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Bluelab ph pen

Rufus Brown

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I bought another bluelab pen around 6 months ago I store it in ph solution  and always rinse after use and calibrate it in ph 7 around every 10 days when I do a water change 


I've gone to calibrate today and I keep getting a calibration error message and it's way out 


Anyone had this happen and I doubt there is but is there a fix ?

I've unscrewed the pen and changed the battery but still getting the error message 

I've left the battery out for 5 mins to see if it would reset the pen 


Don't really want to be blowing another £80 again for a replacement 



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I had that happen and I left it in the cleaning solution for ph pens also changed the batteries it was ok after. Might be worth a shot. 

Edited by Arthur Mix
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Are you actually leaving it in a ph buffering solution or have you got the KCL pH storage solution?


Same thing happened to. There's a cleaning kit you can buy that comes with a little toothbrush and a cleaning solution if you need it.


Is it still the case they need replacing every 18 months or so?

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Thanks will have a look at the cleaning kit 🙏 


Yeah it's the storage solution 

I'm not sure how long there supposed to last mine have never lasted that long whereas my truncheon I've had for years and still reliable as ever 


I'm going to leave it in the ph 7 overnight and see what happens in the morning 



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£80 for an unreliable ph pen,seriously...............

I bought half a dozen @ £2 each,from the chuckle brothers website,Inc p&p.

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Since switching to pellet nutrients and hard water liquid nutrients, I haven't bothered with ph'ing at all. You in coco? Try it, I dare ye. :yep: 


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I grow in coca in soft water and haven't bothered adjusting pH levels for years 

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There was a brand who’s name I forget that done nutes for coco and didn’t require ph’ing. Forget it’s name but sure someone will remember. Only thing is I looked into it and think my water was to shit for it to be able to ph itself. Needed to not be such hard water. Did consider buying an RO system. I’m going to flush this grow with RO water though just to see if it makes a difference taste wise.

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That’s Advanced Nutrients pH perfect range I believe you’re thinking about 👍







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I'm in Rdwc I grew in Coco for years but always checked my ph 


The pens fucked I've tried everything I can only got 2 or so weeks left so got a cheapo ph pen of the bay of E to get me too the end probably don't need it but for my own peace of mind I will carry on pH adjusting 


Think I'm going to try a different pH pen any suggestions for something reliable?



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On 28/08/2024 at 22:19, cannaboy_420 said:

I grow in coca 


Must be expensive and bit of a pita to get a regular supply here in the UK, do you use blocks, flake or powder?  :lookaround:     

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