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Cannabis under Labour?


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considering police have been asked to reduce arrests, i don't think there's going to be a tidal wave of busts anytime soon

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When they need your vote again then maybe they might put it on the table. Until then ....

As a footnote it might be worth noting that medical cannabis is legal and available on prescription and easily accessible if you can afford it. I imagine this line will be trotted out a lot over the next couple of years.

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1 minute ago, pollenlover said:

medical cannabis is legal and available on prescription and easily accessible if you can afford it.

I wouldn't be surprised if they fuck about with that quite a lot, it's currently set up to provide maximum benefit for a few companies literally owned by Tory MPs and/or their families.

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Posted (edited)

I personaly decided not to vote first time ever as I cant handle all the lies


Going by the passed comments from Starmer I expect things to get worse


Maybe Starmer will see what takes place in Germany and take note?


Yes there is private medical but I cannot afford it if honest and why should we have to prove we are ill just to get access? Access should be for all adults and anyone who maybe benefits from it with health issues.


If I was in postion to grow a little meds for me believe me peeps I would do so


I have tried to behave like a citizen should but its got me not very far


Im at the point now where I dont have much left to lose and have no motivation


Only thing keeps me going is checking these forums for positive news and to read what you lovely people have to say


I wish everyone here an amazing Friday and an even better weekend


Ps Only positive for me about Starmer is that he is a Gooner like myself lol. Thats it

Edited by Goonerjunglist
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1 hour ago, HazyDaze said:

Cannabis is the only big money maker available right now, really,  isn it?

What else could possibly bring that amount of funds in?


I'd rather they didnt make a single fucking penny from it

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I could afford private medical if there was no other option but wouldn't trust the product and won't divert income my dependents need as it's morally unacceptable to me. Outdoor GG organic all the way until I'm allowed (my gove and Mrs)  a tent at home or some lovely garden girls. Just really hope age or mobility doesn't shut out the GG option before I can grow at home.  The only glimmer of hope I can see is that they're going to even stupider (though less corrupt) than the Tories if they keep the current private medical racket going as it is.  

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I think our best hope is nothing changes. Labour applying sense to cannabis legislation would be interpreted as 'woke' and 'soft on crime' by a lot of voters that Labour will need at the next election and will be a subject of attack from the Tories and Reform.

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How comes  when Kier Starmer said last week that drugs are not on the table , no one asked him if you pay private  healthcare you can legally posses and consume ? We need some decent journalists to ask stuff like that imho the media is less than half assed lol 

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Why even is it that the UK can export Cannabis for medical use but we as citizens are not allowed to use it?


Call me stupid but that simply is a fucked up situation. Or am I missing something peeps?


Wait, if im rich enough I can have private though??  Iradiated shit tasting cannabis prob too? Or is the medical quality of high level? For me the importance of terps is just as if not more important for my health needs. The therapuetic side of things and what little I have learned regards private quality its a little hit and miss?


Nothing is going to change for us normal folk if we really deep it. Hope im totally wrong though



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Nothing will change there. Starmer is in line with Gordon Brown when it comes to cannabis so it will get worse if anything. The only thing likely to sway it is Americas federal reclassification so if that goes well, fingers crossed Starmer will listen

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Starmer is an authoritarian, expect him to increase spending on law and order including more police, "improvements" to the court system, increased private prison capacity etc.


What this means as growers is the police may take more interest in busting us, responding to complaints etc.


I dont think, although time will tell, that theres likely to be some huge crackdown but the possibility of coming down hard is there, drug enforcement can be hugely popular sometimes, look at the Philippines in recent years, it's not implausible that with a push from the rightwing press it might become tougher for us.


Bear in mind that starmer is the kind of person who wants to appear tough making it easy for the papers and tories to manipulate him with claims hes soft on stuff.


I think the medical/prescription use situation will probably stay as big business really are behind it now and hes clearly inclined to be doing what they want. Hopefully it may improve to see more provision for serious conditions on the NHS.

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Imagine Starmer did what the Thai government did and overnight it all changed


We can dream hey lol

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Starmer is just a puppet for Bliar & Brown, don’t forget that. 



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@latigid aikon Kiwer will be replaced by Khan in less than 12 months is my prediction, Khan is even more anti drug than Kier is! 

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16 minutes ago, Slippy One said:

Starmer is just a puppet for Bliar & Brown, don’t forget that. 



Blair and Brown are worlds apart. Blair is the guy who pushed to reclassify it. Brown is the one who immediately reversed it and told the British public that "skunk is lethal"

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