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Good soil these days?


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6 minutes ago, GSZZ said:

Granted, I don't use soil, so I can't say first hand, but I think that may have just been rumours mate, I sell atleast 500 bags a week of the stuff if it had gone down hill I think it might reflect in that lol 

Got to agree, I've used 3 bags on the last few grows and they were all the same (and same as before) - looks, smells and erm 'performance'. I thought one bag had more lumpy bits in but that's just the variation you get I suppose.


For flowering I like the DNS Mills soil with Cork - looking up various composts it has a lot of nutes bunged in there so you don;t need much (if any) nutes in veg and start of flower.


I'm using the Canna Terra Professional Plus - mainly for seedlings/early veg.

Edited by DeltaMelter
Added the Plus
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latigid aikon
54 minutes ago, GSZZ said:

The soil I sell most of (by quite a large margin) is canna terra,

Out of interest is that Canna Terra Professional or Canna Terra Professional Plus?

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32 minutes ago, DeltaMelter said:

For flowering I like the DNS Mills soil with Cork


Is very expensive though isnt it? Does the extra cost per bag balance out against less nutrients used?


33 minutes ago, DeltaMelter said:

I'm using the Canna Terra Professional Plus


Lovely stuff. If I do potted chillis or toms for fun in the garden, canna terra pro plus is what I grab but I wouldn't use it with economy in mind.


32 minutes ago, latigid aikon said:

Out of interest is that Canna Terra Professional or Canna Terra Professional Plus?


Canna Terra Professional :yep:

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@GSZZ I'm buying both online so they are both about £20 per bag.


I like the Mills stuff because its so strong you can just water it and its well aerated so it dried out quickly - not sure it saves the money on nutes I just like the reaction the plants have when they get new shoes!. Grown better weed in that soil than previous types but that could be down to allsorts.


I have tried Plant Magic (ok but sets like concrete), Gold Mix (bit rich) the Batmix Plagron (seems OK but gets used up quick) as well as a few others like All mix etc.


Really need to do a test grow though with clones and see if there's much in it between Mills and the Canna soils.

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33 minutes ago, DeltaMelter said:

Grown better weed in that soil than previous types but that could be down to allsorts.


As much as I talk about economy, time vs money etc ultimately its whatever is delivering the results for you. Slightly on/off topic - but despite trying loads of different stuff, I'm still shelling out for bags of canna coco just because its consistently the best quality and produces the most consistent quality results, its worth the extra few quid a bag over other stuff. 



I'll just come out and say it, as far as bagged medium go canna really are the best you can buy from the grow shop. 

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Amarillo slim

Clover peat bales are same as they’ve ever been.  Last batch I made was 100l bale, sticks & fluff removed (to make suitable for seedlings),  500g or so dolomite lime before sitting a while, seaweed, worm casts and super course perlite….  From there you can add osmocote or use as is with liquid nutes….  The herbs and chillis get gaunokalong complete lol


Next time I’m feeling flush might grab a bag of the canna stuff…. 

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If I had space I'd be buying as many 100l bales of clover peat as I could fit, it's banging stuff and I'm guessing it'll be gone pretty soon. 

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Amarillo slim
37 minutes ago, MindSoup said:

If I had space I'd be buying as many 100l bales of clover peat as I could fit, it's banging stuff and I'm guessing it'll be gone pretty soon. 


I think will be a while before the ban extends beyond retail market.?   

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I have just done a grow with vitax q4 from garden centre,  have to say its lovely stuff,  no fungus gnats or other nastys

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19 minutes ago, Amarillo slim said:


I think will be a while before the ban extends beyond retail market.?   

Oh what so if your in the trade the bans not in effect? 

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I use Canna Pro mostly, sometimes I use Playgron, their Batmix or Royal mix is fine for me. I like to buy more than one brand, just in case of a bad batch, although I've never had a bad bag of Canna Pro so far and been using it years.

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How they're stored deffo makes a massive difference, I slated clover a little while ago as was full of gnatts. Took a chance and bought again and it's fine this time.


I like mixing this with Coco, worm castings and guanokalong complete. I find it much easier disposing of used soil with out perlite in it which most if not all canna specific soils have

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5 hours ago, GSZZ said:


As much as I talk about economy, time vs money etc ultimately its whatever is delivering the results for you. Slightly on/off topic - but despite trying loads of different stuff, I'm still shelling out for bags of canna coco just because its consistently the best quality and produces the most consistent quality results, its worth the extra few quid a bag over other stuff. 



I'll just come out and say it, as far as bagged medium go canna really are the best you can buy from the grow shop. 


Here here!


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