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Is she ok?


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Morning all… just wanted a little input to see if I’m doing everything right thus far…

She’s been potted up for around 6 days, gave her her first feed yesterday, canna coco part A+B EC 0.8… she’s under omega black 720w on the lowest setting, temperature is steady at around 26.5-30° (between lights on and lights off)… humidity is around the 50% mark… the coco is damp, not letting it dry out at all…


I know it’s only 6days but does she look a little small? And the leaves were incredibly vibrant before the first nute feed, does it still look ok? 

I swear this is worse than raising kids! 


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chill out dude, these things take time, she'll be fine and looks healthy!

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@ratdog I’m just conscious of the fact shes an auto and I know the early stages are important… but thanks, I’ll just go with it 

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you get what you get with autos

if it is an auto, the growing is short and any issues will play out no matter what gets done to it.

All one can hope for is a good environment.

They are weeds after all and will take a ton of abuse and still finish.




It's green, not yellow, and you have like 10 weeks to keep it green :)


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I found autos trickier to grow than regs/fems at first, it seems to me that they're more sensitive to stuff, both environmental and with nutes, but you just need to keep an eye on them (and familiarise yourself with what different nute deficiencies/excesses look like so you can spot them early). If I can do it anyone can :) Size-wise she looks fine to me and I wouldn't worry too much about the first leaves being slightly lighter than the cotyledons, if they continue to yellow then there may be something wrong but so far it looks fine to me (I grow in compost not coco, simply because I find it a lot more forgiving when I inevitably make a mistake, particularly early on, by the time I need to feed the seedling is established so at least I don't fuck up the start lol ).

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Looks fine just dont drow it for first 2 weeks and put some root grow in mix.

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Perfectly fine, I think it is better to sow into final pot with autos, just looks tiny.

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Aye, first attempt with autos I did what I do with fems, started in a small pot and potted up, they REALLY didn't like that so I put them straight into the final pots now, I don't think potting up is necessary cos in 8-9 weeks (and at least half of that flowering) they won't grow enough roots to make it necessary for maximum root fill.

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@Boojum I did the exact same thing the first time I went down the auto route, potted them up about 4-5 times and ended up with a fraction of my usual yield. Got the hang of them on the 2nd attempt and can't see myself going back to photos anytime soon, between the speed, not having to worry about hermies due to light issues and it all taking up a lot less space. Think the issue with potting up with autos is they don't have time to rebuild the roots that get damaged when potting up. With photos you're intentionally damaging the roots when potting up and potting up multiple times to get a tight root ball and you've got plenty of veg time for them to focus on growing their roots out. Autos start flowering so fast in comparison the same treatment just stunts them/


@CBDbudd they look fine, as others have mentioned potting up can cause issues with autos, I grow in compost where overwatering is more of an issue so have them in seedling pots for about a week, then transfer to final pot size (use two pots, internal one cut in half and can then slide it out and peel in half and avoid disturbing the roots). With coco overwatering shouldn't be an issue so your probably better off going straight into final pot once seed has germinated.


The first week or so is fairly slow, once you hit start of week 3 they speed up exponentially. I find autos tend to be quite sensitive with nutes, I start on half the minimum recommended amount and then slowly move up. Also if you've got soft water add calmag to the mix, saves a lot of headaches a bit further down the line.

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Autos are ideal for me cos I've only got 1 tent and no space for anything else, so nowadays I grow on a kinda conveyor belt, 6 plants at a time, staggered by a week or two, whenever I'm about to chop one I stick a seed in to pop and when it's popped chop, plant it in the now empty pot, move the rest of the plants one spot along (I've got the pots in 3 rows of 2 so they move along from bottom right to top left as I chop and replace). I know it's not the best use of space but it works for me and now I've always got some smoke :)

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@btk1977 I’m using water from a virgin pure.. so it’s completely filtered, do you think I’ll end up needing calmag? I’m sure after the first grow I’ll be ok, I just want to make sure I’m doing things right, and if not, what I need to rectify… I spend wayyy too much time on here you’d expect me to be an expert by now 😑

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Have a read of some coco grow diaries for tips on how to grow in an inert medium:



If you're growing in coco,

get yourself a Blurb truncheon,

yes I'm aware they're not cheap but it'll be one of the best investments you ever make 👍







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@CBDbudd Just had a quick look at the Virgin Pure website and it claims to not filter out calcium and magnesium, so presumably (I doubt there's tons of people with experience of growing with Virgin Pure water) unfiltered tap water levels will determine it.


If you look up your water provider with "water composition report" you should be able to find a page where you can pop in your post code and it will give you are report showing what is in your local water. You can work out from that if you have soft (little to no calcium & mag) or hard water. If you've got hard water you should be fine (occasionally cal/mag ratio is out of whack, you're looking for close to 3:1 cal/mag, if not enough mag you can use epsom salt to get the ratio right) if you've got soft water I would start adding cal/mag to you regular water/feed mix. 


This thread from a couple years back has lots of useful info in it:



I'm in a soft water area and went through a patch of having real bad headaches with my plants once they started growing a bit more which calmag solved.


Also I'd follow @Shumroom advice re reading up on growing in inert material as it is a very different kettle of fish to compost where you can be a bit more care free and don't have to worry about things like run off EC levels and a reliable EC meter like the bluelab truncheon is a very good call.

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4 hours ago, CBDbudd said:

so it’s completely filtered, do you think I’ll end up needing calmag?



if you are going to do that, i would get an ec meter

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Coco ain't like compost,it's practically impossible to over water plants in it!  Wet the pot out completely and fertigate at least daily,keeping an eye on the run off ec.

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