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New Grow Space


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I have a new space to use for a grow and looking for advice on set up.


My first grow was in a 3x3 tent in a spare room, but more discretion is needed 🙄


So the new space is a built in cupboard a bit over 90x60x2600cm. There’s a very gappy door to access which is about 70cm wide and 190cm tall. 

I’m thinking to probably just use a tent or two rather than cladding out the cupboard. But I see two options:


1. One 60x60x180 tent - more head room. 

2. Squeeze in a 60x40x60 and a 60x60x120 tent - mum / veg tent but less headroom.

Either way I will have an intake at the bottom under the door, then probably mount 1 or 2 extractors in the attic above and also exhaust through the carbon filters into the loft. I was thinking to potentially make a raised floor and heat it with tube heaters for the intakes.

Main light will probably be a Viparspecra XS1500 Pro. I think I’ll get Cosmorrow veg light for the mother tent. 

I have 6” and 4” AC Infinity extractor fans, 6 AC Infinity oscillating fans. 

Has anyone got any other ideas what to do or advice on the best way to use the space?

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@Military Grade do you think the 60x60x120 is a bit too limited in height? I’ll mount the fan and filter outside of the tent.


@yan am I right in thinking you use a DP60 and a DP90?

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Sounds like you’re moving into my cupboard! 

Yes I bought the DP90 for my pot luckers and seemed to work out ok. Bit of a faff with the roll up door but I survived. I had four plants in there and it filled it quite nicely.

AC infinity do a full height 60x90 tent but I need to be able to access the loft hatch above so couldn’t go for that. Maybe you are the same situation? 


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Haha yes this sounds exactly like my situation. Is yours a cupboard on a landing by any chance?


I’ve just moved the loft access out of the cupboard so that’s not a worry any more. There’s not a lot of height in the loft now it’s boarded and tbh I’d rather not have to mess about with the ladder etc every time I want to see my ladies.


I could make a purpose built space in there and get a bit more room, but tents seem easier and I can dismantle them if I ever need the cupboard back..



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3 minutes ago, NormanNugget said:

Is yours a cupboard on a landing by any chance?

It’s a cupboard above the stairs in between the two bedrooms of a standard Victorian terrace. 

Shame your loft plans didn’t work out and you’re not allowed the yellow room anymore. 

Could try a cut and paste job on your now surplus barely used 3 x 3 tent! 

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I would use some cheap silver bubble wrap (£15@the station of tools) and line the inside, you can use a staple gun.. you might need to seal up some light leaks, but at least you will have some head height 👍🏼

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23 minutes ago, NormanNugget said:

There’s not a lot of height in the loft now it’s boarded

Are you able to stand up in it? I do love a loft, climbing the ladder is a bit of a ballache especially with a 10ltr watering can but it's like a little magical place full of beautiful ladies away from prying eyes. I use the cupboard below for my intake fan and there's a drying net hanging there too. You could use the cupboard below for a veg space mind.


Just something to think about

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2 hours ago, yan said:

It’s a cupboard above the stairs in between the two bedrooms of a standard Victorian terrace. 

Pretty much the same as me then!


2 hours ago, Flamedodger said:

I would use some cheap silver bubble wrap

I was thinking to batten it out inside and use 25mm Celotex, then 12mm MR MDF over and paint it white, do you think that’s just overkill? I figured having solid sides would be handy for mounting lights etc.



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2 hours ago, KC said:

Are you able to stand up in it?

Yes, but only in a small area. Unfortunately my roof is pitched on three sides, then the hatch comes up in the middle where the roof is highest. To add to the faff there are also queen trusses in three directions.


2 hours ago, KC said:

a little magical place full of beautiful ladies away from prying eyes

This was my dream, but I just don’t think there’s really space. Also it’s bastard hot up there, and I assume bastard cold in winter. I don’t want to go down the route of insulating the whole loft (and messing up the ventilation).


Now that I have my new loft for storage maybe the old ‘Cupboard of Doom’ can become my ‘Cupboard of Dreams’.


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2 hours ago, yan said:

Could try a cut and paste job on your now surplus barely used 3 x 3 tent! 


TBH with the 3x3 tent I got about 4x more yield than I realistically need. So maybe a smaller space is a good idea. I can keep all the 3x3 gear for when I can afford my mansion and have a yellow room to myself.

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3 hours ago, yan said:

AC infinity do a full height 60x90

This would fit pretty perfectly, but would mean no veg/mum space. I guess with a veg space I can turn around grows more quickly. I’ll then pay for it by having less height.


I may be able to wangle just having my DP60 out in the yellow room as it’s very quiet and can be easily hidden / moved when needed.


So many considerations!!

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The DP90 is plenty big enough to provide for my modest requirements so most likely would be for you too. Also the challenge of smaller plants is quite interesting. So long as you don’t mind the faff of the door and gardening on your knees. 

That being said if I was in your situation I’d probably go with the full height 60 x 90 tent and find a place elsewhere for the small propagation area. I think ACI do a 60 x 90 split zone tent too which might be a consideration - although I think access to one of the sides will be tricky in the cupboard. 


Also I should say that I’m not convinced of the possible lifespan of my DP90 as it doesn’t seem as robust as older SJ tents. I have an old model DP60 and an even older model 60x60x140 SJ tent which seem to have more durable zips and fabric. I break zips on bags and fleeces as a hobby so I’ll soon find out! 

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My little cupboard is a little bit smaller, about 90x50 , +|- 3cm in oth dimensions depending on exactly where you measure. Height I think is about 160 (lights off right now so estimating) but I have lost a good 25cm at least to my filter. I think with the extra headroom you have you could quite comfortably batten and board it out and have a big flower room up top and a veg room or small tent beneath. You may find you end up wanting to Scrog in that space and I think the boarded walls will be very useful for mounting your net and possibly fans. 

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Posted (edited)

Thanks @CuriousOrange. I reckon I’ll look at boarding it out.


Once I have a power feed to it I’ll carcass it out as one space then see what I’m left with.

Would be ideal to have a 60cm high veg space and 160-180cm flower space. I have stupidly been limiting myself by the door height, but it doesn’t really matter if the lights are up above the door - doh! I guess I just don’t want the plants to grow higher than the access door.


Would you have the veg space below, then intake air into the veg box, through the veg box into the flower box? Or separate intakes for veg and flower?

Edited by NormanNugget
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8 hours ago, NormanNugget said:

do you think the 60x60x120 is a bit too limited in height? I’ll mount the fan and filter outside of the tent.

My old tent was 160cm tall and that was no problem, my mother tent is 120cm and is tricky but not impossible. The drobe is is about 138cm sees okay on first run.


Personally I wouldn't go below 140cm it you want room for a bit of extra practicality 👍

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