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Are RVK fans more powerful than AC infinity ones?


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I'm stuggling to get negative pressure in a 1.2 x 1.2 with a 6" AC infinity fan. I'm scratchhing my head as it's on full power and has acheived it before on less than full whack. I've got a small hose going in from the humidifier which isn't air tight but close and a vent at the bottom open for passie intake of fresh air. The hose has a canny distance to travel but should be able to manage. Now I'm doubting I've got the fan going the right way but know I'll have made sure before setting it up. No idea really.

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Close the passive vent part way,

see if that helps :) 







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I have run a 5" RVK in a 1.2x1.2m tent with an active intake and I could see the tent 'sucked in". i have never used an AC Infinity extractor so I can't compare.



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the 6" AC infinity - the S6? moves 680m3/hr and a 6" L1 RVK moves 720 m3/hr.

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4 hours ago, screrg said:

I'm stuggling to get negative pressure in a 1.2 x 1.2 with a 6" AC infinity fan. I'm scratchhing my head as it's on full power and has acheived it before on less than full whack. I've got a small hose going in from the humidifier which isn't air tight but close and a vent at the bottom open for passie intake of fresh air. The hose has a canny distance to travel but should be able to manage. Now I'm doubting I've got the fan going the right way but know I'll have made sure before setting it up. No idea really.



Bloody noisier I know that much. I've got the 6" AC in my 1x1x2m and get neg pressure on 3 with passive 4" ducting intakes, would turn it inside out if I ever cranked her up to 11,

Edited by Rhubarb & Flustered
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Is the fan fixed into its housing properly? (The metal straps on the outside)



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Update on this.Was going to come on and say how much of a whopper I'd been as I had the pre-filter cover still on them in the tent and after weeks of chin scratching and tinkering with everything else, when I took the cover off the filter it is as it should be. Neg pressure on 4 after having it on 10 for ages and nothing at all. Thought I'd read the manual first and that's the way they tell you to do it in there. 🤔


Anyone else have the cover on their filter in the tent? I must've read the book and followed the advice. It sounds good if the cover was breathable enough to let air through as it would save all the shit getting pulled into the filter but it isn't.


All good now though and the room doesn't smell of weed anymore 😀

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@screrg you mean the white fabric dust filter? if so yes, makes no difference to airflow other than it stops the crap being sucked into your filter.

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4 hours ago, sweettooth said:

@screrg you mean the white fabric dust filter? if so yes, makes no difference to airflow other than it stops the crap being sucked into your filter.

Same, I have a Mountain Air (the big 500mm one) and I keep the dust cover on - I've even been known to clean it.


I started with a RUK / RVK fan - a 6' one with that same 720m3/hr and it deffo pulled more air than the AC Infinity at full chat as it should.


Buuuuuut the main issue I had with the RVK was controlling the RPM - I was stupidly using a dimmer switch (don't do this!) and it would turn off at 30% anyway. So same as @Rhubarb & Flustered the AC Infinity might pull a bit less air but you can run it much lower and slower and it doesn't hum / cut out / seem like it might go on fire - like the RVK.


Don't use a dimmer!


I get negative pressure on setting "1" with one passive vent open - so even if I'm drying etc I can get neg pressure at low fan speed. On that basis it isn't the dust cover imho.


On setting 10 it's like a jet engine going and I've never really needed that much extraction in a 4x4. I usually set it to max 7 and let it scale based on temps/humidity. For security I like to keep it lower too.

Edited by DeltaMelter
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My 6 inch rvk runs at 20% during winter. That's through an smscom hybrid mk2, no strange noises or anything like that so it's just down to having the correct controller. 


Wish I'd bought the gas enviro 2 though, you can plug lights and heater into it. 


Never mind, it does the job anyway. 

Edited by KC
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3 hours ago, DeltaMelter said:

AC Infinity might pull a bit less air but you can run it much lower and slower and it doesn't hum / cut out / seem like it might go on fire - like the RVK.


Thats a bit misleading isn't it? The issue is you weren't using the right control gear, not that the fan isn't fit for purpose/dangerous.

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To be fair he did state the reason beforehand 👍

3 hours ago, DeltaMelter said:

Buuuuuut the main issue I had with the RVK was controlling the RPM - I was stupidly using a dimmer switch (don't do this!)


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21 minutes ago, Military Grade said:

To be fair he did state the reason beforehand 👍


Yeah I know, but do you not think suggesting an RVK is a fire hazard is a bit misleading when it was the control gear/user that was the issue? An AC infinity on the wrong control gear would just be as dangerous, would it not?

Edited by Gsyrup
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51 minutes ago, Gsyrup said:

but do you not think suggesting an RVK is a fire hazard is a bit misleading when it was the control gear/user that was the issue?

Not when he clearly states beforehand the context of what he's saying :yep:.


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@screrg Haha do you mean you still had the plastic wrap on your filter ?


I built a variac (copied a fella off here) when I used my rvk, had the fan in a massive box full of packing shells (had alarm right above it), was great in summer but I could never really turn it down far enough in winter, I think it's something like 33%, probably misremembering, was years ago & I just marked it with a marker & forgot.

Edited by Rhubarb & Flustered
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