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Legal - Prescription


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@Clean Green that's the way I will probably have to go in the near future.


I've got a review of my medication coming up and I think I might have to give one up due to the side effects. 


Good luck with it. 







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Trying as well. Denied at the moment.

A problem with hernial disk back pain.

But apparently without a specific written pathology and written proof of terapies, no way to be accepted.

Depression and low mood also not accepted after years of antidepressant ( again no letter reflecting i am depressed/suicidal).


I asked my GP to scan me for hernial and now under anti-inflammatory...i hope to achieve the prescription in the future for this.


Piece of mind....?

I would prefer a more hide and secret grow room and pass all this ship...but:

1- this is the way!??

2- maybe i can travel with it ( also outside UKI)

3- if they catch me still i will have plenty of problems.

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Got a ten page report here, from a Consultant Psychiatrist. Guy the Govt. dug up, and paid for a couple of hours of his time. He had me on the grill for that long. Put me right through the wringer. Ye could tell they Wanted me!


Heh! Didn't  go exactly according to their fucking plans, did it?! Fucking great, typed up, report. Reams of it! He did his job!


In summary? " Dear Govt. In my absolutely top flight, Professionals Professional Opinion? For any courts ye might be thinking of next? .....  This cunt is Fucked! Completely. Totally. Irrevocably. He's Beyond the scrap heap. Fucking Destroyed. God, he's a mess! "


" Oh, and, 'just for the record'? Your dragging him in here, having him prodded and probed at? Yeah. Fucking brilliant! If there's Any one thing left on the world, gonna send this cunt Right over the edge? Just push him, once more. Fucking Watch! "


" Back The Fuck Off. "


I thought; ' Knows His fuckin' job then! '.


Alternative treatments / medications? 🤣 Shut the fuck up!!! I've had a Long Procession of shrinks try their therapies and drugs on me. Still fuckin raving! 😂


Mentioned Gear, to my GP? He asked if it might help me. I said I Know it fucking does! I just had trouble getting it! He said he'd ask around!!!  😱  :thumsup:  :notworthy:


Sorted my own shit out, of course. But, look at it! According to the standards everyone here's talking about? Fucking state of me? If I was over there? I'd be walking around like some fully legal Snoop fucking Dog! :yahoo:


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13 minutes ago, Chal said:

Got a ten page report here, from a Consultant Psychiatrist. Guy the Govt. dug up, and paid for a couple of hours of his time. He had me on the grill for that long. Put me right through the wringer. Ye could tell they Wanted me!


Heh! Didn't  go exactly according to their fucking plans, did it?! Fucking great, typed up, report. Reams of it! He did his job!


In summary? " Dear Govt. In my absolutely top flight, Professionals Professional Opinion? For any courts ye might be thinking of next? .....  This cunt is Fucked! Completely. Totally. Irrevocably. He's Beyond the scrap heap. Fucking Destroyed. God, he's a mess! "


" Oh, and, 'just for the record'? Your dragging him in here, having him prodded and probed at? Yeah. Fucking brilliant! If there's Any one thing left on the world, gonna send this cunt Right over the edge? Just push him, once more. Fucking Watch! "


" Back The Fuck Off. "


I thought; ' Knows His fuckin' job then! '.


Alternative treatments / medications? 🤣 Shut the fuck up!!! I've had a Long Procession of shrinks try their therapies and drugs on me. Still fuckin raving! 😂


Mentioned Gear, to my GP? He asked if it might help me. I said I Know it fucking does! I just had trouble getting it! He said he'd ask around!!!  😱  :thumsup:  :notworthy:


Sorted my own shit out, of course. But, look at it! According to the standards everyone here's talking about? Fucking state of me? If I was over there? I'd be walking around like some fully legal Snoop fucking Dog! :yahoo:


Sorry I guess I coudn't understand what you are talking about :(

But it is legal for medical use over there?

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25 minutes ago, Amnesialocal said:

But it is legal for medical use over there?


Not unless ye get yeself elected to the Dail! (Check out Luke 'Ming' Flanagan :D)


That's the iron, mate. I'm probably over qualified, by UK standards. My own GP is absolutely behind me on it. Cellophane rat in hells chance though. Doc' and I will both be long dead before it ever ..... well; I doubt it ever will :(


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I went to my doctor first and told him I had enough of fluxirtine and propanol has it had caused my hart beat to fuck up

I told him I wanted  to try medical cannabis and meditation to help with my autism 

He was all for it and sent a email to the clinic saying so

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2 minutes ago, splifi said:


I went to my doctor first and told him I had enough of fluxirtine and propanol has it had caused my hart beat to fuck up

I told him I wanted  to try medical cannabis and meditation to help with my autism 

He was all for it and sent a email to the clinic saying so


Sorry, trying to improve my basic English, but I need defintly exercise :)

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Just now, Amnesialocal said:

Sorry, trying to improve my basic English, but I need defintly exercise :)


Answer that last, long, PM then! 😂


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There are nevertheless few points that deserve a reflection in my opinion.


1- If more of us are considering the basic prescription as a "protection-less risky- call as you want" strategy.....it means that growing your own cannabis is like you are going to be catch one day or another.

But does really help you having this?


2- what it cost a month the minimum basic scheme is equal to what I pay montly for electrics. So is it worth it?


3- in the US wasn't intially by doctor prescription only? Like in the beginning.

So hundred, thousands, including for other states were coming requesting private prescription and buying weed.

After they changed to leagal for recreational use also.

Medical is imho one of the only possible way to go to be close to descriminalisation, depenalisation and controlled legalisation.....


4- How many of you are brewing your own alchool? Do you distillate? Isolate?

If cannabis were legal and affordable as alchool is, would you still cultivate it?


5- The cannabis I am vaping now has been grown by me. From this strain I took seeds that I will grow and smoke in the future. The cannabis I will produce I can't buy anywere.  Probably if I new how to brew I wouldn't buy alchool?

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On 19/09/2024 at 23:30, Amnesialocal said:

 Probably if I new how to brew I wouldn't buy alchool?


Book a weekend in Leitrim. I'll send ye back with the Full gear and understanding. It's all of no further use, to me. I'd prefer the space back.


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I’m up for medical review within the month. I’m going for medicinal cannabis use. I haven’t discussed it yet but I’m well aware of the parameters of applying. 
Shumroom’s right, you have to have tried other methods/medicines. 
As quick as I can: I take diazepam along with other meds but I cannot be perscribed diazepam regularly. It’s a controlled substance. The max is 15 tabs 5ml 3 times a day max. That lasts for 5 days but it’s not nearly enough for me so I mix them with bud obviously. The GP knows this and is fine with it. It’s alcohol that’s a problem with certain meds but I’m T total so. I was put on Propananol but it’s horrible for me so I can’t take it.

Long read but that’s 2 different meds I can’t take regularly so I can “discuss other alternatives” but the GP still has to back the idea. I have a meds review in a fortnight so I’ll report back what she says.



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My GP didn't even know i had a prescription until I told her

When I applied I just gave them permission to look at my history and then a 20 min appointment on the zoom thing

It really is simple as long as your history confirms you have tried at least 2 other treatments 


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I told them after having stomach pains & a chronic helo bacteria infection & antibiotics that the side effects from the pharma drugs (co-codomol) anti spasm ,anti ulcer , antibiotics and whatever else they wanted to give me for pain was too much for my system , constipation etc and didnt help if anything made it worse and that smoking and eating weed ,edibles helped with pain and spasms...  they gave me it ...


Curaleaf  - £50 the first consultation and had the weed 2-3 weeks later.


So stomach issues qualifies and I told them I smoked weed for over 20 years and it HELPED.


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