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One Man, One Plot and some Real Gorillas

dingo bingo

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plants looking nice and bushy will be eager to see the final result.

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Looking lovely, well on track , strange the colour difference.

In for a great haul good luck 🤞 

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10 hours ago, Brother B said:

I'm using ecothrive life cycle this year as top dress , plants have been lush and healthy throughout , really happy with there dry ferts.


Good shit , ur plants looking healthy , the lighter green ones , u gunna give a heavy bit of N or just leave as is .


Hadn't thought of that but makes sense! Will you use any more this season or just going for a potassium hit now?


Thanks man. I'm not sure tbh, went with bonemeal instead of chicken manure pellets because I thought the plants wouldn't need the K from CMPs when they'll be getting SoP soon. Adding CMPs now could be too much? Maybe give them a high dose of Fish Mix when I water them this weekend?

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Yh man , what u said , I've given a dose of poultry manure pellets and bone meal , sop next week then re apply , to all plants needing it.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Haven't been able to get to the plot much recently, previous visit was almost two weeks ago until I got down there yesterday. Spent most of my time there yesterday just weeding after the warm temp's, sunshine and rain has got lots trying to spread in to my beautiful beds.


I'm kicking myself because I only got a topdressing of sulphate of potash down yesterday which I think is quite late? Also just had enough to give them about 70ml each - no idea how that compares to the recommended handful..... After scratching it into the soil I watered it in by giving the plants about 1L each (not enough time to get more water from the river) with some Bio Bizz Bloom (2ml/L) and root stimulant added.


I've also been late to get some bamboo canes out to support the plants and because of that there's been a casualty......



I'll be back at the plot tomorrow to get the canes in place but I may just chop this one if it can't be help up easily as it's not really started flowering yet and it's touching the plant next to it.


Anyway, here's the obligatory standard group shot.....





Here's an OPG x FT at the front of bed 1, it's got some good sized nugs developing nicely.....




An OPG x Zoap here....





And the early flowering / auto? FLC - looking almost ready to chop?







And finally, my essential and favourite bit of kit for GG - the billhook....




Thanks for checking in!  :smokin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back at the plot on Sunday - getting really exciting now seeing the buds develop on most of the plants.


The standard group shot....




Main objective of the day was to harvest the early flowering Fast Lemon Cake. Not sure if it's the genetics or my fault for not adding sulphate of potash early enough (and then adding too much too late for this one which looks like it's caused some nute burn) but the buds on it are quite airy and not at all dense - still, there's lots of buds on it and the airy nature make them less susceptible to budrot so it's all good. Something I've been wondering is if there's Auto/Semi-auto genes in it - I guess keeping a mother isn't possible? Forgive my ignorance but I know nothing about Autos....










There's significant difference between the 3 Fast Lemon Cakes. The early flowering/auto/semi-auto variety, there's this beautiful specimen doing very well and then the third one is the plant which collapsed - perhaps that's the cause, but it looks like it's two or three weeks behind in terms of flowering. Either way, I'm going to chop it down on the next visit because it didn't seem to want to stand up again and having buds so close to the ground doesn't seem wise... Really looking forward to seeing how this FLC does over the next few weeks!






I'm really impressed with the OPG x Zoap, all three plants are doing very well - good vigour, a lovely skunky smell and they look like they're gonna be big yielders too. Seems like there's two pheno's, this one with typical looking buds and the other two have different looking buds that seem tighter but these have the really skunky smell to them.








One of the other kind of OPG x Zoap....








The 2 OPG x Fucktards are also doing well. Two distinct variations, this one at the front of bed one with so many nugs all over it.....






....and the other OPG x FuckTard has some lovely pink pistils developing. Not as far in to flowering which you can tell from the buds but also how big the plants is - a priority task for next visit is to prune the inner growth to open her up to more air circulation.






I'm feeling disappointed with the OPG x FreezeLand at this point. There's 3 of them out but none of them have really started flowering yet and their general health and vigour is lacking too. Perhaps it's my fault though? They're drooping a bit so maybe they're just quite thirsty - it had been dry here for a while until yesterday when it poured down all day so the next visit will be interesting to see how they're doing since getting a good soaking.




The collapsed FLC on the left and a OPG x FL on the right.....










Any ideas on what's troubling the OPG x FL?


I've got a busy couple of weeks ahead of me so the next visits will be brief but I'll try to update the diary each week. Here's hoping for low humidity and plenty of sunshine! 🤞


Thanks for popping in, DB.  :smokin:

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Try some Epson salts I reckon.  Dissolve it into 5 Litres of water and top feed 

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14 hours ago, Tommy tucker said:

Try some Epson salts I reckon.  Dissolve it into 5 Litres of water and top feed 


You mean for the poorly looking OPG x FL's?

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