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Was up at at both sites early this morning. All seems to be going well so far. Had to cut new ferns shooting up down at both sites down, it's mad how fast they grow in a space of a week. Mighty gold BX1's are flying along cuple of the plants have big fat indica fan leaves compared to the other 3 mighty golds. I gave the 1 mighty gold a 2nd foliage spray treatment because of the capsid bug damage but can already see in the new growth there's no evide of damage & all looks good but I did find 1 capsid bug on her. 

At site 2 2 of the mighty golds are showing sex. 

Since I planted out the mighty golds the only watering they had is when I planted them outdoors so tomorrow I'm going to give them a watering. 

I only visit the sites once a week, like to keep sites visits to a minimum. 


Mighty god BX1 site 1





Mighty gold attacked by capsid bugs 




You can see the new growth from last week with no problems, hopefully that's the end of the little bastards.  Here's the capsid bug I found. 



Mighty gold site 2











Here's a couple of picters of the whole of site 2

Left side




Right side of site 2



Last year I kept a lot of ferns up as a screen  for security but I decided to cut the lot down this year to help get more air in blowing around so hopefully keep the humidity down. 

But let's hope we don't have a wet summer like last year. 

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Just saw this plants and plot looking spot on its really opened up from last year should help out with air flow be lucky 

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Thanks @bfehillbilly much appreciated. Been keeping up to date with your diary as I'm running a few strains that you have outdoors.

Good luck buddy

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Hole in the clouds

Powerful looking plants they’re on the way to being a good size! Thick stems too. They look like cracking plots Im liking the gradient :) 

Looks like you could squeeze a couple more in 😉 

Don't do what some tit did though, I put the water source at the bottom of the hill! 😂 

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