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Hey, I've been away from the place for a while, but recently sorted my shit out and have been browsing about and catching up a little bit on what everyone’s been up to.
I was never the most prolific poster but it's great to see so many familiar names about, and so many new ones, it doesn't seem like the place has changed to-oo much ❤️


I ran a couple of diaries maybe 3 or 4 yrs ago, since then I ran a couple of cheeky lockdown grows and a horrendous winter grow that I didn't really document along with other bits & bobs, so I've not been entirely idle. :thumsup:

Summer grows go relatively* straightforwardly, the winter ones, not so much... both in terms of plant health and the dry/end result in my cold, uninsulated and somewhat damp at the best of times outhouse.


But, off the back of those failures which I'm happy to discuss, I learned how to make oil, how to use .22 micron syringe filters to safely remove mould spores from solution (lol) and how to make vape juice among other things, so it didn't turn out all bad. :D

I've been getting by with just my homemade ghetto-juice in one of those little pod-vapes for a few months now, longer than my current grow has been going.  (I’ve been using nicotine vapes since 2012 to keep off the fags so just keeping a spare unit to one side for thc juice has been massively convenient for obvious reasons, although there've been many ups and downs on the way to getting it to be workable).


Speaking of my current grow, I'm hitting the final third of a saucy little grow at the moment, I'll get some pics up shortly once I’ve refreshed myself of the joys of uploading pics securely.

Anyway, cheers! :cheers:

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Welcome back to your old second home mate. Look forward to seeing what you’re getting up to. See you about

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Posted (edited)

Thanks lads, cheers for the warm welcome! :wub: :yep:


Ok nothing special to see here but a couple of pics from current grow, these are autos (I thiiink perhaps Seedstockers' BCN Critical?) in a 70x70 using an oldish 175w scope fixture from diyleduk I picked up in 2019 or '20, still doing the business.

Btw I notice they are no longer a sponsor on here - without prying into others folks' personal business, I do hope everything went ok for them, I seem to recall Adam had his head screwed on when I met him before lockdown (I'm very local to where they used to be based, practically walking distance)


large.UntrainedBCNCritial-1.jpg.856d86d156b6b6fa4b76e94be2df15e1.jpg large.UntrainedBCNCritial-2.jpg.d0436614f5d7dcdfc9ff9e6e78c8aa00.jpg


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Now, obviously, being as there's so many shitthot growers on here I can't post these without acknowledging the obvious signs of def in these photos like I haven't noticed. :ouch:


1) Bit of heat stress going on, from the way the serrations are lifting slightly and a bit of tip curl, if this were to progress I imagine they'd progress to a taco shape.

2) The one at the back looks like it's hungry, although given how I've fed them, I suspect it's the high heat we're experiencing right now, and the resulting low RH affecting nute takeup by messing with transpiration (an issue I'm only very recently becoming aware of).

3) Obvious tip-burn on many leaves - I know, I know - lol I tend to measure out my feeds by the glug rather than worrying about parochial matters like how many millitres per litre... (pro).


But honestly, I'm not overly worried about these plants seeing how close they are - I usually see much worse by now, and I always end up with some kinda issues mid to late flower - which I do intend to pick up with you all in the near future - but this isn't the subforum for asking for help so I'm just sticking the current pics up to show what I've been up to lately. :hippy:




Edited by Jimmeh
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Welcome back Jimmeh


The boys from dialaduck moved on sadly, had some issues with a break in and what not. Craig is back with the sponsers Squishtec though :)


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Welcome back to the UK420 community 🫡

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  • 1 month later...

welcome back @Jimmeh

Nice light also got first proper light from diyled about them years .

Edited by growinggold
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 Thanks mate, I'm being careful in my words as I'm bound to jinx it if I'm not careful but that light has been a trooper when so many other bits of kit have failed lol :D   

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