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Next strain suggestions.


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Hi all. I've recently finally got round to getting my LED's in my attic groom, Hydro setup is soon to follow. 


I've always planned on using a SCROG to maximise yield and more importantly keep the plants down low. I've put the net in place for the current grow but the clones I usually grow seem like they aren't taking to the net as well as some strain so, its the first time I've run the clones under the net like this. They are filling it up but they just don't look like they'll give the sort of results I know I can get from a SCROG setup.


So I'm looking to try something new...


I'm not a fan of heavy Sativa's in general and I don't think I could have them up in the loft anyway due to height so Hybrid / Indica heavy being more my cup of tea. 

Nothing longer than 11 weeks bloom would be a bonus, been good with mould thus far but winter months do get a little humid up there so the quicker they mature the less likely I'll have to loose tops. 

Fem's would probably be a better option here as If go regs I gotta get the pots back out as running regs in RDWC.... I would defo run Regs if it came down to it for sure but fem would be much much easier all round.


But the leading thing I'm after is something that'll likely handle an RDWC and a SCROG. I don't mind a pheno hunt on the initial grow but I'd hope to take a mother from them as the RDWC and SCROG works better with clones IMO.


I've a few in mind, some I've wanted to try from DP at top of the list currently, but seedbanks only list the usual stat's for plants, thought it much better to ask here as its more likely folks have grown them out an maybe even used them under a net or something similar. Hoping not to spend the money on seeds


Any suggestions really appreciated 👍




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ive not smoked it my self so not really a suggestion, but the delicious 11 roses looks very much like it would take to scrogging, check the old goat (stu914)s diary.

ive got a couple in just now but dirty old mud, unfortunately. or green crack but thats more sat biased tbh, but its good one for scrogging.

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For banging fems I'd have a look as old school genetics, they're not the cheapest but they're well worth it, especially if you plan to keep one around. My favourite is the Old Man's Haze, but that's a stretch monster (still managed to grow one out in a 2x2x4 though), the petrol skunk is absolutely banging and much more manageable, a few people have had great results with the old widow as well, seen a few scrogs on here, @latigid aikon or @mr rhino did one a while ago. 

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5 minutes ago, badbillybob said:

check the old goat


How could you! lol


I saw it mate, not in as often as I used to be but I followed along on Sut's Diary, looks like a stunning strain. Not tried it myself but I have toked one of the parent strains I believe. Its on the list. 👍

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21 minutes ago, grotbags said:


subbioes arent so good for a system with them being regs mate, you end up with half the plants you need

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I made the mistake of growing out some Sweet Seeds Zenzation in my last grow, and although I took a nice keeper (have a couple in the current grow), they really kicked me in the nuts. I had to lob off the top 5 inches of EVERY top as they doubled in height during the stretch and I was still using the CMH. Even then I still had a few crispy buds.


So anything Hazy or Sat leaning will be a right struggle I think. I'll check out the two SCROGS tho.




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24 minutes ago, MindSoup said:

a few people have had great results with the old widow as well, seen a few scrogs on here, @latigid aikon or @mr rhino did one a while ago. 

I think that was mr rhino, I'm too lazy and disorganised to do a scrog lol The old widow '90s is great though and would scrog well I'm sure.

25 minutes ago, MindSoup said:

My favourite is the Old Man's Haze

Mine is nearly done, I'm smoking an early sample right now, I'll definitely be growing it again.

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I've only done 5 grows so not much experience but the last was Seedstockers Girl Scout Cookies, Wedding Cake and Gorilla Glue.  They were all fantastic, best I've grown so far by a long way, but especially the GSC - lovely smoke and uplifting high, I was gutted when that ran out.  The WC was very strong in the head effects department and I had to watch what I was doing.  Gorilla Glue was my more subtle and took bottom place but only as the other 2 were so good.  I'm currently deciding what to order next and I think it'll be something from Seedstockers again.

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@GreenVision yeah it did end up being pretty ridiculous TBH, tent was absolutely rammed lol. I'd recommend a look at the OMH in the future if you have space. 


@latigid aikon yeah it was Mr rhino now I think about it, proper tidy grow, nothing like on of mine lol. Glad you're enjoying the haze, be keen to see some pictures of you have any. 


Edited by MindSoup
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@BudJ  Did you do a diary by any chance?


Ive only posted maybe 5-7 topics on UK420 in the last year, funnily enough one of them was asking if anyone had done the GG from SeedStockers. Would love to see how all those strains went.

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I haven't been around much myself for a while.  No diary I'm afraid, I didn't even take any photos this time or I would stick them up.  


I can tell you they were easy to grow.  I have a fairly simple set-up - small tent, 200w led, compost with just grow and bloom nutes, bit of seaweed.  First grow I've not seen any sign of deficiencies but that could be down to getting on top of my ca:mg imbalance, with CalMag and Epsoms.  They sailed right through.  108 days from seed so that might be too long, although I've no clue about hydro.

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Chelato if you was lucky enough to have grabbed some, flowers in around 9 weeks and has banging Cheesy phenos and Gelato phenos.




Humboldt Seed Company Blueberry Muffin, Flowers fast and is packed with terpenes

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