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Loft Grow - No Till


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2 hours ago, NormanNugget said:

Apparently current building code is a static load of 25kg per m2


Really? By that logic would you not fall through the ceiling every time you went in the loft? 

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All this building stuff puts me a bit out of my depth, I don't think it should be an issue though. If a person wants to work on their house then I imagine a builder would do it no questions asked, a job is a job. I would want to be 1000% sure the floor is sturdy enough to hold twice the weight I expect to put up there - not sure how feasible that is, or what it would cost. 

Seems like you're leaning towards a large bed for no till, obviously there are a few guys on here who nail that method and can give you all the help you need.


I would say if needs must, you could switch to singular living soil pots, as low as 25l each, which would get the job done well. Maybe a little more finicky as you you'll need to manage and time the top dresses well. But it perhaps gives you more legroom to work with, distribute your weight more evenly etc. 

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Yeah I think a basement would be a brilliant environment for indoor growing, just need to make sure you get that airflow right. 

I have run a dehumidifier all through my grow, but a large part of the reason for this is because I was venting into the same room (not idea of course) and was concerned about the added humidity causing mould in the room. 

I’d love not to next time, as I think it drew almost as much power as all the other gear combined.

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2 hours ago, MindSoup said:

Really? By that logic would you not fall through the ceiling every time you went in the loft? 

Reading again, they state ‘According to British Standards, roof trusses (BS5268) can take a static load of up to 25kg per square metre – plus the weight of one person accessing the loft (a dynamic load of up to 180kg).’ so I guess actually it’s 180kg.


A static load is probably more to do with sagging and deformation over time - something we’re all victims of unfortunately.

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@Lubdub thanks man. Yeah tbh I doubt anyone gives a shit as long as you pay the bill. Might get a bell in a few months time asking if they can grab a zip or two.


I like the idea of a big bed and maybe growing some extra plants and bits and bobs in there. Looking after a continuous ecosystem where I occasionally stick a ganja plant in.


Do most of you guys run a veg/mum space that’s not living soil? I guess for regs you’d want to start a load in pots and veg them out for a bit, then drop them into the main bed?

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@NormanNugget No I don't keep mums. I only have a 3x3 homebox and run fems and autos in alternation, that way I can pop the fems as the autos finish off saving me around 10 days. Or start them under a t5 in the cupboard. The tent always has plants in it and I've got 2x 90l bins that I keep my soil in, making sure to always keep it amended and churn it every now and then. One bin is ready for  the next grow as the other cooks for the one after that. One top dress at the beginning of flower, maybe another one half way through flower if it's needed. Or compost teas see it through to the end.  The soil is now in it's 5th or 6th cycle and still going strong, might have overdone it with the tomato fertiliser last time I amended it so perhaps a soil test is due. 

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2 hours ago, NormanNugget said:

venting into the same room


Yeah definitely not ideal, if you can find a way to vent outdoors you'll have a much easier time. I use one of those A/C dehumidifier window kits for a top hinge velux now and it's made a huge difference. 


58 minutes ago, NormanNugget said:

Do most of you guys run a veg/mum space that’s not living soil?


I keep my mum's on a no till bed, keep them in small pots sat on top of the soil to restrict growth, it's an idea I stole off @blackpoolbouncer, you might be able to find it in his old content or failing that have a look in my mansion diary :hippy:


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Military Grade

@MindSoup 500L of soil tho, surly that's a different kinda animal when it comes to humidity were both used to in our smaller grow spaces 🤔

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It's all relative though isn't it, if both spaces have a similar depth bed covering a similar percentage of the floor space then I imagine the effect on humidity levels would be similar.


But that's not the point I was trying to make, what I'm saying is that I've found that high humidity isn't as big of an issue as I once thought it was and I can quite happily run 65-70% humidity throughout flower with no rot issues as long as I have ample air exchange and circulation and avoid the sudden temperature drop at lights off. 

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Iv had a combi boiler fitted, they got rid of the water tank in the loft. In my senario, if i put the bed where the old tank was, it would be strong enough. 


Do you have a water tank up there?

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Sounds like it will be lovely up there. I’d be up there loads.
Are you planning a small space for you & Mrs. N (if allowed?) up there to?

A bean bag and a free socket at least… 🌋

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6 hours ago, Bobcharlieeeee said:

Do you have a water tank up there?

No tank unfortunately. It’s a 2 up 2 down with a brick dividing wall, so the centre of the loft is supported by that (albeit with a steel below). I reckon if I get it boarded properly and centre over that it’ll be fine. I can just ask the guys doing it. 

4 hours ago, yan said:

planning a small space for you & Mrs. N

I think it’ll probably be my sanctuary. She’s fed up with me banging on about my plants 😀

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