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Pre-mixed No Till Soil


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Very cool, Soup. Looks like a a great mix. That ingredient list on the eco-life gets me excited, I'd definitely use it if it were available around these parts. Will you be pre-soaking the mix or is it ready to pot and go?

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Yeah mate it's good shit, I don't know why I let the Coco out me off so badly TBH, it doesn't even look like it has a huge amount of it anyway lol. Should be fairly easy to replicate, it's basically just coots mix but with a bit of Coco and a few tweaks to the dry amendments. This stuff is ready to go now, I'll water the girls in with some Biosys and then add the top layer from the old bed to the new to get the biodiversity going. 

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Yeh a bit of coco shouldn't hurt anything as long as it's a small amount and doesn't start to mess with the pH. I added a bit to my bins and it's made the mixture nice and fluffy after a few runs made it a bit sandy to work with. Glad your search is over, plants don't know how good they are about to get it :skin_up:

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Yeah like you say it shouldn't hurt and I'm sure the guys making it know more than me about soil, well I hope they do anyway lol. Yeah mate they're gunna be flying with any luck. 

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