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Cannabis under Labour?


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Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, Bobcharlieeeee said:

Khan is even more anti drug than Kier is! 

What are you talking about? No he isn't. In 2022 Khan set up a group called the London Drugs Commission to look at legalising cannabis.





London Drugs Commission to look at legalising cannabis

  • 12 May 2022
Sadiq Khan at a cannabis farmImage source, PA Media
Image caption,

Sadiq Khan visited a cannabis farm in LA

By Harry Low
BBC News, Los Angeles

A new group looking at whether to decriminalise cannabis in the UK has been set up by London mayor Sadiq Khan.

Former justice secretary Lord Charlie Falconer QC will chair the first London Drugs Commission.

Mr Khan described his visit to a cannabis dispensary in the US state of California as "fascinating".

But Home Secretary Priti Patel said the mayor of London was wasting his time as he "has no powers to legalise drugs".

Labour said in a statement the party did not support changing the law on drugs.

The main drug offence recorded in England and Wales last year was possession of cannabis, according to a parliamentary report, external.

Sadiq Khan met with Los Angeles mayor Eric GarcettiImage source, PA Media
Image caption,

Sadiq Khan met with Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti

Cannabis is currently classed as a class B drug in the UK, with a maximum sentence of five years in prison for possession.

In 1996, marijuana became medicinally available in California and, more than 25 years later, you can possess, use, grow and gift the narcotic.

In 2018, you could buy and sell it recreationally, for the first time.


Mr Khan said: "We need to have an honest, open conversation about the evidence in relation to the history of cannabis and our laws in the UK, and our experience of the health consequences in relation to crime and the community.

"The best way to do that will be with the drugs commission we've now set up.

"You can hear from the experts, that's one thing, but seeing it for yourself... hearing from those who cultivate and grow this plant, has been fascinating."

Once it has completed its work, the commission will make recommendations to City Hall, the government, the police, the criminal justice system and public health services.

'Tear apart families'

University College London will provide research and analysis on the impact of any possible policy changes.

Reacting to Mr Khan's announcement, Ms Patel tweeted, external that the mayor's time "would be better spent focusing on knife and drug crime in London".

"The mayor has no powers to legalise drugs. They ruin communities, tear apart families and destroy lives," she said.

Mr Khan's own party also distanced itself from the mayor's comments, saying: "Drugs policy is not devolved to mayors and under Labour would continue to be set by national government."

Lord Falconer
Image caption,

Lord Falconer was justice secretary in Tony Blair's Labour government

On Wednesday, Mr Khan met Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti, and visited a cannabis dispensary and farm in the city, to see what lessons could be learned in the UK in responding to the challenges of drugs.

About 2.6 million people in the UK used cannabis in the year to March 2020 when the pandemic struck, data from the Office for National Statistics shows, external.

As well having been justice secretary, Lord Falconer was a minister at the Department for Transport, and then the Home Office, during the Tony Blair era.

He went on to become shadow justice secretary under the acting leadership of Harriet Harman, a role he kept under Jeremy Corbyn.

Sadiq KhanImage source, PA Media
Image caption,

The mayor of London has been visiting American cities on a fact-finding mission

Speaking about the visit, Steve Rolles, of the Transform Drug Policy Foundation, told BBC Radio London the capital needed to learn from countries like Mexico and Uruguay which have decriminalised cannabis.

He said: "Clearly, as the mayor has pointed out, our cannabis policy is not working.

"It is not deterring youths and we can always smell it off them. It is criminalising lots of people - particularly young black males - and it costs the criminal system a lot of money.

"We need to look at it. Other places in the world have decriminalised it and hopefully we can learn from these experiences."

Presentational grey line


By BBC London Home Affairs correspondent Sonja Jessup

Drugs raid

There's one point both the mayor of London and the home secretary agree on: drugs are driving violence and ruining communities and lives.

Priti Patel is of course right to point out that Sadiq Khan has no legislative power to decriminalise cannabis. Only Parliament can do that.

Many Londoners may agree with the home secretary that the mayor is wasting his time - and public money - setting up a London Drugs Commission, and should instead be focusing on tackling knife and drug crime.

The mayor believes there could be more effective ways to target these issues and has previously expressed frustration that anything other than enforcement is seen as being "soft" on crime.

It's possible the new London Drugs Commission could gather strong evidence supporting a change in approach and that could certainly influence policy makers in the future.

But there will be no change in legislation on cannabis any time soon.

Edited by Cursed
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3 hours ago, inceywinceyspider said:

starmer has already spoken about cracking down on cannabis



given that he's lied about everything so far, he may well legalise it lol

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This was in labour policy forum online 

It had loads of positive comments. 

The main problem is Kier starmer not the party membership.

Nigel farage would be even worse


Posted on 11-06-24 by Gabor Rajtik 
Number of votes: 6 | Number of comments: 13
Dear Labour members,

My proposal is to legalise, regulate, and tax recreational marijuana.

My experience is the following;

I live in a council estate of mainly young people. Every other household on this estate smokes joints, i personally can't stand the stench of it, but calling the police for that has absolutely no result or action taken.

Households who are regular users tend to be hundreds of pounds in debt to their drug dealers, its all black market trade, the police are powerless about it. 

I propose to legalise recreational marijuana.

Regulate its quality for safety,

Put a VAT tax on it.

And turn a black market drug into an income stream for the public.

Not only that, in one go we could take the wind out of the drug dealers sails. Reduce police time spent on this, and actually turn it into an asset to society instead of the endless windmill fight it currently is.

Two birds with one stone.

Yours Sincerely 

Gabor Rajtik 

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7 minutes ago, redbeard said:

Gabor Rajtik


sounds like a lovely chap

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28 minutes ago, Bobcharlieeeee said:

His religion will come before anything else 



he can always change it, you know, like Blair did his lol

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@latigid aikon I must of hit a nerve🤣 chill out and have a smoke dude


I can say what i want btw, bellend! its your problem if you are upset. Get yourself down Boots, Isle 3, big box of Tampax👍

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Just double down on the bigotry to fold in some misogyny why not, nice.

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30 minutes ago, Bobcharlieeeee said:

I can say what i want btw

Don't tag me you twat, we're not having a conversation. What part of fuck off don't you understand?

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The new home secretary is Yvette Cooper who was the first ever minister to admit smoking cannabis 24 years ago.


Saturday, 14 October, 2000, 11:17 GMT 12:17 UK
Public Health Minister Yvette Cooper has become the first serving minister to admit smoking cannabis but Tony Blair has confirmed he is against decriminalising cannabis.

Ms Cooper told BBC Radio 4's Any Questions? programme she had tried the drug.

"I did try cannabis while at university, like a lot of students at that time, and it is something that I have left behind."

She is the first serving minister to admit smoking cannabis since shadow home secretary Ann Widdecombe outlined her zero tolerance policy.


I'm not sticking to it doggedly, obstinately for the sake of it
Tony Blair
Her proposals of £100 fines for people caught with any amount of cannabis prompted eight Tory ministers to admit they had used the drug in the past.


Prime Minister Tony Blair told BBC Radio 4's Today programme he was against the legalisation of cannabis.

"I think what is important is not what happened on some university campus years ago in respect of particular ministers or particular opposition spokesmen," he said.

"What is important is making sure we fight organised crime and the drugs trade, which is exactly what we are doing.

"There are some inner city areas in our country where 50, 60, 70% of the crime is drug-related," Mr Blair said.

No Royal Commission

The prime minister ruled out establishing a Royal Commission to examine whether cannabis should be legalised.

"There is a policy that I happened to believe in. I'm not sticking to it doggedly, obstinately for the sake of it," he said.

"I don't think it is a very sensible thing to send out a signal that you now want to legalise drugs," he said.


It doesn't affect the big debate today about how you tackle the drugs problems
Yvette Cooper


Ms Cooper insisted her confession on Friday should not affect her competence in office.

"It doesn't affect the big debate today about how you tackle the drugs problems, which is very serious," she said.

Ms Cooper, married to Chancellor Gordon Brown's chief economic adviser Ed Balls, was joined in her admission by former Chancellor Norman Lamont who admitted trying a cake laced with cannabis.


Ms Widdecombe's pledge to slap a £100 fine on anyone found with cannabis - no matter how small the amount - prompted a string of admissions by shadow cabinet members Peter Ainsworth, Francis Maude, Lord Strathclyde Bernard Jenkin, David Willets, Archie Norman, Oliver Letwin and Tim Yeo.

Her proposals were attacked by police, and Tory leader William Hague quickly said they needed further "consultation".


Eight Tory MPs said they had smoked dope in the past
Another government minister to hit the headlines by admitting smoking cannabis was Mo Mowlam, long before the Tory revelations.


Former Welsh Office junior minister, Jon Owen Jones - who is currently MP for Cardiff Central - broke Labour ranks on Thursday by saying he had used the drug when he was a young man.

He had previously declined to say whether or not he had used cannabis but said the recent debate on decriminalisation had caused him to change his mind.

Labour backbencher Paul Flynn is a long-time campaigner for the drug to be legalised.

He said he despaired at Mr Straw's attitude.

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Posted (edited)

Nothing will change at all they are just like the Tories when it comes to cannabis or Gaza for that matter.



They are just tory light.


Tis only the Lib Dems and the Greens who would change the unjust laws against cannabis.

Edited by hashi
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Posted (edited)

It is unjust I agree. Its borderline breaking the law the way they treat us surely?


Allowing us to use Cannabis should be a basic human law. We should be allowed to consume it in any which way we chose also

Edited by Goonerjunglist
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Oh and bob sorry to burst your Islamophobic bubble.

Cannabis is not Haram for us Muslims .


It is infact makrooh


Though for medical reason its ok and not makrooh at all and has been used for over 1000 years.

By many Muslim physicians.


Tis a big reason its been grown in some  Muslims countries for a very long time.

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