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GANJA IN 60 SECONDS £80,000 Porsche is left ripped apart by thieves as its high-powered headlights being used to grow cannabis

latigid aikon

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latigid aikon

A PORSCHE is left ripped apart by thieves — as it is revealed high-powered headlights are being used to grow cannabis.

The £80,000 Taycan Turismo had both front wings cut open to get to the £3,500 high-intensity discharge LEDs in Dusseldorf, Germany.

The £80,000 Taycan Turismo had both front wings cut open

The £80,000 Taycan Turismo had both front wings cut open

The thieves got to the £3,500 high-intensity discharge LEDs in Dusseldorf

The thieves got to the £3,500 high-intensity discharge LEDs in Dusseldorf

The motor's "High Intensity Discharge" lights give off more heat and require far less electricity than standard marijuana lamps, supposedly making them a prime target for drug growers.

Robberies were first recorded in Amsterdam, where cannabis is legal, a decade ago – with at least 30 high-end cars stripped of road-illuminating beams.

The thefts can take as little as 10 minutes and are said to be launched in the middle of the night while the flash car’s owner is asleep.

One Porsche driver online said they are stolen for ganja farms, as they use less power.

One Porsche driver online said they are stolen for ganja farms

One Porsche driver online said they are stolen for ganja farms



Edited by latigid aikon
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latigid aikon

I can't believe this whole story is based on what "One Posche driver online said"

Edited by latigid aikon
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Absolute pish , more heat than hps? Bollocks....

Holland legal? I don't think so, its a policy of tolerance.


Shoddy journalism at the absolute best this.



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latigid aikon

@badbillybobYes 100% that. There is definitely a trend of Porsche headlight theft and it looks like it's global but it is definitely theft for resale.


If you do a google image search for porsche stolen headlight there are hundreds of them all brutally chopped apart like the photos above.


2 minutes ago, BilgePump said:

Shoddy journalism at the absolute best this.

Yeah it really is, it's not just that article though, it's like the dogs eating weed bullshit that was popular for while, it's all over the place.

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latigid aikon

@BilgePump£3.5k is probably the most expensive version Porsche sell with all the extra features/options etc., they've just gone for the highest number for the headline.

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So whos got a taycan and is willing to rip the lights out for science?

Fess up one of you must have one lol lol



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How comes we have never seen evidence of this like some pictures of the grows busted  using headlights ? lol Nout to do with the parts market internationally for spares is it ffs 

Edited by Arthur Mix
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Military Grade

Mobile cut and shut's😱, Soon people will come out of their house to only see the magic tree left sitting on the drive way lol

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latigid aikon

This  propaganda is older than I realised:


This article is more than 11 years old

Porsche owners beware – cannabis growers may steal your headlights

This article is more than 11 years old
A spate of thefts in Amsterdam suggests the Porsche's xenon lights could be the perfect bit of horticultural kit for cultivating marijuana
Sun 9 Dec 2012 21.30 GMT

One would expect the high-power headlights of luxury car brand Porsche to be pretty good at startling deer and blinding other drivers. But according to rumours circulating in Amsterdam, their high-intensity discharge (HID) xenon lamps are good for cultivating cannabis too.

At the last count, 35 sets of headlights have been reported stolen from Porsche Cayenne and Panamera models in the Dutch capital in recent months. Oddly, the rest of the country has so far been unaffected. Motoring blogs have blamed this trend on marijuana farmers being unwilling to fork out for the expensive lighting systems needed to maximise their harvest.

As well as producing the correct light-to-heat ratio for growing cannabis, the xenon bulbs are highly energy efficient. Even small-scale cannabis farms require vast amounts of electricity, which makes the bulbs attractive for rogue herbalists.

But could Porsche really have inadvertently engineered such a useful piece of horticultural kit? One Dutch hydroponic expert, known only as Midnight Gardener, says it is possible. "HID bulbs would work. We sell normal HID bulbs, but the xenon ones must have something extra. It must be kids, or people who are down and out. It makes the whole growing business look bad though."


Another factor could be that the lights are simply too easy to steal. Online CCTV footage from late October shows a young man taking less than a minute to flick out the bulbs from a Panamera parked right outside someone's house.

Porsche, which is working on ways to make the thefts harder, points out that it is not only its vehicles getting parts pilfered; it says the desirability is for xenon lamps, rather than specifically Porsche lights. "Obviously there are other brands being stolen too," says Hannie Steeman of Porsche Amsterdam, "but we don't know why. The only thing I can say is it that it's a really local thing. It's restricted to Amsterdam."

Currently the most popular lights used for growing cannabis are high-pressure sodium bulbs, which produce the optimum intensity and lumens (a measure of visible light) for the plants to flourish. Lumens, explains Midnight Gardener, "are what get you the big tomatoes".

He has 12 years' experience in the business, and the news has sparked his curiosity. "I'm going to have to do some research. Maybe these bulbs have a different intensity that's good for growers. I've actually got a Porsche Cayenne out the front. I might take one light off to try … it'll be winking for a few days."


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latigid aikon

@Military GradeI think 'Xenon' lights, AKA HIDs, in cars of that era are metal halide? I did wonder back then if you could do a grow with a D1S bulb (or ten...) but I never got round to trying it. Someone must've done it somewhere, a few 35w bulbs might be OK if you can't find anything else lol

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