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Minimum Flush Time


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Hello chums. 


I know this is quite a debated topic but I'm pretty clueless so thought it best to reach out for some advice. 


I have an Auto Euphoria on my windowsill, she's still quite a way off but the rot is setting in quite badly so it's time to cut my losses. As most of you will know I'm usually an organic grower and rarely even use organic bottled nutrients, but this time I've been feeding her Tomorite. 


So how long should I be giving plain water? I'm talking bare minimum or else it might not be worth harvesting her at all. 


There's some pictures here 



Also, while I'm here, this girls has taken ages to finish, she broke the soil on April 18th and as you can see she still looks way off being finished. Now this might be a stupid question, but could the high N in the Tomorite be delaying the ripening? Or do you think she's just one of those plants? 



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Flushing is a myth.  Unless you’ve been overfeeding then technically no need for plain water at the end,  but a bit fade (deficiencies) can make a nicer smoke.  


7 hours ago, MindSoup said:

but could the high N in the Tomorite be delaying the ripening?


I think it’s similar NPK ratio to Chempak no4?  That definitely kept things a bit too green and growing for my liking.  The number 8 (low nitrogen) is best for flower,  keeps things just green enough.  

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@Amarillo slim 4.0:1.3:6.6 is what it says on the bottle, so actually more potash than anything. Can't seem to find details on the number 4. I was feeding her quite sparingly so hopefully the smoke will be nice. 



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Same here now. I don’t flush anymore. I have a bottle but I can’t tell the difference when I use it. 
I have a harvest week I aim for so during that week I will only use water but by then the plant is done it’s just for pushing it over the line really.



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Thanks for the input guys, she's down and I'm the fridge now. Very early harvest but hopefully the smoke is still half decent. 

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4 hours ago, Mr mcgregor said:

Does it make a noticeable difference...?



Not usre tbh, i just like to think i meet in the middle, as i am not feeding them as such and i am not just giving them water either

Edited by Hazeworks
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