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What fertilizer to use? Urgent help needed


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4 minutes ago, Crow River said:


TBH your initial approach seems sound, I would have used fish, blood and bone but bonemeal's good too. I'm certainly no expert but I reckon lack of buds could be down to environmental factors rather than fertiliser. Tomato feed is fine to boost flowering, you could also top dress round the girls with bonemeal and some compost. Some growers swear by comfrey tea, I haven't used it myself but I do use nettle tea, diluted 1:10 with water. It has a bit of nitrogen, plenty of potassium, and trace elements too. Another thing you can try if the plants look hungry or lacking nitrogen is your own pee. :D Dilute at least 1:5 (I do 1:10) before feeding. I mean, you're always carrying some to the plot anyway... 🤷‍♂️

Yes, sorry, its fish blood and bone I used in the soil mix. I have yet to try comfrey tea. Looked for comfrey in the forest, but could not find any and I'm guessing it's a bit late to grow my own for this year. Oh well, I'll keep that in mind for next year. The pee i'd rather use as deer deterrant at the plot entrance 🤣 heard it works wonders and I can confirm that!


And you're probably onto something about "environmental factors" causing less flowers to pop. I did plent them out VERY late (late June I think), so they did not develop enough.

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It's not been a brilliant summer, you did well to not plant out earlier if you ask me. Very cold late May and early June, and wet with it. July nowt to brag about either. 


I also pee round my plot perimeter to deter pesky critters, but recently I've started using it as fertiliser too. Seriously, if you have a plant that looks a bit pale, give it a try. It really does revive plants rapidly. Some people store it in bottles for months to age (and sterilise), but my approach is to use fresh, as in less than 24 hours old. Once diluted, I can easily get 20 litres of free plant feed in a day...  Obviously if you're on certain meds, have an infection or poor health, then maybe that won't be such a good idea. 



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1 minute ago, Crow River said:

It's not been a brilliant summer, you did well to not plant out earlier if you ask me. Very cold late May and early June, and wet with it. July nowt to brag about either. 


I also pee round my plot perimeter to deter pesky critters, but recently I've started using it as fertiliser too. Seriously, if you have a plant that looks a bit pale, give it a try. It really does revive plants rapidly. Some people store it in bottles for months to age (and sterilise), but my approach is to use fresh, as in less than 24 hours old. Once diluted, I can easily get 20 litres of free plant feed in a day... It's free, so literally nothing to lose. Obviously if you're on certain meds, have an infection or poor health, then maybe that won't be such a god idea. 

A shit ass summer for sure mate!

I don;t know man 🤣 I don't really want to pee on the plants I'm gonna smoke later. Also, isn't pee acidic? Will it not ruin the pH of the soil? Think I'll just stick to other ORGANIC fertilizers and use pee to keep pests out of the plot

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You don't pee on them (well, if you know it's about to rain, you could get away with it). And it's totally organic, literally comes out of your body. NPK is apparently around 11:2:4. I suppose if you wanted to up the potassium, just feast on bananas the night before? :D 


If you think I'm taking the piss (I know, I know), on another forum a grower fed his indoor plants on just (diluted) pee and (diluted) kelp extract. The plants looked amazing! Still doing it, apparently...


E2A:- I think pee is alkaline, but in soil it doesn't matter much because it will be buffered. The only issue might be salt buildup, but in these islands we get so much rain it won't be a problem unless there's a spell of drought.

Edited by Crow River
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Sounds like you have good soil etc,all the feed and piss in the world won't do much good if you have   poor genetics  though, it's only a weed at the end of the day so best not to over complicate things .

What have you got on the go mate?

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9 minutes ago, NorthernLightz said:

Think I'll just stick to other ORGANIC fertilizers and use pee to keep pests out of the plot


P.S.:- Nettle tea worth a try maybe? (average N2:P0:K5)

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6 minutes ago, stayup4ever said:

Sounds like you have good soil etc,all the feed and piss in the world won't do much good if you have   poor genetics  though, it's only a weed at the end of the day so best not to over complicate things .

What have you got on the go mate?

Could very well be poor genetics! Only 2/5 plants are a decent size! I have 1x Blue Cheese, 1x Wedding Cake, 1x OG Kush and 2x Mimosa all photos and from Royal Queen Seeds. Guess I'll just keep giving them what I think they need and see what happens 🤷‍♀️ First grow after all, so I don't really mind if harvest is small, this year is more like a learning lesson for next year's grow! 

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12 minutes ago, Crow River said:

You don't pee on them (well, if you know it's about to rain, you could get away with it). And it's totally organic, literally comes out of your body. NPK is apparently around 11:2:4. I suppose if you wanted to up the potassium, just feast on bananas the night before? :D 


If you think I'm taking the piss (I know, I know), on another forum a grower fed his indoor plants on just (diluted) pee and (diluted) kelp extract. The plants looked amazing! Still doing it, apparently...


E2A:- I think pee is alkaline, but in soil it doesn't matter much because it will be buffered. The only issue might be salt buildup, but in these islands we get so much rain it won't be a problem unless there's a spell of drought.

Not a big fan of bananas to be honest 🤣 He could have been taking the piss (no pun intended), after all, there was a guy on here who asked if he could use cum as a fertilizer lol Think post is from 2013, I'll try find it

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8 minutes ago, Crow River said:


P.S.:- Nettle tea worth a try maybe? (average N2:P0:K5)

I'll give that a try next year!

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I do recall a grower on here used to get his todger out in front of "his girls" to encourage them to show their "lady bits". No idea if it worked, but hey. There was photographic evidence too, that cannot be unseen. :D 


Anyway, pee fertiliser is definitely a thing. Search it up if you're sceptical. Before humans had flushing toilets, pee (and poo) were used to fertilise crops. Better than polluting rivers and the sea I reckon. I would draw the line at using human poo, but we use chicken shit, cow shit, horse shit. Maybe if I was a vegan I might reconsider, but I'm not, so NO. :D 


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1 minute ago, Crow River said:

I do recall a grower on here used to get his todger out in front of "his girls" to encourage them to show their "lady bits". No idea if it worked, but hey. There was photographic evidence too, that cannot be unseen. :D 


Anyway, pee fertiliser is definitely a thing. Search it up if you're sceptical. Before humans had flushing toilets, pee (and poo) were used to fertilise crops. Better than polluting rivers and the sea I reckon. I would draw the line at using human poo, but we use chicken shit, cow shit, horse shit. Maybe if I was a vegan I might reconsider, but I'm not, so NO. :D 


I'm not gay or anything, but I'd love to see if that post is real and know the logic behind it lol I believe you mate, I just think there is better alternatives to pee 😅 I've heard poo being used

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12 minutes ago, NorthernLightz said:

Could very well be poor genetics! Only 2/5 plants are a decent size! I have 1x Blue Cheese, 1x Wedding Cake, 1x OG Kush and 2x Mimosa all photos and from Royal Queen Seeds. Guess I'll just keep giving them what I think they need and see what happens 🤷‍♀️ First grow after all, so I don't really mind if harvest is small, this year is more like a learning lesson for next year's grow! 

Best of luck ,even if you don't end up with huge plants and fat buds, you can always make some hash etc atb

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2 minutes ago, stayup4ever said:

Best of luck ,even if you don't end up with huge plants and fat buds, you can always make some hash etc atb

I've looked into that as well! Might make some hash if I can't get enough buds! That's a shout mate

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7 minutes ago, stayup4ever said:

Only 2/5 plants are a decent size! I have 1x Blue Cheese, 1x Wedding Cake, 1x OG Kush and 2x Mimosa all photos


I've got a Blue Cheese out too, and it's not very big, but I only put it out last month so not surprising. Problem with the strains you have might be they'll finish late, if at all. Even if they don't, you can hash them or make butter/oil. 


What latitude are you growing at? Could make a difference...



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