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Been up to both plots this afternoon. 

Decided to give  mighty gold bx1's at site 1 miracle grow as they looking pale & need some food so gave them a ltr & half each. Rabbits have eaten the lower branches on most of the plants at site 1.was thinking deer had been munching on them first but surely deer would have eaten the plants from the top rather than the very bottom of the plants. 

Mighty golds at sight 2 are looking much bigger. I've opend up the biggest mg at site 2 . 

Picters of mighty golds at site 1







Mighty gold site 2





In the end I decided to go with bone meal & SOP to feed the exo golds this evening site 2. Here's a few pictures 




I watered in the ferts after taking the pictures. 

I pulled a few leaves off the mighty golds at site 2.any 1 got any idea what's caused the leaves to look like this? 


Just want to say if anyone can see if I'm doing anything wrong or plants look off or not looking right please let me know this is my second season & still very much a noob any help will be taken positively, constructively & very much appreciated 👍👍

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Yh man your doing gd bro , u fed some N so check in up say 3 days time then day 7 from feed, if say there still pale then feed again that's what I'd do , I dunno about septoria or not if u have it , I've never suffered with it luckily touch wood , but I'll probably get it eventually. 


Think yours have stretched some , thus depleted N 🤞you gave a golidilocks amount of npk and they do u well bro.

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I went with miraclegrow as lots of N- p-k. Plus no signs of flowering yet with the mighty golds. 

9 minutes ago, Brother B said:

Yh man your doing gd bro , u fed some N so check in up say 3 days time then day 7 from feed, if say there still pale then feed again that's what I'd do , I dunno about septoria or not if u have it , I've never suffered with it luckily touch wood , but I'll probably get it eventually. 


Think yours have stretched some , thus depleted N 🤞you gave a golidilocks amount of npk and they do u well bro.


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Yeah does look like N at sight a. Slightly pale green and yellowing lower leaves. 


e2a they still looking great buddy :)

Edited by CustardVape
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🤞🤞 They'll get a better tan in cuple of days but can't get bk up there till next Saturday morning. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Went up to both sites this morning.

All mighty golds BX1 are in early stages of flowering so I fed them all with SOP & bone meal. Plants are not looking picture perfect but they trucking on. Think I know where I've gone wrong this year I only used 1 box of chicken pellets for both grow sites where as last year I used a box each at both sites & that's why they haven't grown as big as last year & showing signs of low nitrogen. If any 1 thinks I'm wrong please just say so I can work out where I went wrong 👍

MG at site 1 have been mauled by the rabbits lots of branches missing. 

Site 1








Site 2

MG at site 2 looking much bigger & very open plants. 






Exo Gold BX1 at site 2 I'm hoping they'll be ready by end of september

but haven't got much faith in plant a as had to cut some rot off her ffs Mon. 





Some rabbit damage at site 1 on the MG's & some other strains




So I'm looking at end of October for the MG's to finish & end of September for the exo golds BX1. 

Next weekend I'll give exo golds they second feed of SOP but not sure to give them bone meal as well??? As it will be 4 weeks since I've fed them they first sop & bone meal. 

Water source as been a really big help this year



Here's a few pictures of the other strains I got out. 

Serious seeds S7 doing very well. 

Seedstockers critical xxl fast flowering are all into flower as well. Only strain that isn't showing signs of flowering is sweet seeds afghan delicious ff. 



Plan to get bk to sites nxt Saturday. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just read this whole diary. Wonderful plants mate and plot looks great too :yep: Nice one

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Stems are not shy so there will be bud,am surprised they are alive as you got no fences around :eek:


Good luck with the finish :lucky:

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16 hours ago, NorthernLightz said:

Just read this whole diary. Wonderful plants mate and plot looks great too :yep: Nice one

Thanks man very kind of u 👍

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14 hours ago, Herbal Kint said:

Stems are not shy so there will be bud,am surprised they are alive as you got no fences around :eek:


Good luck with the finish :lucky:

I just put cages around them when they were baby's. 

Thanks man 👍

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Visited grow sites Saturday morning. 

Mighty golds at site 1 MG'S buds are starting to show some shape. MG plant (a) is the furthest behind out of the 5 MG plants. Out of the 5 MG'S plant (c) is the only MG showing pink pistols. All MG'S at both sites had bone meal & SOP a week ago.

I decided to open out plant (b) at site 1 by putting stakes in the ground & tying the branches to the stakes. 

Wasn't much wind about Saturday but could feel the breeze & see the plants moving about with the breeze. 

Exo Gold BX1's at site 2 had they second feed of bone meal & SOP as they had they last feed 4 weeks ago. 

Buds are nice & chunky on exo Gold plant (a) but sadly did find rot on 1 bud so cut the whole bud off. 

Haven't found any more rot on exo Gold plant (b) gave both exo's a good inspection & couldn't find anymore rot but I know it's there lurking about just gonna have to get up to the plants more often to keep a close eye on them. Any way enough of me rambling on here's some pictures. 

Mighty gold's BX1 site 1







Site 2 MG'S are around 7ft mark give or take. 





Exo Gold BX1 site 2





Here's cuple of pictures of a few other breeders strains. 


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Looking awesome buddy I can see an absolute ton of buddage there! 👍 

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Thanks @Hole in the cloudsbut I'm bricking it at the moment as its heavy rain forecast all day & it's really humid outside. Got my self a box of gloves so going up in the morning to give each plant a right good going over & change my gloves for each plant.

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I’ll be doing same mate weather been absolute crap the long range promised half decent weather right now. Rain every day instead! 

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Tale of 2 story's this morning. 

MG bx1's are at both sites looking good & buds are growing as they should. No signs of mold I've been all over them & changing gloves on each plant inspection so all 5 have had a good audit & passed. 

Exo golds are really fattening up & as I thought there is rot on the lady's so cut out the rot on both plants. 

I think I'm gonna cut my losses & take exo Gold plant (b) next weekend she's gonna be easy 3 weeks b4 she's ready but I'd rather have something than nothing. 

Here's what's the humidity as been all week. 


Looking towards begging of October to take MG'S down but I'm going away for week so will be around the 10th of October Mark. 

Hopefully weather will sort itself out by then. 

Mist waiting for me at top of the mountain 



MG'S site 1








MG'S site 2







Exo-gold-bx1 site 2 


Buds on this plant are big, thick & rock hard. Plant above smells like washing powder & cheese 


I know plants don't look picture perfect but it is what it is, lesson learned. 


Found small bits of rot on 1 S7 plant so cut rot off & took a sample bud but 🤞🤞🤞 I can get all the s7's over the line for end of September 



Here's a few pictures of the other serious seeds s7's 



The cows I've been meeting every time I go up the mountain for last month 



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