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Solicitor has been on the phone with them.. There is no record of social services calling out, and health visitor says she's definitely not on child protection.. This is all fucking weird

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@AnonyMice Did you ask to see any ID on them? Or perhaps notice a colour of the nylon thing they hang on?


If the situation was shocking enough that you didn't, that colour will perhaps lead you in the right direction. We can't tell you anything about that unless you live were we do, these things vary - they vary over time also in a singular place - but due to that it can be an information source. There's probably a web page somehere that you'd be able to see pictures of them, if that suck in mine - if they even had id etc.


More thinking aloud, in the typey stoned way. Like you, we're mostly 'the fuck?' too!







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Posted (edited)

I didn't ask to see ID. The young social worker had been with a different social worker just days prior though. And different social workers have called in recent weeks to address the anonymous complaints. 

Also where I'm from they all have the same colour across the country. It will just be a different trust name on it. I'll get to the bottom of it. I'm not as livid today but thinking of it is getting me there ffs 

Edited by AnonyMice
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@AnonyMice I'm forever surprised by the variety of it all....Things a bit clearer/sorted out?


Those who wear the badges/ID here start with showing it, you shouldn't really have to ask.

Edited by j.o.i.n.t
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  • 2 weeks later...

the cherry on top. Full on house raid.. Left empty handed and gave me more evidence that the allegations are malicous. Very lucky, a week earlier and I'd be scooped with 12 seedlings .. Things are a bit clearer now  thankfully. This meeting is soon large.orca-image-1884586332.jpeg.93e6de94c919c28efc5bf70b420af2f4.jpeg

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Very lucky mate sounds like a nightmare hope things are on the up from here 

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I already knew from the start who it is man. It couldn't be going any worse tbh. Social services are awful. Hair follicle coming up to determine extent of usage and I smoked/ate distillate and other concentrates, thc disposable vapes etc. It in no way hinders my ability to parent. I don't smoke before or during work, when I get home I'll have a couple of course. They are basically saying if I'm a chronic user I'm an unfit parent. Meeting is all not in favour. 


I am damn sure a prescription will help ...

Hair follicle examiner "What medication have you taken recently"

 "Vaped 1g Indica last night"


Surely to fuck that excuses it?? 


I was getting a bit frustrated with the interrogating social worker and said ' it's been a medicine since 2018 & it's legal in many places' and she replied 'so you have a prescription from the GP then?'  .. I said no. But I think there's a possibility she wasn't going to go against a doctor from her tone. It's basically my only shot at this point as my thc levels are through the roof. 


Sounds bad but it's the social workers getting in my head. I work, build raised beds, bmx skateboard , cook clean , maintain house relationship and child. My point is I'm not a lazy stoner.. They get in my head and make me question my own self and had me broken the other day . 

Do apologise for the rant. I don't talk to many about it so it's good to let it out lol. 


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If you have a prescription then there's pretty much fuck all they can do so maybe concentrate on that? There are countless clinics who will take your money and you could literally book/pay for a consultancy when you get up in the morning. If you've been prescribed any traditional anti-anxiety or depression meds and they didn't make you feel better then you're more likely to be offered medicinal cannabis. 

Edited by Saddam
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@Saddam Thanks dude I'm going to get onto it. How long does it tales from first consultation to being approved.. I've had 2 anti depressants, anxiety and adhd medicine in my life. Don't take any meds now tho. Going to give them a ring

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Have a word with your GP and ask for a list of your old prescriptions, whichever company you use will want proof that you've tried at least 2 meds for anxiety, etc. Pay for a consultation, not sure what it costs now as there's quite a lot of competition between clinics, £50 maybe? You'll get it refunded if you don't get taken on.  Have a nice video chat with a cannabis friendly doctor and tell them all about your anxiety. Pay for prescription and wait for flowers or oil to arrive the next day. 

 I was with TMCC now called Lyphe and couldn't really fault their service although in the early days a lot of the high THC stuff was out of stock. 

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@Saddam thats solid advice man.


When I got turned over by the police it was off the back of an adult social services cause for concern, completely different kettle of fish that by the sounds of this, i was my mum's carer and an agency worker raised the issue.

My mum's social worker was appalled by the whole thing and couldn't apologise enough for the distress caused , i was very lucky mind you.


@AnonyMice im sorry they're dragging you through hell bro :(



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Appreciate the sound advice mate. I rang them this morning and they said the same thing you did pretty much. I’ll ring docs before work tomorrow and get my records emailed across and arrange a video link. 
Meeting didn’t go in our favour. Appeal scheduled. The previously nasty senior shocked me, and suggested they remove drug testing .. chairperson said no they’ll keep it on but they won’t test unless there’s concerns.. absolutely shocked me that woman could show compassion after the way she acted here. 
I think a prescription does excuse the use of it and I think they’ll leave me alone about it when I have one. I got that impression from the meeting. It didn’t go in favour but I don’t think they’ll be around for long. By the end I think they understood the claims were malicious and that cannabis was definitely not altering my mind. I made it clear I was unhappy with their poor assessment and decision. Had a professional statement and solicitor present. They did seem less concerned by the end and although their decision (which they’d already decided before they even held the meeting) wasn’t in favour they made it clear if we keep them happy theyll fuck off, in my words. 

bittersweet. All is clearer and hopefully going forward they use some diligence before jumping at false reports. 

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