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Re-veg clone as a mother?

David Attenborough

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I took some cuttings from some plants that were a good few weeks into flower, put them on a grow cycle with grow nutes and it worked. One of the plants was a stinker so I want the clone as a mother.

Anyone see a problem with a re-vegged clone being used as a mother?


Its just I have read mixed opinions on re-vegged clones , some say the quality gets lost, or the yeild is smaller and some say its the best thing ever.

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I've read the same, and revegged the same plant(s), loads of times. It might be true, maybe there's a little less vigour, but it's worth it to keep the flowers you like most. 

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maybe clone from a clone from a clone from a clone may loose vigour but i made mothers out of a 3rd generation clone and its fine, exactly like the first.


clones are dna copies

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Clone from clone is common practice and age of each generation of clone

counts from the age of the mother, they don't lose vigour and if anything improve with age.

It's also a good way of having a 'keeper'  without needing a seperate space for mother plants.

Clones can be successfully taken from flowering plants but will take longer to revert to veg and root.

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That's what I did with my Blueberry Muffin mother, the first set of cuts were taken in veg but didn't root so I had to take some more but it was 8 days into flower, don't sound like a lot right but it took a fair bit of time to get over its funky growth, once it had normal looking veg growth again I took some cuts off that revegged mother to make a fresh nicer looking mother.

Edited by Military Grade
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5 hours ago, Military Grade said:

That's what I did with my Blueberry Muffin mother, the first set of cuts were taken in veg but didn't root so I had to take some more but it was 8 days into flower, don't sound like a lot right but it took a fair bit of time to get over its funky growth, once it had normal looking veg growth again I took some cuts off that revegged mother to make a fresh nicer looking mother.


Cool , thankyou, did you notice any negatives about revegging to make a mum?


Mine have revegged fine, took a long time to do it with loads of funky growth, I never thought about taking a clone from the revegged plant then using that as a mum.

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@David Attenborough I'm still very new keeping mother plants, but once i took a cut after the revegged plant started producing normal looking growth again the new cut grows like a normal cut taken in veg 👍


There might be a small change in something that I'm not experienced enough to notice yet 🤔

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