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Washing Grovebags

Slippy One

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Does anyone re-use their Grovebags? If so, what's the best way of cleaning them? I'm assuming warm soapy water, dry then gentle wipe with isopropyl?


Cheers in advance 🤩

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I wondered about this, ended up thinking it'd be a bad idea as I'm not sure how the TerpLock and mold prevention trickery works.


Do you even need to, if you know the previous had no mold like ?

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I'd just prefer to start fresh each batch. I previously used glass jars and always cleaned and sanitized them, I'm not sure if isopropyl would damage the plastic..

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There’s a video somewhere where they say not to use iso.

They say something like if your buds mould free there’s no need to clean.
I’ve re-used bags for long term storage and my daily use bags will keep going for months of daily use with different strains.

Edited by Hole in the clouds
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I wouldn't trust them working as well after using iso.


I plan to buy new ones for each harvest atm as I too couldn't figure out what's the best way to clean them.

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I've wiped them without chemicals and aired them out 2 days (fully opened) but still reek! I'll try a gentle iso wipe, as they're expensive and only used once.. These are the 1lb bags, so like £8 each, would be nice to start with a clean slate in them, they really stink of the previous strain.. 

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not sure if its just me but whenever I open one of these of bags and take a whiff the first smell I get is chemicals 🤨

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I thought the same previously but the FAQ on website says to use them for a few years. There’s a video where the guys who make them say specifically not to use iso think he even says something like it damages the film. Really is no need to clean I put loads of different strains in my daily bags for months on end till the bag breaks doesn’t alter the smells or tastes. The terps remaining in bags will be very minimal compared to what the new material going in gives off. 


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2 hours ago, Joolz said:

not sure if its just me but whenever I open one of these of bags and take a whiff the first smell I get is chemicals 🤨

Mine are odorless brand new, apparently there's a lot of fakes online where did you get yours from?

Edited by Military Grade
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I wouldn't bother washing them either. I don't use em, I use bpa free plastic. It won't flavour the new weed at all if you reuse it, same as glass jars or tupperware. Used all sorts over the years, just can't get my self to pay what they ask lol

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31 minutes ago, KC said:

I wouldn't bother washing them either. I don't use em, I use bpa free plastic. It won't flavour the new weed at all if you reuse it, same as glass jars or tupperware. Used all sorts over the years, just can't get my self to pay what they ask lol

Was about to buy several 1 lb and 2 lb bags but nearly £50. Ill stick wiht my jars and barrels and vack bags

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1 hour ago, Military Grade said:

apparently there's a lot of fakes online where did you get yours from?


over the counter at growell and online from squish tech

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18 minutes ago, Joolz said:


over the counter at growell and online from squish tech


Were they the ones with the little window? They are the only ones i've bought so far only 1 ounce sized ones i wonder if the bigger ones have a more noticeable smell due to the larger surface size :g:


The first thing i did was smell inside them when i first got some, I'm guessing you did too lol

Edited by Military Grade
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My Grove bags were also odourless. Now I've used them all - not so much! You can open an empty (used) one and it will stink the room out months later.


I found a bag of Francos Lemon Cheese that was under the stairs. It's been there for 8 months and I'm well chuffed at finding it. I've never left one closed for that long but the buds were bang on and the same as they were when they went in. Temps and humidity are all over the shop there too and it was fine.


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Yeah, I see it's basically impossible to get them clean odorless after they've been used. I kinda like the idea of virgin bags each harvest but they're not cheap, and yeah the 1lb bags are large and really stank of the previous no matter what I do. Think I'll go for the ones without a window next time. I saw in a thread somewhere that isopropyl damages the glue that holds the sealing track on. I've sold all my Le Parfait jars so I'm bags only now, due to the outstanding results I get from them. 



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