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13 weeks


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Bit different to the usual I need a fast finisher thread


I need a fast seed to finish here


13 weeks 3x3 space and dont wanna run more than 4 plants


Would autos or photos be best?


Will be growing between November and February 



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2 fems, 4 weeks veg, 8 weeks flower. Done


Or 4 fems, 2 weeks veg, 8 weeks flower, 2 weeks cure. 


Good luck soldier. lol


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17 hours ago, Slippy One said:


Or 4 fems, 2 weeks veg, 8 weeks flower, 2 weeks cure. 



This, but I'd maybe flush and dry them first 😛

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Smoked Speedy chilly or something like that by rks,not my grow and was a few years back so cant say if its still same but it had really nice bluberish flave ,nice hit, overall good imo i really liked the smoke.  Its not auto supposed to be fastflovering strain whatever that is.

Give it a try if you dont find any better reports

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Don’t flush 😇


And by ‘cure’ I mean dry.. 👍🏼

Edited by Slippy One
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I really must be doing something wrong with my veg game (2x26w root it LEDs). After 4 weeks I'm never usually anywhere near a decent size to flip


Next run I'll use my main lumatek attis light and hope for a faster veg

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What medium do you grow your plants in?


Try Coco for faster veg growth :thumsup:

Edit: Plus you’d probably be better going 12/12 from seed,

rather than having a very short veg.







Edited by Shumroom
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NFT gets my recommendation here.  4 weeks veg time in NFT has me worried about my tent size.

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I usually use 55% soil, 35% Coco  and 10% worm castings


Think the switch to Coco is coming but I've got 4 bags of clover to use and very little money for ec pen and new nites


Is it really that much faster in Coco


Also how many watts you guys putting them under @Shumroom @JamieThePainter?

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I'd need to go upstairs to check it mate and I'm in a post-work couchlock atm lol I lost interest in wattage since I switched to LED tbh.


It doesn't really matter though, I grew under 250w and 400w HPS before and the veg growth and speed was still the same.

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I usually start my plants off in a makeshift wardrobe.....piss poor air exchange and I'm not totally convinced about the lights. I need a good distance between them and the plants or I get the leaves canoeing. 


Guess that could equally be the air exchange rather than the lights tho or a combination

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I'd say your air exchange is a priority.  You can have the best seeds, the best medium, the best lights... but if your environment is shit, you'll get shit. 


Environment is number 1 mate, your plants love to breathe!

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@JamieThePainter I'm sure that's why they're starting so slow. I remember seeing air exchange wasn't that important for first few weeks but I guess I've taken the piss outta that theory 



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Maybe in the very early seedling stage, but after they start pushing leaves out I'd get that air flowing.  It should help with your temps too. 

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Yes it’s true,

plants grown in hydro including coco tend to grow faster than those in compost IME :) 

I swapped over from compost to coco a couple of years ago now and I’m repeatedly over vegging my plants because I haven’t fully adapted my timings to coco yet lol


It’s worth saving up for an EC wand and a way of testing pH,

that includes simple pH paper 👍







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