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New push for legalization


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I grow in a 1 room flat in a 2.5 foot x 2.5 foot tent. If you've got a few square feet of available floor space you can grow :)

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This Labour government will not even tolerate the idea of easing up on Cannabis let alone legalising, not with 2 Tier at the helm.


The man is an ex barrister, he has made his position on Cannabis clear, if you use or grow it your a criminal and you should be behind bars. This was one of the few MAIN reasons I couldn't vote labour this GE.



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The problem is that as an authoritarian Starmer is a true believer in the notion that if it's illegal then it's wrong, the very fact that it's illegal makes it bad, end of story, the law is what makes things right or wrong. You can't deal with someone whose worldview and notion of morality is that fucked-up.

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It's just fucking noise. Lets not put them on a pedestal....percy is softening (all public sector workers are pissed off, the filth included), unless you spit at them or something, or dealing, or forcing/coercing etc.


I know for a fact there's huge gap between written law and application, and the papers play along with the façade.. Societal attitudes are different compared to the past, I'd say that is more important. It's better to think holistically on these matters, and PERFECT IS THE ENEMY OF GOOD!


Whole fucking areas smell of weed now and no one calls the police, I smell it everywhere all the time.... I still recommend carbon filters more to not tempt the fates, or rippers (its also basic manners, not everyone likes the smell). But there's loads that don't. They still standing after a long time now. Away from your screens it's becoming more normalised.


You lot give them too much mindspace sometimes, I think. Do the basic precautions and a grow is a lesser risk/harm than buying street gear, in general, if it's percy.


Allow me to be more controversial;


Weed law changing isn't what I want them fixing first. I can do that, it's semi hardly annual fer fucks sake - I can just grow some.... I can't fix my own heart if it breaks, though, and when I'm older I might need a bit of help (I already have at times), so social care that's not shite, or dysfunctional, do that first.......water with no shit in it...fucks sake...








Edited by j.o.i.n.t
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7 hours ago, j.o.i.n.t said:

Prescriptions, from what I have picked up, aren't much use to folk who are broke are they...which when sick/disabled, fixed income that's too low given current prices....what good is it, if it's like that

Now I am a pensioner and every penny counts it got me think how much dose it actually cost me. 

I worked out my prescription cost a week

The fee was £50 or free if on certain benefits or exforces with certain clinics 

Then £62 a month for the weed and delivery

It works out £2.18 a day or £1.52 per gram 

Which works out at £794 a year tax to smoke weed and keep my driving licence 

A tax I could do without

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So let's come up with idea that we can agree on and get the lib Dems behind it the labour/Tories won't do it we need something modern and which others could copy. 

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Not sure what they want  :unsure:  There's nothing 'new', everything regarding why cannabis should be legalised (not least the MASSIVE amount of money it could bring to the economy) is already out there. How many dfifferent way do they want it spelled out ?


E2A Given the fact that the prisons are so full they're releasing violent offenders early, the NHS is on its last legs and the government is trying to find money for public services by cutting winter fuel payments to pensioners and legalising cannabis could help with all that there's not much more that needs to be said.

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Thanks for the info, @splifi That's useful to us that, you saved me the bother there.


In the context of wider price rises already 'bedded in' (+10% on bills soon, too), ouch. There's folk we know...they couldn't do that. Charging chairs etc is a problem, let alone that on top.


@phenom Barking at wrong tree again man. See info splifi shared...or...


if you had a 200w lummi, some seeds, feed, timers, 6" pots, extraction, a small tent etc...so on a table in front of you, could you shift less than a kilo? Slide the pots about mebbe? Have a little 'workstation' vibe, stuff - the bits and bobs - set up within your reach... With a little help to set it up?... You could have it a bit lower than normal, as you can turn it down, at a hight you could adapt the output yourself to find your sweet spot for the space you can use, or have it on yo-yo type things with string on them or something...... Think in those terms, I'd suggest.


If you had that would you use it? can you afford... 100w, say, down low, 16 hours a day for some times/ 12 hours the rest... (rough ongoing costs, work it out on that, with what you pay for leccy - unit cost...just shift the dot to the left one plac, that's what that costs an hour...).


Give me and her a place to stand, we can adapt basically anything within reason - or get info from those who can, and the weed knowledge on here is vast.... That's well within reason dude, a little grow.... Would you rather beg or fight?

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Addendum to the above:


Perhaps highlighting to whatever Lib Dem MP has responded the fact that former tory cabinet ministers and their cronies (who were involved in setting drug policy) have a virtual monopoly on 'legal' cannabis (both via the licensed grows and private 'clinics') and are making obscene profits and that so-called 'medical cannabis' is two-tier 'healthcare' at its very worst, with 'clinics' nothing more than legitimised drug dealers for the rich that can afford the prices might be an idea :unsure: But they probably don't want to hear that, since they're feeding at the same trough.

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3 hours ago, phenom said:

IF we can think of a new campaign 


We? I hope you're not including us or even mentioning this place in your correspondence with political parties. 

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I can see how the UK clinics are making a good living 

 30,000 prescriptions at the moment each one pays say £1000 a year equals 30million between 15 clinics minus cost of buying and importing, wages  etc not bad for a glorified chemist but for legal drug dealers they have supply problems .

I have not yet had any UK grown medical weed my current batch is from Denmark 

 The real money must be in the growing and exporting no duty unlike alcohol 

Once the initial set up cost they are laughing all the way to the politicians husbands/wives bank


That why the politician won't give up there cannabis cash cow 

That's probably why the government tolerate medical usage.  

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+1 for fuck the law and just get growing


You can't seriously be looking to lib dems to help

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2 hours ago, splifi said:

It works out £2.18 a day or £1.52 per gram 


I'm surprised it's so "cheap". The price of prescribed cannabis has certainly dropped. That works out at £42.56 per ounce which is a lot less than the black market, or in most cases, where applicable, the white market. If the private sector can sell at this price, with growers/importers/dispensers all making a profit, imagine how cheaply it could be produced by a non-profit. It refutes the argument that the NHS would be bankrupted if it started prescribing cannabis.


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7 minutes ago, Simple Jack said:


I'm surprised it's so "cheap". The price of prescribed cannabis has certainly dropped. That works out at £42.56 per ounce which is a lot less than the black market, or in most cases, where applicable, the white market. If the private sector can sell at this price, with growers/importers/dispensers all making a profit, imagine how cheaply it could be produced by a non-profit. It refutes the argument that the NHS would be bankrupted if it started prescribing cannabis.


sorry put the decimal in wrong place 

It cost me £64 for 10 gram 

I think about 180 an oz 

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Medbud wiki has a comprehensive list. Between £130 and £360 an ounce depending on strength/name.  Legal dealing for a select customer base.

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