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2x2 grow


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The only other air source that I can bring in is my landing window being open but even then it still bring in the hot air. I’m trying to think of ways I can reduce cost and heat in the summer months. Throughout the rest of the year the temp and humidity are great. As you mentioned you use a viparspectar, I don’t see much in the quality of dense nugs. Or is that just because my climate is off key I ain’t reaching that potential? I ran one auto for my first grow and now I’m running two fems and I still haven’t reached potential for dense nugs. Must of th harvest would consist of airy and foxtail like buds. I understand the you can’t reach manufactures AAA+ standard as they have a whole different ball game set ball game set up. 

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I've found dense buds comes more down to Genetics and environment than the light, I've grown dense buds and fluffy buds under all of my lights, but because I grow from seed every time so far it's a lottery what you will get, my last grow all 4 strains were pretty dense two more so that the others.


The Blueberry Muffin and Xodus #1 were both very dense and I kept a cut of the BM so I can repeatedly grow the same dense buds from cuts of the original I grew.



It's seems summer growing ain't ideal for your grow setup location, maybe having a break from growing while it's peak summer then wait until that latter stages of summer to get some plants vegged ready to flip as summer ends 👍

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Yeah definitely couldn’t agree more dude. Could you suggest a decent seed bank as I’ve been trying buying mine from queen seeds 

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You have the sites sponser Attitude Seed Bank https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/


Then you have our Subscriber Seeds on this site, where you can see a lot of these strains grown out already and see the differences in phenotype from the seed strains

Here is the list to them


Theres also our other fellow breeder memebers of the site in the Breeders Help Desks, where you can order from their own sites for example: Seedstockers and Real Gorilla Seeds.




Another place good for single split packed seeds is Discreet Seeds



I hope this helps 👍

Edited by Military Grade
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Is it worth buying strains that range from £60/70? I know basically you pay for what you get type of thing but as a novice would it be beneficial for myself to buy these types of strains to get better quality buds?

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The price of the seeds has little relevance to their quality to be honest, plenty of chancers out there, their just "souvenirs" at the end of the day, lots of breeders clearly put more effort into making their strain descriptions attractive than actually doing any breeding. I've had banging plants from seeds ranging from £1 each to £15 each and shit ones in just a broad a price range. Your best bet is to think about what kind of end product you want and what sort of plants you have space for and then start a thread in the strain talk asking for recommendations that fit the bill. Last thing you want to do is waste 3 months and however many kWhs growing shit weed. 

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