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Glookie Bomb & Eleven Roses


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Afternoon all,


This isn't a diary just a thread showing both the growfridge and flower room in action.


Pure hydroponics in both using just a few pebbles to hold the plants in the green

mesh pots, no other medium in the black buckets.


PH Perfect nutes Grow A+B and Bloom A+B and no other additives or boosters.

Currently 1/4 strength, top fed 15 mins on 45 off, 24/7


Both spaces are pretty much optimum conditions.


These are 9 Glookie Bomb clones which have been vegging in the growfridge,

straight under 12/12 yesterday, couple of runts but they'll produce something.




Here's the growfridge with a couple of Eleven Roses from seed,

the best will produce clones for the next round.

(hung on to the last Glookie....the space is there and it's insurance if anything goes wrong)







@til next time






Edited by stu914
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I’ll just sit watching in the corner while skinning up :skin_up:







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  • 2 weeks later...

Afternoon all,

Boom! 10 days later in the growfridge...


Huge difference between the two seedling eleven roses, undecided which to keep.

The Glookie is happy being dunked daily then snoozing in the corner...









The pics speak for themselves...

I've slanted the lights to even out the canopy, 350umols atm, lights around 200w.

Still on 1/4 strength feed EC 1.2, times reduced to 15mins on 2hours off 24/7...nice healthy roots.

...and...just to keep someone happy...:wassnnme:...increased room temps to 28c on 25c off...:rofl:


'til next time




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23 minutes ago, Shumroom said:

you’ll notice an improvement

I'd like to see anyone improve on these bud, cheeky sod, improvement indeed...:rofl:

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Don’t matter how good something is,

it can usually be improved upon lol


I’m pretty sure you’re trying to take the piss though :thumsup:







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yeah........ come on Stu, get it together man, :)  they need higher temps with LEDs.

i mean look at them, they look much better.  much happier at 28 degrees. i sometimes go to 30, they dont mind it

id keep the big 11 roses by the way.


mind the gap

Edited by badbillybob
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All that growth was achieved before the temp change so as yet I'm not convinced...

We'll see at the end...btw...see what beautiful roots can be achieved with a feckoff

big gap...:rofl:

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