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Legal - Prescription


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Hello all, 


Id be keen on securing a legal medical prescription for ease of use and peace of mind with regards the law. 


I don't have any medical conditions (that I've told the doctor about ) so have no record of past medications not working. Is it possible to still get a prescription? 




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My understanding of the usual rules are:

That you have to have tried two types of medications for a complaint,

but for whatever reason those medications are no longer an option(negative side effects etc).


So you best find out which of your ailments to report to your doctor :) 


Good luck with your quest 🍀







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You first go through an eligibility check.  The form asks you to detail your condition and what treatments you've had (or been offered).  You don't necessarily have to try the treatment if there's an acceptable reason. 

You then need to provide, or give permission to the clinic to get, your summary of care record from your GP surgery which will confirm your diagnosis, previous medication/treatments and detail the last (3?) appointments related to your condition. 


You can always try but if you can't provide anything then I personally wouldn't rate your chances.  

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2 minutes ago, growinggold said:

sounds like I'd be pissing my money up the wall then.

Unfortunately that seem the case 

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Most, if not all, offer a refund if you don't qualify, or it's decided by the consultant or MDT that it's not the right thing for you. 


So no-one should ever not apply for fear of losing out financially.



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I have heard that a private GP could provide a recommendation to prescribe cannabis.  But you still require a medical need for something or other such as insomnia, low energy or low mood etc.

Probably cheaper through your regular GP to try two other medications first (or one medication plus talking therapy).

You don't really need to have tried two other medications, just to have considered them and perhaps decided against them due to danger or side effects.


eta:   If your GP is on board with cannabis usage and thinks that it is in your best interest then their recommendation could be used instead of the two medications. However this is unlikely due to their liability insurance being based on complying with NICE guidelines. 


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Anyone know how they work once you've gained a prescription? What I mean is, say I pay the '£100' or whatever cost for an initial consultation, then get the prescription granted, am I obliged then to buy herb I can't fully trust from that company every month for it to stay valid, or can I get my prescription and use that as a kind of legalising ticket for ever more and use my own trusted organic (obviously not disclosing that part to them) ? 

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1 hour ago, Clean Green said:

Anyone know how they work once you've gained a prescription? What I mean is, say I pay the '£100' or whatever cost for an initial consultation, then get the prescription granted, am I obliged then to buy herb I can't fully trust from that company every month for it to stay valid, or can I get my prescription and use that as a kind of legalising ticket for ever more and use my own trusted organic (obviously not disclosing that part to them) ? 

In my case the prescription is from the clinics who owns chemist

Sadly i can not take my prescription to my local chemist and ask for 20g of Kush. It comes from a nominated chemist(there own🤣)

but you can change the clinic and there for chemist 

I only get a photo copy of my prescription when my weed arrives.

I do get a choice of which weed I want within the prescribed THC and weight on the script 

There is information on the origin and thc/cdb content indica% stavai%

but most is eradicated and seems to have little in taste.

I would be depressed if this was my only weed 

but its not covered in fly spay or silicon 

Your script would be as any other script ie

if you got pulled work/police with a script you have a legal defence for thc in your blood 


I hope that helped I tried to be honest 






Edited by splifi
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You have to pay the prescription invoice to get the prescription copy sent to you and it's only valid for 30 days.


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Thanks, am weighing up options as use for arthritis and an associated long term health condition.  My main issue is one of principal as I'm very against the way it's been monetised and ended up affordable for only those with enough money. So, looking like it would be the initial payment and then a monthly fee for irradiated untrustable herb that I'd be wary of putting on my compost heap, never mind inhaling it's vapours or ingesting! So a monthly fee for herb that would go in the bin to give me some kind of defence if ever needed. Current strategy around driving for me is to never drive impaired and refuse any kind of samples/tests - which I know can still lead to trouble. It's fucking hard work trying to decide whether to fork out money I should be using to bring up my kids on this just to get a possible defense ticket if ever needed. Have any other countries got such a two tier system this bad? 

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@Clean Green my prescription is for 60g a month but i only order 10 every couple months 

The weed is ok no complaints really but I just put my own in the prescription bag as I rather vape my own

Need to pay for a check up e ery 3 months but you book them yourself so I get away with just 3 a year 

It's all a very easy process and they never ask how I survive on 10g every 2 months 

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Thanks for the replies with this.  I've been self sufficient with guerilla grown for quite a few years now so no issues that way. It really would just be a box ticking thing to provide some peace of mind. It's just weighing up the costs and trying to tame my own stubbornness with not wanting to pay into this industry the way it currently is.  Will do some more reading about who to go with.  Cheers 

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@Clean Green 


Clinics have started offering varying ways to pay for the consultations (membership 😒).  Alternaleaf doing a monthly subscription style now. Others with access schemes for income related benefits, pip, pension, veterans.  Some do one check per year from the second year onwards whereas others want more.  Some charge £10-£30 for each prescription order, others free.  Medbud wiki clinics page is good for an overview of each.


Depending on what your diagnosis is you could downplay your usage.  Like only vaping a couple of dosing caps before bed for insomnia or reducing some reliance on medication that makes you ill and try just for a 10g script from the start. 


Cheapest stuff is £4.50 - £5.50 pg depending on stock, end of expiry offers etc.  Again  medbud lists what each dispensary offers for research. 

Edited by satchmo
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