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stardog- whats the appeal.


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Posted (edited)

been smoking some dealer stardog, and...honestly.......its not great imho. buds are like stones, he says theyre not pgr to death but i dont believe it.....

i must be missing something, i cant see why its so popular....i mean yeah, its pretty potent, but buds have little smell and not a huge amount of trichs and the buzz is just a mong out. no hint of fuel/ sour diesel or that classic chem taste. maybe ive been had.....

maybe i should grow some proper stardog...is it cut only or any decent breeders out there, which youve tried?

or maybe i shouldnt bother my arse.....any thoughts? is it just a big yeilder n thats all its got going for it?

i couldnt taste any chemdog in it tbh...

@Amarillo slims new heavy indica sounds like a much better prospect if im honest

Edited by badbillybob
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Stardog is still a very good cultivar (when grown & cured properly) just like anything else I suppose. There are still many people out there that like it's punch in the face attributes and it's ability to leave you zombified for a few hours. Personally, nothing truly beats an UP feeling IMHO. Stardog just doesn't do that for me but it doesn't mean it's crap. Try growing it out yourself. It should be pungent, full of trichomes and every bit the successor to Chemdog. I wouldn't describe it as a big yielder but it should definitely have a strong whiff of Fuel, Pine and Diesel with just a hint of citrus at times. Very myrcene heavy.

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Posted (edited)

I'm sure homegrown stardog and dealer stardog are very different things. I wouldn't smoke that dealer stuff. All the keif shaken off then sprayed with something. That's why the buds are like stones.

Edited by Shogun
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The only time i ever been impressed by it was a fellow old git who done it outdoors. ,  flavour / density / trich covergae .....and a sit the fk down head hit almost instantly but it was enjoyable. 
Any indoors samples i have tried have just been ...forgettable with no real stand out features. 

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I've had good and bad Stardawg's from dealers.


But the appeal for Stardawg for me now is what can it be crossed with lol, Currently running Purple Stardawg 👍

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Posted (edited)

I think there’s a bunch of different cuts out there, which have been selected more for things like growth traits & yield, shiny, dense with knock-out type high, by crime groups who’s only interest is making a quick buck….    Just like if a farmer wanted to make money selling potato’s,  they’re gonna grow marris pipers ,  these guys are gonna do stardog or ammi….    And in the same breath, they’re probably gonna add some PGRs to bump the yield up further, while sacrificing the quality further….  


Sounds like you just got some of that kind of stuff….   Which would be worlds apart from some well grown manny cut…. 


1 hour ago, badbillybob said:

new heavy indica sounds like a much better prospect if im honest


You’re first on the list when I’ve got a ‘prototype’ to hand out….  Just one more gen and should be there..  Was literally just de-seeding some Limedawg S1s then saw your post haha 


Edited by Amarillo slim
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12 minutes ago, Amarillo slim said:

Was literally just de-seeding some Limedawg S1s

Nice :thumsup:

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yeah i think i just got unlucky with what he gave me.

i suspect its commercial grade bud, pgr'd to death, which is a pity, i was hoping for better.

He tells me the yoof cant get enough of it.....but then again......he would , wouldnt he lol.

probably better off, like you say, getting a hold of a genuine manny cut and growing my own.


look forward to yours more though - after your last description @Amarillo slim of it being a heavy hitter

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I tried some once, my friend was smoking it and I commented it smelt nice. Most smoke smells nice to me now though since I gave up smoking. I did try a bowl in the mighty and I thought it was OK. 

A chap I know from the pub says our town is awash with it, so much so that it goes for nearly half the price of other weed. I'll take his word for it as I wouldn't even know where to buy it :unsure:

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Alright there, 


Plenty of stardog round these parts too, the guy reckons it’s his best seller, it’s not terrible but it’s certainly not as desirable as any of my homegrown. Buds are a bit lacking in the smell flavour and trics and it seams to be quite twiggy too, not my favourite for sure.



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Posted (edited)

I used to hate on Stardawg and TBH it still isn't a favourite, but a nice example is quite exceptional, the potency can be absolutely off the chain. I think the main reason it flooded the streets is because you can grow it pretty badly, harvest early etc and it still gives a bumper yield of nugs that will sit people on their arse (which is apparently what most people want from a smoke). It's a victim of it's own success, bit like cheese, so hard to find a good example of it, but when you do it absolutely makes sense. From what I gather the Mani cut and the king robo (if they're not the same) are the cuts that are mainly used for the commercials, but I've smoked a few variants as well like Tres Dawg and the purple stardawg cut etc. It's originally from Top Dawg Seeds, not sure if they still sell it. 


I grew a Petrol Skunk from OSG which is road dawg x critical bilbo, that was an amazing smoke with powerful greasy onion/burger van smell that sticks to everything it touches. Effect was very Stardawg esque but more friendly and less mind melting. There's probably some closer renditions out there, but from what I see you grow and enjoy I reckon it would right up your street. Or maybe try the road dawg, that's from karma, stardawg X biker kush, again not sure if it's still available. 

Edited by MindSoup
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10 hours ago, Amarillo slim said:

Limedawg S1s


Looking forward to this, probably not the one to do any testing but once you've got the finished article I'll definitely be grabbing a pack. 

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Found with stardawg it was susceptible to herming and if you try and over run a week it can go from a decent looking short bush to dawg shit with powder mildew  🤣  that was my experience gelato is much the same nice short bushy structure lovely dark nugs but can get seeds I even with abit of stress.

off topic so sorry for jumping in here. I’ve  got 4 Humboldt mint og seeds the originals and got to be well over 8 years + old tried popping one with the water in glass technique but no joy they have been in the fridge so thought they should be preserved as best as I could. Any tricks ? Thought maybe a light scarification but never done that before. 

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11 hours ago, badbillybob said:

yeah i think i just got unlucky with what he gave me.

i suspect its commercial grade bud, pgr'd to death, which is a pity, i was hoping for better.

He tells me the yoof cant get enough of it.....but then again......he would , wouldnt he lol.

probably better off, like you say, getting a hold of a genuine manny cut and growing my own.


look forward to yours more though - after your last description @Amarillo slim of it being a heavy hitter

Around this way the youth are probably drawn to it because of the price. It’s become so cheap that most my mates don’t even bother dealing weed anymore. Suppose the youngsters still are. It’s the new cheese of london and always around. Figured just a cut shared amongst the Albanians and must yield well. Quality that I’ve seen is very hit or miss, sometimes it cheers me up coming across it as what I grow at home is so much better.

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, Greenfingers95 said:

Any tricks


If you look through the advancement of a cereal breed in the breeding section there's a whole post about it. So far the best for me has been liquid seaweed. I use doff at 3-5ml/L. Don't think I've tried to pop anything as old as 8 years though. 

Edited by MindSoup
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