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New push for legalization


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Hello I am looking at doing a new push for a change in the law the idea is to get user's to help write a copy n paste letter and organise a list of MPs government emails and homeoffice, PMs, news outlets and organise a certain time/ date and everyone at that time start emailing EVERYONE. We can do this at home, we can set up a different email so it's not a personal one. Hopefully if we can get enough people to BLOCK ALL MPs email for a day will hopefully make the news EVEN better if enough people we COULD crash the servers which would make nation news/ papers. Nothing has been done for ages and anyone can do this. We need help 1, write a list of government emails, 2, write a letter that everyone for NOW can agree on. Any help or advice would be appreciated 

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Given Starmer's authoritarianism and his apparent desire to continue the measures to prevent protesting that the tories began, together with his history of stamping down hard on any dissent I can't see anything changing for the better regarding cannabis and I actually think doing something like that would be extremely counterproductive and the most likely outcome would be to push Starmer into a harder stance.

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I say we just ignore them, myself.


...and, looking around of late, I am not alone in that at all. Demographics in terms of those enaged in public usage have widened in my world.



Edited by j.o.i.n.t
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Even if Starmer wasn't an authoritarian (which he absolutely is, more than anything else) I think now, with all the other shit going on, is a particularly bad time for any group to be putting their heads above the parapet. Particularly engaging in something that could be spun as 'cyberterrorism'. I think now's the time for keeping a low profile.

Edited by Boojum
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@Boojum Nothing OP is suggesting even gets close.


(if it was DDOS, mebbe, but he on about getting people to write to them)

Edited by j.o.i.n.t
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Call me a pessimist, but I can't see how changing legislation will help anyone on here.

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1 minute ago, j.o.i.n.t said:

@Boojum Nothing OP is suggesting even gets close.



I didn't say it did, I said it could be spun that way, an organised campaign of emails at a particular time with the intention of crashing servers is a very crude attempt at a denial of service attack which could easily be spun as 'cyberterrorism', particularly if the man in charge is looking for exscuses to crack down on legitimate protest.

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I think once you realise the system is fucked it makes sense to know it’ll never happen.

It’s liberating being imprisoned under prohibition. 

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@phenom Good luck.


Fight for what you believe in, and get used to the vibes of those that say you can't or you shouldn't; they are many....To give the benefit of our experience, if what you suggest is one based on legal engagement - which is what it seems - you'll be fine. It's not that edgy at all thinking in 'critical mass' terms. It's been pursued a lot, for a long time....



(I also think right now you're going to be completely ignored, as there are other priorities like housing, health and this very much sidelines thing known as social care...etc etc etc)

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Like others have said, doing it now could backfire and make things worse with the current government.


While it won't effect us much as we already ignore the law, but for the average non grower getting caught with weed in their pocket could bring harsher penalties.



Grow your own and tell nobody, unless you find a banger stain then you can tell me :yep:

Edited by Military Grade
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It is legal is you’re after medical. Expect that to be as good as it gets. We’ve already taken the olive branch in the only way we would ever have it offered.

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Just remember that at times of potential civil unrest they always come after the druggies.

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Not interested in giving the government a list of people to investigate tbf.  Feel free, by all means, but I'll sit this one out.

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labour staying in government for more than one term is far from guaranteed, they won't do anything to risk them not getting in the next general election. I also strongly believe, nothing will happen in this country until all the large cannabis companies (in countries where it's legal) start to give our politicians back handers in order to get access to our market. Things will change when their pockets are full of cash!

Edited by Woozy
spelling mistake
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