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Tiny Tent (60x60x140) Can I SOG some F1 Hybrids?


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So, last year's efforts in my tiny tent and single Samsung LED SF1000 resulted in a usable crop. Nothing earth shattering or remarkable. It was a single Northern Lights photoperiod. I had some issues with lighting later on as the plant was too tall for the tent. Now, I'd love to get a bigger tent (say 180cm tall) but I can't justify the expense and the wife would go just that bit madder at me for taking up more space. So, I got to thinking...what if I get one of these F1 hybrids. Apparently, they're quite compact, reliable, and give a decent crop. Then I got to thinking...what if I buy a packet of say 3 F1 seeds and if they all pop then plant them all in the tent and go for a sea of green approach in there. Do you think that would work, or would it be just too crammed?


Interested to hear your thoughts.

Edited by ItWasntMeHonestly
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Two plants in a 60x60x160 tent, 4 weeks veg and use the stretch phase of the first 1-2 weeks of flower to fill the net out, try not to over veg.



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Wow! They are beauties man!!! Awesome job. Did you have just a single 100W LED too?

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@ItWasntMeHonestly I actually bought a new light and changed it at flip between veg and flower.

Veg light was a XS1000 first version 100w


Then changed to a XS1500 PRO 150w.

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How are folks removing the run off from watering when using a net? That's the one thing that puts me off. I only have 130cm height to play with so would rather not create a shelf.


@ItWasntMeHonestly I grow in a 75x75x130cm and can easily fit 2 plants in 7.5 litre pots (and 11 litre for autos), using LST to keep the height down. 200w LED. That gets 7-10 oz.  I've only had one sativa dominant plant I couldn't keep low enough to avoid burn. 


Doesn't answer your question but more to say I don't think you need to be too restrictive in your choice of strain.

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@BudJ I usually use a large syringe 50-100ml size if i keep the net on, But i did come up with a different method of taking the net off at the end of week 3 flower and then using a couple of ties to the pot rim to a couple of branches just to keep her open, she kept her shape for the most part after thking the net off so the ties i added were only for small adjustments. The benefits of this was easier to remove, easier harvesting and easier to keep the plant whole when drying, it also keeps the net cleaner for longer 👍, Not to mention means i can move the plant and lift the try out if needed.


This is the plant i took the net off after week 3 flower had been completed



Had to hold two branches up to stop them from resting on the sides of the tent as the very end, but this would have still happened witt the net on due to the small space. (see blue clip and garden wire)

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I'm running a small 2 Hindu kush scrog at the moment in a smaller space than yours @ItWasntMeHonestly.

Trying it in my flower cab for the first time think my space is about 600 x 400 x 1400.

I've done a few runs in my cab now and have only struggled with one plant height wise.

Bloody thing was still stretching when i chopped her. lol

So as already been said dont restrict urself seed wise weed loves a bit of torture. lol


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@Military Grade The 2nd pic especially is a cracker.


I must admit I like being able to take them out  the tent for training and general tlc but if I can figure out a watering system I think scrog would work well in my small space.  I have the net.

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@ItWasntMeHonestly I should also mention I tried 3 photos in 7.5l pots last grow and although it worked it was too jungly in the end. I had to chop in stages because of it. Went back to 2 this grow. I don't think you'd have a good time with 3 in that space based on my experience.

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@Military Grade Those pineapple. Just looks epic, mate! You have 2x heaters. Were you running this outdoors/garage or something?

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@ItWasntMeHonestly the grow is in my bedroom, I try to keep the lights off temperatures as close as I can to lights on, this is to lower the swing in humidity when the lights go out, they also help keep the roots warm as the ambient temperature is always high enough 👍

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