable, worried old man now!" 


Turns out I probably am. Bleh.

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@JamieThePainter I'm also a grumpy old man so don't take my word for anything lol.  Tbh I've never really known what I was smoking till I started growing, knew the names but didn't look that deeper.


I've just gone by what I like which in recent years and after researching has been indica or indica Dom's....mainly for medical reasons IE pain relief and sleep ain


That's kinda where I'm at now, not getting the giggle as I used to tho. Weed has become more of a medical thing for me lately and enjoying it less and less....really miss them laughing my head off red eyed times tho.....do think time and place has a massive part to play


Oh to be young again

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I remember smoking shitty soap bar, brick week, white widow white rhino, mango, cheese blue cheese, pure power plant sticky icky ( fuck knows what that was) + countless others but they all had same effect. Either la doing stuff and laughing or on my arse laughing


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The seeded African brick weed was probably best time of my life, if memory recals £10 for an eight 


Apologies to op for spamming the thread


Never knowingly smoked mexican

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On 13/09/2024 at 15:16, Eldo said:

The seeded African brick weed was probably best time of my life, if memory recals £10 for an eight 


Apologies to op for spamming the thread


Never knowingly smoked mexican

Spam away! It’s all in good conversation. I was brought up on the border of Illinois and Indiana and there was always a steady supply of weed coming from Mexico, and likely other South and Central American countries. It would vary widely from brown, seeded compressed and weak, to beautiful emerald green, with vibrant orange and red hairs. The latter having smells ranging from fruity herbaceous to the elusive Skunk Spray smell. The effects would vary widely as well. Some “sleepy” some “creepy” and some would have you laughing so hard about the most mundane of things. You would also get extreme red eye and cotton mouth effects from these strains. 

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On 10/09/2024 at 12:24, BASStard said:

If you are looking for as near as true Mexican Sativas then check out Hyp3rids IBL | Heirloom collection which includes







Brilliant link!!

They have also Colombia gold!!


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On 09/09/2024 at 14:19, preparedfarmer said:

I am in search of Mexican lines

I have to assume that, if you were regularly getting mexican lines, you're not in the UK?   I could be totally wrong, but I wasn't under the impression the mexicans were common over across the pond. 



I have/have had several legit mexican lines.  I have an old Oaxacan line as well as a very nice Michoacan line in various cuts as well as next gen seeds. 



I have a friend that is pretty connected to a particular Mexican dude and he gets a good, verified, clean connection to mexico through that. 



If my friend is to be believed, and I do indeed trust and believe his word in this area-----  Legit mexican lines with real, true provenance are a rarity.  They've been outcrossed a lot and that gets represented as clean lines quite commonly.   To add to the confusion, ( he and I were just talking about this two days ago, actually) it can be hard to visually identify a clean mexican lines because of the history.  It's pretty widely accepted ( and confirmed by the Mexican contact I mentioned) that many Mexican lines are likely very old hybrids between NLD lines ( I speculate Colombian and Panamanian, but that's not confirmed) and Lebanese lines ( the lebanese are very well confirmed.)


There was a migration of Lebanese to Mexico some century(ies) ago.  There's a large Lebanese population in Puebla, Oaxaca, Michoacan etc.  You can see it in the food, and our Mexican buddy confirms he knows many people with Lebanese heritage in those areas. 


When people leave their home and go somewhere, they always bring their food, booze and drugs with them.  That's how humans human.   The Lebanese brought Shawarma to Puebla Mexico and that has become the Mexican pork preparation called "Al Pastor" in modern times.  The food always tells the history of the people of an area. 




It's very likely that the " red eyed laughing fit" that so many people recall with Mexicans is a direct result of the Hybridization involving Lebanese and potentially Syrian genetics. 





ANYHOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW    If you're searching for real, legit, clean Mexican lines I believe your best bet is going through the 'gram and making friends with the right people.  


Seek out lines from Oaxaca and Michoacan.  You need space and time.  Expect giant plants indoors that want to go 16+ weeks, generally speaking. 

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