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I think my neighbour is venting into my house


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Hi as title suggests I think my neighbor is maybe venting his grow from his loft into my property , or at least he hasn't got his ventilation correct . I've stayed at my address for years nearly 10  years and grew thru every single one of them and not had a problem with humidity untill this past year . Now I've had to battle humidity like it was my arch enemy and I'm not currently been growing for months it's still same . Not got any plants in my house the humidity right now is 75 , I had dehumidifier on last night I feel asleep my room was around 47 . Woke up dehumidifier full and it's up to 75 . Even when I was grwoing and didn't vent out a window my humidty would never be so high.  A bit of context of neighbour they moved in last year had people out flooring his loft after he moved in goes away for few days then comes back at a time youd expect to water plants always hear them walking and banging around as if in my loft , heard fans stepping up and down many times as of they dialing it in (houses are paper thin) just everything is screaming that he is growing . The biggest giveaway if the temperature at night goes way up then drops during day , also the humidity in my house without growing and without dehumidifier on if sitting around 75 in some rooms and 70 in the others . My lofts saying it's in the 50s tho the way the house used to be . last winter I had no problems with humidity ,I had 2 tents packing with very heavy drinking ladies , humidity levels always around 45-55 never had to use dehumidifier ever . I have landlord that is neighbours also coming out in a few weeks with a building inspector to try find the cause of the humidity.  Just if it was the neighbours venting into my house or if they have their own ventilation system messed up how to I approach them about it without spoiling them , or at least give them any info on my own doings when the humidity is right .just this has stopped me in my hobby and also hindered my smoking supply trying to get to bottom of things . Also when I suspect he had cut his last two grows down and not griwning the humidity goes back to 45 -50 range naturally then hes back on scene again every few days action in loft then it rasises again . Im at my wits end about it because the mold that was forming for one plus having to run dehumidifier 24 7. I could be wrong and I could have a leak . But it's doubtful as I said before when I think his grows drying the humidity levels go back to normal. If was your neighbour how would yous  go about saying to them if you even would 

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Don't see much you can do about it without putting yourself at risk


I'd wait and let them get busted or whatever then crack on again with your shit.

We had a commercial grow next door on my terrace a few years ago but they didn't last too long and the door was kicked down after about a year by the cops. Was a bit twitchy as I was at harvest time myself at that time. Pretty sure I got spider mites off them too


Lots of free pots and trays tho after the cops left

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1 minute ago, Ronnie Hotdogs said:

Pretty sure I got spider mites off them too

It funny you say that as I've been growing for over 20 years and I never had a pest problem once in that time I didn't even know what gnats looked like 😂 then been battling them the full time along side the humidity I should of mentioned them as it sort of makes sense now after you said that . Im going to need to down tools in mean time and fingers crossed he gets nipped soon . 

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2 minutes ago, Lubdub said:

Get a piece of ducting and a fan and vent back into theirs :D

You know I might just do that get my humidifier running at full pelt in a tent the duct goes thru 😂 maybe fire  some hemp pollen thru the duct also start seed up his grows

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Simples, on passing just mention that you have damp in the loft and asks if his bathroom fan may have come loose and venting through into yours and suggest a soffit vent etc. say you might get a builder in if you can’t get to the bottom of it. I bet he gets it sorted out asap. Good luck 🤞🏼 

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Im with @Flamedodger be neighbourly and enquire, if he's a reasonable human he'll promptly shit himself and get it sorted ASAP.


If that doesn't work give him a dose of hemp pollen lol lol



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1 hour ago, HazyDaze said:

One of my neighbours prompted me about a failing filter recently, it was sorted within the hour! :scared:

Ive had that before lol

Transpired it wasn't me , my neighbour had two fuckin gurt disco biscuits in his garden 30ft away lol



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Is the mould in your loft where you were growing? Any chance this is from your previous grows and just took time and/or the right conditions to show itself? Just a thought mate, maybe your neighbour isn't doing anything at all? 

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if it was me, id have a word about the condensation /humidity etc, and just say, "youre not growing weed up there are ya hahahaha", and check his reaction.

and if he does fuck all, send in the male pollen, through your fan and ducting, thatll do it

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I love the way you're all suggesting HEMP pollen as if he'll be fine with thousands of seeds as long as the genetics are decent lol

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