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Looking for a perlite free organic soil

Rufus Brown

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Hey dirt Monkeys is there such a thing as perlite free organic compost ?

I've been looking half the day and everything I've found when you read closer isn't actually organic or it's got perlite in 

It's not for growing in as I'm RDWC it's for another project 

If someone could point me in the right direction that would be cool beans 🫘 

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Search Wool Compost. Advanced apologies to your wallet 🤣

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Saying that Canna Professional Plus hasn't got perlite in it either

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It's crazy I can't find anything not had a look at canna bio but the professional plus says it has on the description 

Think I'm going to just use top soil in place of the organic compost that's easy enough to get on the bay of E and it's suitable 

Thanks for the help dudes 

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Well the professional had it but last time I bought the plus it certainly didn't have any. 


Anyway glad you're sorted 

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What about pumice? It's expensive AF but ecolife soil has pummice instead of peat. 


Or have a look at garden centre stuff, peat based or peat free, you should be able to find organic and no perlite pretty easy. 

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I've ordered the top soil now

Thanks again for the help 

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