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Cannabis under Labour?


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Hey guys, hope all of you are well


With what looks like Labour being in charge soon, I wanted to get some thoughts on what if anything this means for us here in the UK?


Can anyone tell me what this potentialy means for Cannabis laws in the UK?


Should I be getting my hopes up at all or will things get worse than how they currently are?


I am not very knowledgable in polictics as all they do is lie lie lie


Its simply not possible for me to grown my own and that would be a dream but, I am not lucky enough to be in that position unfortunately


Nor am I wealthy enough to be able to go down the bullshit private route and, I dont believe I should have to be an ill person to be granted access, even though my health issues are the sole reason I wish I could have access to good clean herbs


What I really am asking is should I be getting my hopes up at all? 


I think I already know the answer mind...


Thanks guys 

Edited by Goonerjunglist
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By simply transferring cannabis back to class C they could make a big difference to users, the main benefit being the fucking pigs wouldn't be able to inflate their conviction rates by focusing their efforts on that particular low hanging fruit and they might have to use their shit-for-brains instead of relying on their snouts.


They probably won't do anything as sensible as that though, we're all doomed.

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I hope they see what Germany are doing and at least have an open mind.


Surely the income Cannabis would create could go towards fixing the country? I guess thats too easy an approach for the useless Govenment?

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Military Grade

I can only hope for decriminalisation, but i don't see much change happening sadly, but I'd love to be wrong tho

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It's possible that Starmer has been playing the Tory game of lying during the build up to the election, who knows what is in store for the country, it's gonna be an interesting few years...

Edited by Pepe Ramon
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They are tory lite, but there are likely now lots less gov fingers in canna pies which might help a bit over time. It could improve slowly I think but Starmer won't want to risk it early on I don't imagine.

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Don't know who, what, when but it will happen when some fukka realises it's the only thing they can do that's gonna bring a shed load of cash in, cos quite frankly, what else is there? 


Cannabis is the only big money maker available right now, really,  isn it?

What else could possibly bring that amount of funds in?


oh, the irony of it all! lol



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7 minutes ago, HazyDaze said:

gonna bring a shed load of cash in, cos quite frankly, what else is there?

Fracking ......



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Very interesting to see what will actually happen


Like many I have given up hope but same time live in hope like a muppet praying it will get better


I just cant believe this gov is not looking towards any of the countries that have better and more progressive laws


There are so many options the gov could learn off surely? The way the US states have legalised? The German model, the way Israel has things going? Uruguay maybe? I dont know but really there are no excuses left for this country


They say money does not grow on trees but if this country opened up the laws in some way then, the greedy gov can make money from Cannabis while at same time allowing us to use it in which ever way we see fit. Be it to medicate or to simply make yourself feel better by consuming


Im at the point I wish I could move abroad to a country thay treat us like adults and freedom etc


Because of my health issues I ended up jacking in my job and now I am left waiting for my 4th operation and struggling big time. 


I refuse to use any pills or crap that is ever suggested at all the crap just messes my body and I only really believe in herbal medicines it honest


I pray for something to change soon so I can sort of maybe get my life and health in a better place again one day 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

Edited by Goonerjunglist
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latigid aikon


“From the Member of Parliament for Holborn & St Pancras, ‘There’s a family in my constituency- every night cannabis smoke creeps in from the street outside into their children’s bedroom - aged four and six.  [Keir Starmer said] That’s not low level - it’s ruining their lives’.”





When quizzed about the decriminalisation of cannabis on Sky News’s Sophy Ridge on Sunday programme, Sir Keir replied: “I’ve never subscribed to that view.

“When I was director of public prosecutions, I prosecuted many, many cases involving drugs and drug gangs and the criminality that sits behind, and it causes huge issues to vulnerable people across the country. I’ve never gone down that route.”



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Its going to get worse, starmer has already spoken about cracking down on cannabis, doesn't like the smell of it etc.

After the london riots starmer was the head honcho who prosecuted and jailed people who took bottles of water from the shops.

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