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Hole In The Clouds RGS Diary 24

Hole in the clouds

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Visited the mixed strains plot and harvested a small mighty freeze and a nice looking freezeland. I’d left the lowers on the mighty freeze that auto’d. That went into the freezer for bubble. Loads of maintenance needed I made a start cleaning up the top half of the plot and took out bits of mould on the others need regular trips to keep on top of it now.

I visited the fucktard plot the other day but forgot to take photos. I’ve harvested the two fucktards that were pollinated by a male fucktard. Most of them were lost to bot as I left it so long between visits thinking the seeds needed to mature. I collected all the non mouldy stuff it’s drying and well I’ve got bloody millions of seeds! The one was squat and smells stunning like fruit-tella sweets the other was a bit more upright growth pattern and smells like freezeland. 

 The plot





Gorilla Dawg 




Exo Gold










Fast Lemon Cake


Mighty Gold



Freezeland towards the end of harvesting forgot to take photos before starting. 


Freezeland ibl 


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Looking good mucker !     


Awesome to see you scoring 👍          Plants looking pretty happy and not a million miles away.


All the best with uit

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Some updates. Need to catch up. I’ve started bringing some buds home now, been busy. A lot is still weeks away though everything seems late this year. Not sure how that’s going to end up. Im losing a fair bit to rot also, which is to be expected. I did lose a whole big Exo Gold that was looking fine one day thought I’d give it a few days then the next day it had all rotted! Gutted. I’ve lost a few small plants where the septoria has just ripped through them and they became unsalvageable. Still there’s plenty left cooking not sure how this seasons going to pan out with regards yield, good or bad I don’t know yet! Fingers crossed, let’s see how it pans out.

Harvested 3 plants from the mighty freeze plot last week. Forgot to photograph them before the chop but wasn’t much to see to be honest no leaves left but the buds were dense. I’ve got four left here will have a look in a few days see how they getting on.







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Couple of visits to the multi strain plot. There’s lots of work here trying to keep on top of things. What with the septoria, checking for bot and just general maintenance. Another visit due to all plots next few days to check on the girls as there been some proper windy weather this week. 


Mighty Gold


Fast Lemon Cake


Fast Lemon Cake




Gorilla Dawg


Freezeland IBL


Exo Gold


A late plant out Mighty Freeze harvested and the top of the Freezeland in the photo above.


Fast Lemon Cake


Exo Gold whole plant lost to rot :( 


Mighty Freeze bed 



Exo Gold


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@Hole in the clouds congrats on getting a bit of bud across the line buddy :)

sorry to hear of all the loss to bot but it's a given in this game as you know.

like you say with all the wet weather and the shit show of a so called summer everything is a little late and that just makes these losses so much greater.

not much we can do as it's all down to momma nature and lady luck right about now.

try to stay positive, what will be will be, we just got to roll with it.

fingers crossed for you mucker 🤞


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