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Hi everyone, hope you are all good, anyway I've just started a few seeds (all regs) 2x Black Triangle (Bodhi), 2x Sweets (Karma) and 2x Kushage (TH Seeds) I'd love to hear any thoughts /opinions on the strains mentioned, whether smoked or grown. Thanks. Peace. 

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The two Black Triangles are straight up above ground! Just waiting on the others, I'm a bit sceptical about the Kushage pair. They may be a bit old, possibly 15 to 18 yrs old so not holding my breath on those but I have two more seeds to try if they fail. If not then I'll have to replace with a couple of fems to guarantee a girl or two. Peace. 

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Will be wetting some Black Triangle in about 5 weeks time so will keeping keeping an eye on yours. Good luck with the old seeds too dude

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Thanks CuriousOrange! The Black Triangles are some of my more prized beans and having had them in the fridge for a few years I thought I'd better get a couple out! If some of the others don't show then I might replace them with more Black Tri. I am super impressed with their speed in popping up. I soaked them all together (separate glasses) seaweed solution overnight 24hrs. They were put into pre soaked peat jiffys around 7pm and into a propagator in the small tent. When I checked 6pm next day both BT's were up looking like magic mushrooms! I'm hoping to see the others some time soon. All the very best with your Black Triangles Orange pal. Peace. 

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