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Hash It Wasn't


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This is a topic most tokers and I disagree on, I usually agree with the flow but when it comes to hash of old I cant help but be that guy that disagrees. 


Hash was ALWAYS shit. It was made by poor sods sifting poorly grown unsexed landrace then mixing it with enough nasty crap to put a nuclear power station to shame.


I agree the feel for that 80's - 90's era, I'm a child of the very early 80s with parent tokers, I only had to smell Gold Seal to be taken back to my folks friends houses in the 80's, but TBH if I brush aside the want for those times again and look into what we were all actually smoking I cant help but come to the conclusion it was horrible rank shite. 


Solid tasted like chemically produced manure, squidgy black much better imo and tasted pretty nice but burnt and smoked about as well as a bag of marbles. I always wound up thinking " How many hands have rubbed this shit" whilst trying to make the thinnest sausage I could with it.


I have prized Vinyl I've fucking ruined with hot rocks whilst on the decks like an idiot. I lost more nice shirts to puff than I have to time. It had literal plastic in it, had a THC level of maybe ONE percent. That red eye wasn't from THC, it was a chemically induced side affect from the petrol and cement you just lit up.


When you went to a mates house for some smoke and they say "Hold on I'll get the microwave on" or "Hold up I'll put the knife on the gas" it was so gutting. 



I praise the days that Bubble Bags were invented so we actually got to know what good hash is, Hash should melt you with its high THC levels and nice purity, not break your lungs and clothing lol. Even in the early / mid 90's I'd have taken that old greasy / oily smelling commercial weed full of stems and seeds over soap / solid any day.


Nostalgia is great and I too miss the 80's, but IMO the hash of the time was horrible.

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7 hours ago, Rigsby said:

But I'm guessing there is no chance of 

getting any good stuff in the uk now....


It's still about, but it's not easy to find, I see it more in the south west, I think maybe it comes in through Bristol. 

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51 minutes ago, GreenVision said:

Hash was ALWAYS shit.



I used to get amazing hash years back, Charas, Red leb and some beautiful Maroccons to name a few.

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41 minutes ago, KC said:

amazing hash years back



Lucky you, the only thing we see in a 60 mile radius in the 90's was rotten horrible stuff. 


It could have been that good quality bud was already there and plenty of it so folks didn't bother, have to remember that I was only just dabbling in toking by the very early 90's, but from maybe 92 to this day the only hash I have ever seen "Gettable" was classic solid / Diesel / puff and VERY rarely squidgy / Gold or Red seal. Last time I saw Squidgy Black was maybe the 2000 - 2002 area.


At one point in the 90's I remember there was so much White Widow, Misty, Mango, Early Girl, NL kicking about the go getters were practically giving Soap Bar away, if memory serves at 1 point you could get a 9er for under £200 very easily. nobody wanted the stuff. 


I'd have loved some real Hash back then but as I say I never caught a peep let alone a puff lol .

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2 minutes ago, GreenVision said:

Squidgy Black

That was nasty imo, certainly had contaminants in it.


I've never used the dark web, it's a bit beyond me, all that silly electro currency or whatever they call it but a mate of mine used to get some decent hash on there. Maybe worth a look if you're bothered :geek:

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Sorry to wheel out the old chestnut, but when Howard Marks was nicked by the Yanks, all Hash of quality went. Say around 1987 ish Soap was imported from Spain and was utter garbage. I knew first hand that gangsters moved in. I was getting Leb prior to this and then my man turned up with a "puck" of black that had to be put in the oven for 10 mins before you could get a knife through it. It tasted horrid and from then on it went from bad to worse. I almost stopped smoking dope because of it. 

Now, there is more around and of excellent quality. 

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i agree, the hash of the 90s was best forgotten, but before that it was bloody lovely.

i actually did stop toking for a few years when that shite came in all bits of plastic, and lumps of fuck knows what through it, it was truly awful

there is still decent hash in the dam and rotterdam, you just need to go and get it.

a "friend" i know goes abroad 1 or 2 times a year, and gets it back, usually from source in Morocco.

i wish he would go the afghanistan or pakistan for a change lol

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Ill never smoke hash i didnt make myself ,crap that we were smoking as kids i dont even know what it was inside but wasnt clean hash for sure.


Lasts forever i still got some made almost year ago.

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1 hour ago, Slippy One said:

discuss prices


Not in the context of actually seeking out something to buy in the present, goes without saying.


But I don't think commenting on the cost of horrible soap bar in 1996 is anything rule breaking.

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When I first started smoking, probably around '86, it was just hash (didn't even see grass for a good year or so, and when I did it was brickweed, didn't see bud for a lot longer), and little did I know it was probably the best hash I'd ever smoke. Then the crap started appearing, 'slate', 'rocky' and shitbar, crap full of bits of plastic (and that was just the nasty shit you could actually see) the quality went right downhill until hardly anyone was buying hash cos it was all so shit, all the dealers switched to 'skunk', then that started getting adulterated, horrible rock hard buds that didn't burn properly cos of additives, shaken then sprayed with shit, synthetic THC and all that nonsense. That's when I started growing. I haven't bought hash or bud in over 20 years now. I remember making some ice hash when I first started growing, shared it with some mates and it absolutely fucking wrecked them lol way stronger than any bought hash they'd had for a long, long time :)

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9 minutes ago, GreenVision said:


Not in the context of actually seeking out something to buy in the present, goes without saying.


But I don't think commenting on the cost of horrible soap bar in 1996 is anything rule breaking.

Talking of that until 2007 kg was around 200pounds here,then it went to the sky for lower quality. No wonder we smoked as much as we did. But stuff i grow for myself is priceless, i have no idea with what sort of pesticides it was sprayed. Some usto grow in mine field areas to avoid detection lol 

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1 hour ago, Herbal Kint said:

then it went to the sky



At one point many moons ago if I remember rightly the price of Hash (if you could call it that) wasn't too much lower than "Skunk" (what we now just call bud), the cheapest stuff back then was what we all called "Commercial Weed", compressed to death full of seeds and twigs imported junk. 


I think home growing took right off and suddenly that soap bar crap became cheap as chips. I just always assumed it was cos nobody wanted it once White Widow and NL was flying round and round.


I had several occasions during a few year period where pals etc had offered me 9's for les than 200, not that I'd have ever brought that much regardless of the quality, but point standing I think folks were struggling to give the stuff away.


Now I keep seeing people on TikTok etc saying they wish it would come back cos they miss it. I love good quality hash as much as the next toker but that stuff can stay back in 1996 imo lol  you'd have to be bat shit mental to put your Bubble hash aside to smoke some grade A soapy plastic.

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1 hour ago, Boojum said:



Was trying to think of what it was commonly called, but that's the stuff we used to be able to buy in buckets for the price of a tin of hotdogs. Oddly I actually quite liked the flavour, the high was just totally absent but it tasted ok imo. Was defo better than the has of my younger years of that I'm sure.


1 hour ago, Boojum said:

was probably the best hash I'd ever smoke


Looks like I missed the earlier glory period of hash then, must be why I don't remember anything other than horrific solid / puff.


Shame that the Hash makers went backwards with it in terms of quality. I'd have to assume they made a lot more money from that soap bar crap than legitimate hashish.


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In the early days of my toking even the brickweed could be really nice. Everything seemed to go to shit around the same time, early 90s, bad hash, shit ditchweed and adulterated bud :sadwalk:

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