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Crafty Stainless Steel Cooling Unit

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:g: Sixty Fucking Quid?!


I'm Really liking the cleany aspects though. Dump it in the bath. Boosh!


And, any level of actual Cooling? Can only be good.


Oh. Alright! I probably just fancy one, for a willy waving contest with myself! 😂


Anyone actually got much experience, please? :)


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It’s pretty cool vapour already, no need for different materials. I used a water bong for months that used icy cold water, made sod all difference so switched back to the original plastic which is fine. 

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I got stainless for top of my venty and to be fair it is easier to clean 

But it's real heavy and makes it look like I'm having a shave with a big old remington 

Not worth the cash 

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Posted (edited)

:( Oh. Not what I was hoping to hear. Obviously. But, there it is. I asked ....! :D Bugger!


Cooling? Must say; My Crafty? No. Now ye mention it? It doesn't really bother my neck. Think I was transposing from my Volc'.


Glass / water? I've given the idea about a nano seconds consideration. Dogs. It'd only end in tears.


And it's really That clunky, is it? In use? Shit. Hadn't thought about that :( That's a real bummer. And, saying " Not worth the cash " is just fucking Brutal ~ in its clear honesty!


Fuck it. Sell me yours then! Ye don't like it? 😂


No, come on, guys; I'm just not happy about putting iso / acetone near my plastics. I could dunk, rub and rinse the steel in a minute. But, yeah ..... Shit ton of fucking money! And I'd pay all sorts of fucking imports too. I feel it slipping away 😭


Edited by Chal
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Hi Chal,


For my mighty I bought few different type of cooling unit and/or mouthpieces.

Glass, steel, alternative glass cooling units....and I have to say that they are all very good and effective. But also with several aspects that make them not ideal.


I was looking also for the full steel cooling unit but wasn't available and expensive.

I finally arrived to the conclusion that the original cooling unit is fine. The plastic taste is not a problem with time. The unit is well done, easy to clean and cheap to buy as replacement.



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On 23/08/2024 at 08:10, Amnesialocal said:

 The plastic taste is not a problem with time. The unit is well done, easy to clean and cheap to buy as replacement.


Sorry, Reg! Saw this, originally, was one of about Ten hits, from here. Got lost in the chaos, mate!


Anyway, yeah, ever the fluid, Chal has been focusing the laser of his attention on this matter. Only, of course, trying different angles!


Plastic taste? Genuinely never got that, from any vape. Maybe I simply lack the more refined receptors?


Cleaning vs Chucking though? Bit of a no fucking brainer, surely to god?! We just don't go chucking away something, simply because it's got so it could use a clean! That's kraut economics, mate. Fuck that.


No. My concerns were; 1. ISO is, generally, horrifically priced, here. Major Tom won't send it here. We pay premium. Wastage, again, becomes a big thing.


2. Crafty Chal got round that, by getting Acetone, through Toms, at a far more reasonable rate :)


3. Snag There is that I've also made 'Glue', by melting plastic, in Acetone! Yeah! Doesn't even happen 'before ye eyes'. Can take like, over night? Fuckin' imagine, put ye teeth in the soak? Wake up to a gloop?!


4. Getting up to pace now, see? I've been chucking all my steel in acetone. Shiny clean in minutes!  Just an absolute misery to them have to uck out of the jar, hidden in filthy, brown old acetone.


5. A Project Is Born!!! :D My shed. My head. Major Toms. Elsewhere. ALL have been racked. I'm on it, Reg! I also got shown a source of ISO, 'Half Price' to what I'd paid!!! Same cost as that acetone, actually.


So, yeah. Progress. It's a matter advancing so nicely, in fact, that That is the culmination of activity, Since ye posted, mate. Postman, tomorrow, could well push it Massively forward?


Fuck. D'ye know what? Two constants in my life, right now? I bitch and fucking moan, about this desk. How I have no room for shit? That's one.


The other is that I've Had this desk for almost Thirty fucking Years!!! We Change, in thirty fucking years, don't we, Reg? Shit like; I wasn't deaf as a rock, thirty years back. Am now. Haven't listened to an album in Years. So, why the cd's?


If I could Move some shit I have here? Past life stuff. But Fucking valuable. I could clear the space and Make the desk of my dreams!


Imagine that?! CH Ball Vape, over in the corner of it. All my needy gear, right at hand. Room to move my fucking hand! The one with the mouse under it?


Anyway, don't go away, mate. Could even be this week that I manage to get together my own 'Bits Bath'. But, it'll be a bit bigger than I envisaged. ..... Christ! I wish I could shift this shit! Till then, I guess I can always Plan my personally perfect Dope Desk! :naughty:

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3 hours ago, Chal said:

No. My concerns were; 1. ISO is, generally, horrifically priced, here. Major Tom won't send it here. We pay premium

You can use Middleton Wisky alternatively and shot it in after finishing:)


Btw: we expect a review of the stainless steel after receiveing it:)

Edited by Amnesialocal
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2 minutes ago, Amnesialocal said:

You can use Middleton Wisky alternatively and shot it in after finishing:)


:g: Know what? I no longer drink. But, thinking about it? How much is a bottle of super market spirits? Bet even That's a fuck ton cheaper than €17.00 for 500ml! 😬


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Have you tried getting Iso from an Art shop... I get a big bottle for about $20 which is around 12GBP. They use it for cleaning brushes I think.  

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1 minute ago, teehee said:

Have you tried getting Iso from an Art shop.


No, mate. Thanks. But, see; I happen to know there Is just such a shop. Yeah? Been in there, actually. But, that's over in the next county. Taxi would cost me about fifty. That sort of sours Any fucking deal they might cut me! 😂 Fucking murder, isn't it?


Happily! Only in the last Minutes, I got emailed an invoice and delivery note. My Litre of iso will be here, this week. Under a score (€) to my gate!


Better yet? My ~ what do we call it? My Soaking Box has just turned up! (I'm sure I just mentioned this, recently? Something, somewhere, about 'Soaking Ye Bits'?


Well, I've bought this absolutely fucking Gorgeous, hinged, transparent lidded, waterproof little box. I'm chuffed as fuck with it! :D There Will be further discussion!


But, yeah. In case ye've (or anyone else seeing this) missed it? I'm in Ireland. I'm Very isolated. I don't drive! Makes the simplest things fucking murder, at times. But, fuck living in a shit hole again! :yep:

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I stopped using iso for cleaning my vape parts, everything goes in the Ultrasonic Cleaner now, it's quicker and cheaper than using iso, and is safe for rubber, ceramic and metal being cleaned simultaneously👍

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32 minutes ago, Chal said:

PS! @teehee ..... 15 oz of White Widow?!?! Jesus fucking christ!!! 🙏


Yup,  and it was  just an Auto.  That's one of my smaller hauls.... 18oz x2 Auto Blue Amnesia and a 21oz Auto Night Queen, ahem.....

I know how isolated you must be. Without wheels??? I dunno how you do it!


Do you use rain/tank water for your growing?

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6 hours ago, teehee said:

Do you use rain/tank water for your growing?


Not grown shit yet ~ in This life ~ mate! Did, half a century back. Different world then though.


I 'was' gonna do Auto's too. Spent a fucking fortune, gearing up for it. Came here? Every cunt's saying. 'Auto's?! Don't be a cunt!'.


And, now I have fucking flower pots and the last known bag of decent, Irish peat based compost. And loads of fucking coco too. For Some fucking reason. Which is all a bit mental. Considering I set out to go 'Bubbleponics'! 😬



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