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One Man, One Plot and some Real Gorillas

dingo bingo

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So it took a lot longer than expected but I got everything planted out yesterday. Got 11 out consisting of 3 each of Fast Lemon Cake, OPG x Freezeland, OPG x Zoap and 2 OPG x Fucktard. Chicken wire cages were added after the picture was taken (in the dark) and I'll be going back later today or tomorrow to add slug deterrents - thinking straw and copper tape....




There's been some rain today but even more sunshine with daytime temp's around 15c and dropping to 8 or 9c overnight. Looking better from Sunday onwards with temp's up to around 18c and 11c+ overnight.


Super excited to see how they get on, may the gods shine down on them. :magic:

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You might want to add slug pellets dude with all the rain we been having they been out in force.

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I asked in the mulch thread, the new wildlife safe ones don't seem much use apparently? They seem to get washed away after a couple days folk said.


I've got a 7 strong reserve squad currently sat in the garden in their 1.4L pots still. I'll check up on the plot in the next few days and if slugs have devoured any plants I can plant out some from the garden and then go heavy with slug pellets or similar.


I did see some advice to counter slugs on a regular gardening forum.... spraying plants with a garlic infused water, mulching around the base of plants with dried bramble branches and slug wool pellets - anyone had any luck with any of these?

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I bought expensive organic pellets and going on yesterdays plot run they do work very little slug damage.

But as u say they did get washed away so i chucked more around yesterday.


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I reckon plot visit twice a week with em I've left it longer and noticed more munching if left longer  even more if it's raining or wet i.e every other day. 

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Get some pellets down it’s dry for a few days now so they won’t dissolve.

They’ve been having a nibble here and there with me. I did have one seedling get destroyed been bad this year when I walk home there’s a grassy section and with a headtorch on it’s been absolutely plastered in them. 
I started putting pellets down before planting out this year to try and get on top of them. 

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I tried those wool pellets they made like a crust on the surface. Not for me I like to top dress. 

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On 13/06/2024 at 14:10, geo1 said:

fuckers have decimated about a 3rd of my first wave

Slimey bastards, fuking hate them with a vengeance..sorry to hear this geo I hope you have plenty more out so you can get those jars filled 👍

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The feric phosphate ones do work you just need to keep applying them if its wet but imo there the only sure fire way to keep these fukers off our plants..everything else is a waste of time, copper tape isn't worth a wank i found loads just chilling out on top of the tape over the years.

These fukers are relentless pellets pellets and more pellets :wallbash:

Edited by Revive
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First visit to the plot today since planting out last week and it seems I'm very lucky to have minimal slime brigade activity on the plot - couldn't see any slug damage at all despite having no slug pellets out. There are a lot of birds in the immediate area and I noticed quite a bit of bird poo on the plot so perhaps they're feasting on the slugs? Generally the plants look like they've settled in well and are already a good few inches taller.


I would've gave them a water while there but it was this morning and sun was baking so I thought the water would just evaporate off the soil before the roots got to it. No rain forecast soon so I'll try and go there on an evening to give the plants a good watering.


Heres the group....



One of the three Fast Lemon Cake looking good....



The only thing I wasn't pleased with today is seeing these marks on the tops of a few plants - is it frost damage?


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Looking good mate 👍


Im guessing the feathered brigade are clearing up your slime brigade ,  its also been a tad drier so there may just be less activity 😎


the colouration on the fresh growth is more likely to be the cold. 

Fingers crossed mate and all the best with it.

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2 hours ago, dingo bingo said:

The only thing I wasn't pleased with today is seeing these marks on the tops of a few plants - is it frost damage?

Yeah it’s been the cold nights buddy Ive been getting the same. We should be past that now though. They’ll be fine. 

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I've said once and I'll say it again.  Get some cages on them ASAP.  Trust me mate.  Some deer or rabbits will find that nice clearing you have and munch the lot. Better save the sorry. Good work btw. Looking great 👍 

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On 20/06/2024 at 23:01, Tommy tucker said:

I've said once and I'll say it again.  Get some cages on them ASAP.  Trust me mate.  Some deer or rabbits will find that nice clearing you have and munch the lot. Better save the sorry. Good work btw. Looking great 👍 


Thanks brother. I haven't got cages on them yet, managed without them last year which I think is down to the plot being completely surrounded by dense 6ft tall brambles. The path I cut through the brambles to get in and out is blocked off with a metal trellis framed on bamboo canes so hopefully that'll be enough. I have got some chicken wire there though so I may as well use it just in case - gonna get some around the bottom of the plants later this week.


I went to the plot late yesterday evening to give them a good soak as it's been so warm and dry here. Fortunate to have a river nearby so I could get 40L to the plot fairly easily, works out at about 3.6L for each plant with some Maxicrop Seaweed extract added too. No rain forecast any time soon and 27c here today and tomorrow so I'm probably gonna make another visit to water again later in the week - how often would people recommend watering? And how much each time?


Plants are all looking good! A few inches taller, bigger leaves coming on and thick woody stems developing - making me think I should LST them sooner rather than later. Would've got some photos but I forgot my camera :doh:




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Paid a quick visit to the plot last night to give them another watering after the heatwave this week and no rain for as long as I can remember..... Gave them all 4L each with 2ml/L of Fish Mix added in.


First good sign was being able to smell them just before I could see them and then upon sight I was very please to see how much they've progress in a few days since watering them on Monday - a good few inches taller, thicker stems, bigger leaves reaching up for the sun and generally good vigour. The average height of them now is about 70cm, will LST them soon by tying them down towards the north so the lower branches stretch up. Not sure if the good progress is down to the so much sun and heat or the 4L they each had on Monday? Or, most likely, both? It's tempting me to get there more often to water anyway - how often do folk water during dry spells?


Was going to add wire cages last night but I forgot to bring pegs to hold them down :doh:


Spent a bit of time assessing the plot for (hopefully) future years, there's a couple of short trees close to the plot that shade the plot from about 6pm so I may trim them down at some point this year. Generally the plot is surrounded by dense brambles approx. 5-6 foot tall but theres a couple spots where they're much lower so I spread what chicken manure pellets were left over those spots yesterday to hopefully get the brambles growing more.


Some photo's from last night....


Group shot at about 6:30pm just after the sun gets behind some nearby trees.



A particularly indica leaning OPG x Fucktard.



And a more sativa looking Fast Lemon Cake compared to the other FLCs.



Next visit will be early next week to get the chicken wire cages in place, cut back vegetation for next year's new beds and maybe start LST. Will try and give them another watering too if I have the time :hippy:




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