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stardog- whats the appeal.


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@DeltaMelter Go for it dude, they have some truly exceptional genetics on offer, I'm yet to hear anything but A++ feedback and I've been telling everyone and his mother to give there beans a try. Prices aren't the cheapest, postage is quite expensive as well (order direct from them to get the good service and freebies), but they're worth every penny iny eyes and I a proper tight arse lol


Buy some and move them to the top of the list geez :hippy:.

Edited by MindSoup
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they better be....ikve just ordered a pack of the petrol skunk and silver haze.....


i blame you pair...........@MindSoup and @DeltaMelter


you know ive got no willpower......  gits


when i saw the road dawg in the peterol skiunk, welll.......it was a sign..........lol

Edited by badbillybob
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@badbillybob You'll find a keeper amongst them I'm sure. I don't know if either will be the sleep inducing sledgehammer you're searching for but you'll definitely find something you like. 

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7 minutes ago, badbillybob said:

when i saw the road dawg in the peterol skiunk, welll.......it was a sign..........lol

I did exactly the same as I'm an absolute tart for Karma beans.



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1 hour ago, MindSoup said:

Buy some and move them to the top of the list geez :hippy:.


After the barely averted disaster of my current run I might just do that. Be done for Christmas if I time it right.

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now you tell me lol.

thging is if it doesnt say the parentage and is just some name i just scroll on by , because finding out whats in them would mean effort, and im not keen on effort.


i ordered up these beans and the invoice came through on my email.

it said a following email would give me the details for mbank payment, but ive not had anything come through

Any of you who have dealt with them before, is this normal?

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@badbillybob anytihng email related with a bank account, sort code etc in it is probably getting picked up by your ISP/email address spam filters - that or its blocked completely.


Granted you probably don't want to contact your email provider over that...


Failing that maybe ring them and get the details the old fashioned way! I suppose if you don't follow up then it won't cost anything...

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the confirmation of order email was in my spam folder too.

i tried ordering with my cc but it said something about this method is not supported

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OSG? Yeah they do seem to have issues with payment on their website, if you give them an email and you'll be able to sort it out no worries :hippy:.

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@DeltaMelter I’ve also been feeling the pull to these OSG recently. Especially after recently reading the thread started by @MindSoup a few years ago. 
Going to wait and see if there’s any Black Friday discounts as it was mentioned in there that everything was 50% off last year. 

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i might do the same. they sent the link today, but it doesnt work when you click on it,

getting pissed off now

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Just email him geez. It's not a big operation like some other breeders/seed banks, so things are a little more personal. Think of it more like subbing to uk420 than putting an order in with attitude. 

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On 09/09/2024 at 16:00, MindSoup said:

Mentioned Petrol Skunk earlier in this thread, just thought I should mention that over a year after I cropped a tiny little Petrol Skunk plant with a fair amount of harvests since, the screen I use on the shelves in my drying fridge still has the greasy feeling stinky essence of that wee plant all over it. Not one to overlook!

I’m planning to get these. Think I saw them on old school genetics or Karma. One of the two. Just didn’t have the coin at the time. 
That and one other called Zam something or other.

These beans and 2 strains from Solfire gardens are the next purchase.



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OSG and Karma collaborate quite a bit and OSG stock Karma beans, so maybe Karma stock OSG stuff as well, never actually visited their website. But yeah grab some, you won't regret it. 

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