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Switch light schedule or drop bulb wattage external heat spike


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So my dilemma, next day or two outside temps are meant to jump up before dropping to barrable levels at the weekend. If we end up getting into the high 20s/low30s as is forecast, the 1k bulb is going to be way too much with my current setup (need to get fresh air in from downstairs to stop upstairs getting in a heat loop but can't do that till the next grow as going to have to pack down after this crop for few weeks as going to have landlord's builders in the house...).


Can't decide whether to stick with the 24/0 lighting schedule for those two days but drop down to the 600w ballast and bulb at least for during the day while I'm out at work. Benefit is no change to what the plants are used to lighting wise, although that shouldnt matter much with autos, downside is a bit of rewiring faff because the 600w ballast has the starter on the reflector side rather than in the ballast (old magnetic one).


Or option number two is stick with the 1000w bulb and have it go off for 6h during the peak of the heat. Better option if it gets really hot but change of schedule for the girls and main downside to that option is my contactor is dead, won't be able to get a replacement in time so going to have to turn it off/on manually, so going to have to come back part way through the working day to do that.


What would you guys do?

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I'd go with the 600W option (or maybe both).


Turning off during the hottest part of the day will help, but if you aren't pulling in cold air then it's going to take a while for that temperature to drop anyway. Go lower wattage and see how it goes.. Might still need to drop the lighting schedule anyway.

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Pretty much what Skyrider said. Pita without a contactor though :ermm:


Just out of interest as I've got an old ballast with the ignitor on the reflector, is it a Cannatronics one you have?

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