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I finally settled on a setup… it’ll be here this week and I’ll be ready to go… I think

AC Infinity 2.4x1.2 tent

1x S8 cloud line inline fan

Carbon filter

2x Omega Black 720W LED

2x clip on fans

50L canna coco

air pots


Seeds - I’ve opted for autos to get me going


ill also be getting a 4in1 humidifier - dehumidifier - air purifier - fan

heat tube

water aerator

Ph Up and down



anything else I’m missing?


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You got a pH and EC meter/s?


50L of coco for that size space and lights doesn't seem like enough either - in the same size tent with 2 x 600W HPS lights (yielding much less than 720W LEDs) I use 8 x 15L pots of coco / 120L of coco altogether.


Will you be mixing up water and nutrients each time you water and handwatering? Or leaving them in a butt and using drippers?


A fan controller to speed up and slow down the extraction fan based on temperature of the tent?


A thermostat to control the heat tube (turn the heater on when temp' drops below a set limit) ?


Sticky fly traps will help to notice any pests before you get a full on infestation.

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Get yourself a proper oscillating fan, they're cheap as chips and move some air unlike those wanky clip ons. They're OK for a 60cm square tent but won't touch your size. 

As already mentioned, maybe a few more bags of coco. 


I don't think you'll need the humidifier/dehumidifier, I don't use them myself. When plants are tiny just turn off the extraction, that'll get the humidity up. 

Edited by KC
Missing word
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I imagine that's one huge pipe heater! 
How many auto seeds are you planning to plant in that tent? As said, a 50l bag of coco will be ok for 3.
Something can be said about trying autos as a first time but you seem pretty set in your decisions..
You'll soon realise, you're always missing something, more or less.

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Cheers for the feed back guys, I’m off on holiday until the 14th so I have time to get everything else I need… I was advised 2 of these lights would be sufficient for this size tent so I’ll have to see how it goes…

thermostats I need, forgot to add them to the ‘need’ list…

The heat tube is actually quite big, again if not sufficient enough I’ll get another… 


This is a massive learning curve for me, never done it before so trying to work things out as I go, I’ve asked for advice from a few different sources and this is the setup I’ve settled on…


Ill be hand feeding and I’m sure with the ac infinity, the fan links to the tent to allow you to set up the speed etc 

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Auto lover here.


Stay away from them, they are a terrible choice for beginners imo.

Autos are unforgiving in the way they grow. Every mistake you makes will cost you yield and combine that with the general lower quality of auto seeds (I only trust a small handful of auto breeders) you are setting yourself up for trouble.


Pick a nice fem strain, use it to learn to clone and grow it out a few times. That way you can dial in your growing skills without the plant constantly changing.


My mate who has been growing longer than me still can't grow an auto well, why people keep recommending them to beginners just to save you from changing the light period I'll never know..

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