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i know mate. Been on here for 10 years or so. I don’t post much as I’m dyslexic and autistic but I’ve seen his comments before. Look how he responded. Laughing about it. He’s fucking sick.

I can’t believe it’s not part of the forum rules to be honest. I’ve a good mind to get hold of admin. I’m that pissed off about it.

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2 minutes ago, MistYGr33n said:



i know mate. Been on here for 10 years or so. I don’t post much as I’m dyslexic and autistic but I’ve seen his comments before. Look how he responded. Laughing about it. He’s fucking sick.

I can’t believe it’s not part of the forum rules to be honest. I’ve a good mind to get hold of admin. I’m that pissed off about it.


Just leave it geez, he feeds off the negativity :doh:. You can choose to ignore people if you like, it's in your profile or settings somewhere. Hardly even worth the effort of doing that though is it. 


E2A don't let this discourage you, plenty of autistic/dyslexic members on here, I somewhat  of a neurodivergant myself.... 

Edited by MindSoup
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10 minutes ago, MindSoup said:

Usually wrong as well




6 minutes ago, MistYGr33n said:


Laughing about it. 


Laughing at you for stooping lower than a badger's cunt in order to make a point.  

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6 minutes ago, MindSoup said:


Just leave it geez, he feeds off the negativity :doh:. You can choose to ignore people if you like, it's in your profile or settings somewhere. Hardly even worth the effort of doing that though is it. 


E2A don't let this discourage you, plenty of autistic/dyslexic members on here, I somewhat  of a neurodivergant myself.... 



good idea mate, I didn’t know/remember the block function. Never had to use it before. 
It’s been a bad time mate. I’ve got doctors and mental health crawling all over me at the moment. Even had to sign over control of my bank to a carer coz I’m not deemed mentally fit to deal with it. Loads of other stuff. I’m at the GPs every 2 weeks. Can’t see an end to it yet.


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That doesn't sound like much fun at all, good you're seeking/getting help though, there's nothing you can't come back from. I've had similar struggles in the past and have a close mate currently going through the mill, all you can do is ask for help and slowly edge yourself back to a happier place. Nothing like getting a grow on to boost the mental health a bit :hippy:

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6 minutes ago, MindSoup said:

That doesn't sound like much fun at all, good you're seeking/getting help though, there's nothing you can't come back from. I've had similar struggles in the past and have a close mate currently going through the mill, all you can do is ask for help and slowly edge yourself back to a happier place. Nothing like getting a grow on to boost the mental health a bit :hippy:

Cheers mate. It will end eventually. Been 22 years and now I’ve got the assessments and shit. Once it’s done it’s done. Normally mate I’d just swallow and put me head down but today it was like being kicked in the teeth when your down and then pissed on. 
you know what just to prove I’m not a complete wanker I probably overreacted a bit myself but sometimes enough is enough. Can only take so much. 
Im just leavin it now. Can’t go back so just wipin me mouth of it.

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Saads should know better than to reply like he does sometimes with the  clear   mental health struggles he obviously cycles through himself.  :(



Hope you feel better soon misty 💖 



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2 minutes ago, HazyDaze said:

Saads should know better than to reply like he does sometimes with the  clear   mental health struggles he obviously cycles through himself.  :(



Hope you feel better soon misty 💖 



Cheers mate

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Perhaps you guys could ask @Joolz if he'd be willing to add a dedicated Living Soil forum under the Compost and Pots header? Then you could all post your magic mixes and witches' brew recipes there and not confuse people with hydroponics media being used in these Living Soil recipes.  



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1 hour ago, MistYGr33n said:

It will end eventually


That it will :hippy:

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Living soil has about as much to do with compost and pots as it does with coco. I think maybe it's own section would be more appropriate tbf.


It is getting more popular nowadays

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But it's literally compost in a pot? Well a container if you're really wanting to get pedantic...


And some of it has Coco in it... 


E2A this thread was actually started in the compost section, just to be clear. 

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4 hours ago, MindSoup said:


Just leave it geez, he feeds off the negativity :doh:. You can choose to ignore people if you like, it's in your profile or settings somewhere. Hardly even worth the effort of doing that though is it. 


E2A don't let this discourage you, plenty of autistic/dyslexic members on here, I somewhat  of a neurodivergant myself.... 

Victor Meldrew incarnate. :) 

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The thing with chucking amendments in coco is that it's got to 'cook' first. How many people have got time and patience for that? That's for the organic guys really, who understand the processes involved.

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