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Air Vacuum Pressure Release / Relief Valve


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Running 4 top spins from a 3500L/hr pump using 25mm piping. I have the 25mm version of the topspins.


Im finding the pots furthest away on the end loop arent as heavy as the pots closest to the pump.


I run 1 large loop


This is a top down view. Tank on the right, 4 topspins in the current formation.




This is a side on view - you can see the elevation, I run tables so the irrigation pipe comes up from below and sits on top of the table (10cm from floor) but I think is slightly elevated at the end where I'm seeing less flow.





Im thinking of incorporating a pressure relief valve at th end at the highest point (THE RED THING), this should enable my ring to pressurize quicker and avoid any air blocks at the end.


Am I on the right track?


Also my anti syphon valve seems ot take a while to pressurize, is this also due to the air pocket in the ring?


tagging you @Gsyrup as I know youll know the answer.



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Hmmmm - are you running the system pressure compensated or open flow? IE, have you took the noggins out of the topspin?

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5 hours ago, Gsyrup said:

Hmmmm - are you running the system pressure compensated or open flow? IE, have you took the noggins out of the topspin?

yes, all noggins out - have seen they use those air dump valves on the floraflex systems, seems to pressure the ring quicker



"Providing you more accuracy when to comes to feeding theFloraFlex® Air Bleed Valve (3/4”) ensures that once water starts to flow - any air is forced out - preventing air locks."

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Jeez floraflex are making money on those valves!!

Pretty sure the air bleed valves we used to have on our irrigation at work are like 3 quid each... They're not green mind...



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1 hour ago, sweettooth said:

yes, all noggins out - have seen they use those air dump valves on the floraflex systems, seems to pressure the ring quicker



"Providing you more accuracy when to comes to feeding theFloraFlex® Air Bleed Valve (3/4”) ensures that once water starts to flow - any air is forced out - preventing air locks."


I don't think an air lock is your issue... but honestly I don't know what the issue is, other than perhaps your pump is a bit well... pump lol cos I can't imagine such a slight elevation, +10cm, would cause uneven pressure.


How big is your anti syphon line? Are you 16-16mm or are you stepping down?


e2a - any air in the line just causes the drippers to fart for like 2 seconds and then they run normally? My biggest system in this configuration feeds 72 stakes on a 7k pump, never an air lock be.


E2A E2A - Infact, aren't you using 25/20mm line? If it is, I think you might be underegging the system, and it might be losing the pressure through the anti syphon?? How are you doing the anti syphon? A valve, or just a bit of line that bleeds straight back to the tank, and what size?

Edited by Gsyrup
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anti syphon valve (excuse the grime, needs a mid grow tank clean)




4 topspins is 48 stakes, all off an aquaking Q2007


I did get the newa NJ3000 and can possibly run 2 pumps, 1 supplying 2 topspins. Currently the timer is set to 2 rounds of 35 seconds, perhaps 35 seconds isn't enough to pressurise the syphon valve and the ring and have the furthest topspins running.


Yes running 25mm pipe all the way round.



e2a... I'll run the drippers manually and time when each section starts flowing and see how long for the syphon valve to stop releasing water, could be a faulty rubber inner?

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ok.. update


10 seconds for anti syphon valve to pressurise.


After that all drippers flowing except 3 from 1 topspin, all 3 drippers on same pot.


removed the stake and sucked on the tube, liquid stated flowing so no blockage.


I've confirmed all stakes run at the same time, flow should be equal but the pots nearest to the pump certainly feel heavier and do give more runoff quicker.


It could be that my dehumidifier outlet was on that side drying out the pots more, I've moved it centrally and pointed it up with a fan blowing it against the tent side and up into the canopy.


Will monitor the dripper flow again tomorrow doing a manual plug in (avoiding the timer) and report back.


Thanks for the advice so far, I do think some of the drippers were airlocked and as the flow was free on the other 9, they took over and stopped the 3 on question from working.


Good to know I don't need a relief valve.


Was smelling a mild kind of bog smell though when I had my head in there, could just be the root tonic as I know GA Root tonic stinks like absolute shite.

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