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One Man, One Plot and some Real Gorillas

dingo bingo

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Looking very happy & healthy sir 👍


Just keep em this happy and your in for a nice flower show :thumsup:


All the best with it mate

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A couple of visits this week to crack on with clearing some space for new beds next year and to give the plants a little water. Plants are looking good, only issue is they've grown out their small bamboo canes and I'm thinking it's too early to LST them? So might get a bigger stake for them before I do LST.





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If it was me dude i would start bending them over.

Be gentle with them when bending and u will be rewarded come harvest time.

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3 hours ago, murphyblue said:

If it was me dude i would start bending them over.

Be gentle with them when bending and u will be rewarded come harvest time.


Thanks mate I'll try and get there and get on it. Is it a matter of bend it once and leave it or can you do it gradually over a few visits to bend them further and further?

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Sorry dude only just seen your question.

Yes mate bend them over a few visits a bit at a time less chance of something snapping.


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Never too early to lst in my opinion.looking good man good luck 

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I agree with both above, get them trained out for yield m, pull them over next visit I would :yep: loooking good,

put some canes and tie them over one way and get light to the lowers!! Maybe do it on one or two to get familiar with it and be firm but gentle if mfthat makes sense 

keep it up bro!!



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Back at the plot today, all looking good besides the soil seeming quite dry despite having a lot of rain - plants look healthy regardless though. Gave them a little watering while I was there, they had a litre each with 3ml/L of Fish Mix added. Still getting by without any slug pellets or chicken wire in use. Main task at the plot today after checking up on them was to start with LST.


The group shot before any LST....





One of the three Fast Lemon Cookies has started flowering much earlier than I anticipated, it's the one which I thought looked more sativa than the others (slender/thin leaves etc).







And here's how the LST has started, I won't be back at the plot until next weekend when I'll try to bend some of them further. To LST I cut some old spare 19x38mm timbers to about 80cm lengths, drilled a hole in one end and cut a sharp point at the other. I used a rubber mallet to pound them deep in to the soil and then tied the plants down with soft twist tie by making a loose loop around the stems and feeding the other end through the hole on the timber. After that I pruned some of the lower branches too.......










Fingers crossed we get some more sun and higher temp's this week!






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Hi Dingo. Lookin good. They gonna be proper beasts. Such a nice open spot . Think ya gonna get a good yeild with those! It is a GG spot yea? Looks bangin


all the best with it 

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4 hours ago, Erbman T said:

Hi Dingo. Lookin good. They gonna be proper beasts. Such a nice open spot . Think ya gonna get a good yeild with those! It is a GG spot yea? Looks bangin


all the best with it 


Thanks bro, I hope so - just worried now that they're not spaced far enough apart from each other. It is a treasure for sure, hence why I've only got the one this year as I put in some work to expand it instead of look for another plot. Fingers crossed! Yeah it's GG, second year at the plot - last year I put in minimal effort just to see if they'd get ripped or not, someone had previously tried growing very near this spot (they left overgrown chicken wire in long sedge grass just a stone's throw from my plot which is in the middle of a mass of brambles). I'm excited for next year already - gonna add 3 more 6 x 1m beds to the 2 that's already there.


Cheers! :smokin:

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Lovely set of plants you got there and good cool on the bending, makes a massive difference. That looks like such a sweet spot, really liking the camping chair under the trees, got to be a nice place to chill and watch the plants! How's things been weather wise? Been nice on the indoor front as been able to run bigger bulb than I would have with last years temps, but was wandering how that was affecting the GGs.

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8 minutes ago, btk1977 said:

Lovely set of plants you got there and good cool on the bending, makes a massive difference. That looks like such a sweet spot, really liking the camping chair under the trees, got to be a nice place to chill and watch the plants! How's things been weather wise? Been nice on the indoor front as been able to run bigger bulb than I would have with last years temps, but was wandering how that was affecting the GGs.


Thank you bro, yeah straight away I realised the difference the LST will make - the lower branches were immediately above the main cola / growing tip so there's gonna be lots of lovely sized rot-free colas hopefully! I am really lucky to have found it - despite not using any chicken wire or slug pellets I have had no trouble from the hooved or slime brigades. There's a stream nearby too for water access and I can drive close enough to hump bags of manure/compost over on foot without too much effort. It's still a work in progress and early days but the brambles around the camping chair are about 6 foot tall so I'm training them to form an arch and then cutting back the old dead brambles so I can have a little shelter inside - I'm on a tolerance break at the moment but there's nowhere else I'm looking forward to smoking a spliff than that camping chair :rofl:


Not great, bits of sunshine but low temp's like you say - down to 13c tonight. I think some of the plants are still showing some new signs of frost/cold damage (pink/purple marks on the uppermost new growth).

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32 minutes ago, dingo bingo said:

There's a stream nearby too for water access and I can drive close enough to hump bags of manure/compost

Sounds like a dream mate


those plants r gonna be beasts trust


May the force be with



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@dingo bingo I'd forgotten myself just how much of a different LST makes, doing my first grow after 2-3yr break due to irl stuff and remembered about it just in time, made a massive difference to the amount of big bud sites that have formed, should have a lot less popcorn bud.


That sounds so sweet, perfect setup, especially having a smoke under the bramble arch:oldtoker: Doing a GG is still on my to do list, but being in a very urban location these days makes it a bit more complicated, but one day I'll tick it off my bucket list 


Yeh night temps in particular have been a lot cooler, remember than patch last year when it wasn't dropping below low 20s at night, was brutal, but presumably better for the outdoor girls.


Best of luck it with it all, will be following along :oldtoker:

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